Selected publications of Dr. R. Justin Joseyphus

Title: Fundamentals of 57Fe Mössbauer Spectrometry
Authors: R. Justin Joseyphus and Jean-Marc Greneche
Publisher: Springer-Nature, Singapore
Year: 2024
Link: Springer
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Covers all aspects of 57Fe Mössbauer Spectrometry. Hyperfine parameters of Fe-based alloys, spinel ferrites, magnetic garnets, orthoferrites, hexaferrites, antiferromagnetic materials, crustal materials and superconducting materials could be obtained from this book. Applications in earth sciences, life sciences, extraterrestrial studies, and superconductivity are also covered. Answers for many fundamental questions in Mössbauer Spectrometry could be understood from the first few chapters. For example:
What is the origin of isomer shift?
What determines the Mössbauer linewidth?
What happens to the spectrum in the presence of an applied magnetic field, single crystals etc?
What is the origin of the hyperfine field? What factors influence them?
How is quantum harmonic oscillator potential related to the Mössbauer spectrum?
What are the Mössbauer hyperfine parameters of 1D, 2D and 3D materials?
What are selection rules and how are they related to Mössbauer spectrometry?
What are and how the spectra transform at the: Curie temperature, Néel temperture, compensation temperature, Verwey transition temperature, Morin transition temperature, spin-reorientation temperature, Debye temperature, blocking temperature, superconducting transition temperature, order-disorder transition temperature, helimagnetic transition temperature?
What happens to the spectral patterns under pressure: structural phase transformation, high-spin to low-spin tranformation, spin-reorientation etc. of various materials?
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