Dr.D.Lenin Singaravelu
Dr. D. Lenin Singaravelu

Course |
Institution |
Year of Completion |
Ph.D. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering) |
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667 |
May 2008 |
M.E. (Production Engineering) |
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608002 |
February 2002 |
B.E. (Mechanical & Production Engineering) |
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608002 |
May 2001 |
- Professor, Department of Production Engineering, NIT, Trichy, March 2024 to Till date.
- Associate Professor, Department of Production Engineering, NIT, Trichy, March, 2018 to March 2024.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Production Engineering, NIT, Trichy, Dec. 2008 to March, 2018.
- Lecturer, Department of Production Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, June 2008 to November 2008.
Area of Specialization
- Friction Materials
- Tribology
- Powder Metallurgy
- Processing of Polymers
- Renewable Energy
- Shape Memory Alloys
- Composites Processing
Course Taught
- Casting and Welding Technology
- Manufacturing of Non-Metallic Products
- Introduction to Friction Composites
- Processing of Friction Composites
- Metrology, Quality and Safety Engineering
- Smart Materials Design and Fabrication
- Design for Manufacture and Assembly
- Reliability, Maintenance and Safety Engineering
- Engineering Mechanics
Granted (02)
- An Indian Patent entitled, “Metal“Metal Sulfide Coated Mineral Fibers based Friction Materials and Method of Producing the Same,” Patent No. 537965, dated 14-05-2024.
- An Indian Patent entitled “Iron based cermet friction materials/composites/ brake elements with built-in backing plates” Patent No. 260479, dated 06-05-2014.
Filed (01)
- An Indian Patent entitled, “Process for Manufacturing Synthetic Plastic Polymer-Based Article by Recycling and Reusing Automobile Component Production Waste”. Application No.202041050724 A, dated 04-12-2020.
Projects (03 Ongoing)
Industrial project (01)
- Received long-term Industrial supporting project in association with Rane Brake Linings, Chennai, with the sponsorship of Dynamometer Friction Test Rig (worth Rs. 3 Crore), a unique testing facility for the performance characterization of brake pads/linings under near actual conditions, since from March 2020.
Sponsored project (02)
- Mentor for Dr. S. Kumar, Associate Professor, KPR Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, under the project entitled “Development and Characterization of Novel Additive Manufactured Functionally Graded Aluminium Composite for Energy Efficient Brake Rotor Application (TAR/2021/000068)” under SERB-TARE scheme from December 2021-December 2024. (Total Cost – 18.33 Lacs).
- Being a Mentor for Dr. B. Suryarajan, Associate Professor, B. S Abdul Rahman College of Engineering, Chennai, under the project entitled “rGO Coated Steel Fiber with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity and Wear resistance for Copper-Free Brake pads (TAR/2021/000070)” under SERB-TARE scheme from December 2021-December 2024. (Total Cost – 18.33 Lacs)
Ph.D. Supervision (10)
Completed (05)
- Dr. Sathiyamoorthy G, thesis entitled “Development and characterization of copper-free friction composites for automotive brake applications” 2024, Role: Main Supervisor
- Dr. Cijo Mathew, thesis entitled “Development of carbon-based composite bipolar plates for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells” April 2024, Role: Main Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Dr. N. Samsudeen.
- Dr. S. Ramakrishnan, thesis entitled “Experimental Investigations on surface integrity characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V alloy during abrasive waterjet machining”, 2024, waterjet machining” 2024, Role: Main Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Dr. V. Senthil Kumar.
- Dr. A. Abhilash, thesis entiltled, “Processing and characterization of polymeric products through rotational molding process”, May 2021. Role: Main Supervisor.
- Dr. Vijay R, thesis entitled, “Development of non-asbestos organic and semi-metallic friction materials for brake applications”, June 2020, Role: Main Supervisor.
- Dr. A. Uthiraphi thesis entitled, “ Experimental studies on machining of Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) alloy using Electric Discharge Machining”, March 2018, Role: Main Supervisor.
Ongoing (05)
- Mr. M. Muthusamy (FT), research area “Brake Friction Material” – joined in July 2021
- Mr. Shyyam Sundar (FT), research area “Brake Friction Material” – joined in July 2024.
- Mr. Subba Reddy (PT – On campus), research area “Incremental Forming” – Joined in July 2018
- Mr. Justin Antony raj. I(PT - Oncampus), research area “Brake Friction Material”- joined in July 2016.
Professional Recognition/ Award / Prize / Certificate, Fellowship
- Editor’s Choice Article in Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, October 2024.
- Top 2% of scientists recognized by Stanford University and Elsevier in 2023 under the single-year citation category.
- Most cited article in last three years in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2023
- Top 2% of scientists recognized by Stanford University and Elsevier in 2022 under the single-year citation category.
- Top downloaded article during its first 12 months of publication in Polymer Composites Journal, Wiley Publications, 2022.
- Top 2% of scientists recognized by Stanford University and Elsevier in 2021 under the single-year citation category.
- Best Research Award in Friction Journal in 2019.
- Highly cited article in the Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019
- DST-SERB Travel grant for presenting an article in the Wear of Materials (WOM 2019) Conference on April 14-18, 2019, in Miami, Florida, USA.
- DST-SERB Travel grant for presenting an article in the 33rd SAE Brake Colloquium and Exhibition held on October 4-7, 2015, in Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
Short term course organized: 04
TEQIP-II Sponsored Short term course on ‘Advanced Materials Processing: Microstrural Design and Analysis’ organized by Department of Production Engineering, NIT Trichy, held at National Institute Technology Tiruchirappalli on Feb16-18, 2017.
TEQIP-II Sponsored Short term course on ‘Processing of Smart Materials’ organized by Department of Production Engineering, NIT Trichy, held at National Institute Technology Tiruchirappalli on July 11-16, 2016.
DST – SERB sponsored Two Days National Workshop on “Brake Friction Materials: Past, Present and Future” organized by Department of Production Engineering, NIT Trichy, held at National Institute Technology Tiruchirappalli on November 5-6, 2015.
TEQIP-II Sponsored Short term course on ‘Surface Engineering for Tribological Applications’ organized by Department of Production Engineering, NIT Trichy, held at National Institute Technology Tiruchirappalli on June 10-12, 2013.
Acted as Conference chair/Technical Committee Member for various International/National Conferences.
Journal Reviews
- Wear
- Tribology International
- Journal of Biological Macromolecules
- Heliyan
- Polymer Composites
- Tribology Transactions
- Industrial Lubrication and Tribology
- Journal of Industrial Textiles
- Materials Research Express
- Materials and Design
- International Journals: 75
- International Conferences: 28
- Book Chapters: 05
Selected publications
- Sathyamoorthy, G, Vijay R, Rangappa, S.M., Siengchin, S., D Lenin Singaravelu, “Exploring the tribological impact of micaceous additives in copper-free automobile brake friction composites”, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, pp1-19, July 2024.
- Vijay Raghunathan, G. Sathyamoorthy, Vinod Ayyappan, D. Lenin Singaravelu, Sanjay Mavinkere Rangappa, Suchart Siengchin, “Effective utilization of surface-processed/untreated Cardiospermum halicababum agro-waste fiber for automobile brake pads and its tribological performance, Raghunathan, V., Sathyamoorthy, G., Ayyappan, V., Rangappa, S.M.,
- Sathyamoorthy, G., Vijay, R., Lenin Singaravelu, D., “Brake friction composite materials: A review on classifications and influences of friction materials in braking performance with characterizations”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2022, 236(8), pp. 1674–1706.
Stepping Stones in the Brake Friction Materials field of research
- Delivered an invited talk and presentation in collaboration with Kasturi Metals Composites Pvt. Ltd., Amaravati, at the ASIA Brake 2024 Conference, March 04-05, 2024, at New Delhi, India, and made active participation in all the sessions of the conference.
- The influence of micaceous minerals was presented in India Tribology Conference (India-Trib 2022), in December 12-14, 2022, organized by IIT Delhi and Tribology Society of India. Article published in the Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology
- Delivered a keynote speech on “Metallo-Ceramic Brake Friction Material” at the 4th Railway Brake Conference at SRM University, Chennai, India, in December 2019 and made active participation in all the sessions of the conference.
- The Influence of Cashew Friction Dust article was presented in 22nd International Conference on Wear of Materials (WOM 2019) held on April 14-18, 2019, in Miami, Florida, under the Sponsorship of the DST-SERB International Travel Scheme. Article published in WEAR journal.
- Active Participation in all the 3rd Railway Brake Conference sessions on July 10-11, 2018, at Beijing, China.
- Organized two days National Workshop on “Brake Friction Materials: Past, Present, and Future (BFMPPF)” inaugurated by Dr. Jayashree Bijwe, Professor (HAG) at IIT Delhi, and Mr. Vengatramani, Vice-President of Hindustan Composites Ltd. Aurangabad, Maharashtra, where 26 industrial and 14 academic professionals were participated. Five industry exhibit stalls were also displayed.
- Influence of crab shell power filler SAE Brake Colloquium, Charleston, North Carolina, USA, October 04-07, 2015, under Sponsorship of DST-SERB ITS Scheme including registration fees. Article published in SAE Technical paper.
- Active participation in all the sessions of the ASIA Brake Conference. February 12- 15, 2015 at New Delhi, India.
- Active participation in all the sessions in the International Workshop on Asbestos-Free Friction Composites – IV (IWAFFC-IV, 2014) on February 13-14, 2014, organized by the Industrial Tribology and Machine Dynamics Centre at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India.
- Active participation in all the sessions in the International Workshop on Asbestos-Free Friction Composites – I (IWAFFC-I, 2006) on Jan 05-06, 2006, organized by the Industrial Tribology and Machine Dynamics Centre at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India.
- Completed Ph.D. degree entitled “Development of Friction Materials through Powder Metallurgy” under the invaluable guidance of Prof. Dr. P. S. Misra and Prof. Dr. K Chandra, MMED, in 2004-2008 at IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.
Professional Bodies
- Tribology Society of India – Life Member
- Powder Metallurgy Association of India – Life Member
- Society of Automotive Engineers – Life Member
Contact Address
Dr. D. Lenin Singaravelu
Department of Production Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli,
Tiruchirappalli – 620015,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Email: dlenin@nitt.edu.
Phone: +91- 431-2503522
Fax: +91-431-2500133