B.Sc. B.Ed.

Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) / B. Sc. B. Ed. (Grant of Recognition)

WHEREAS, terms of sections 14/15(1) of the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) Act, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu – 620 015 has applied for Grant of Recognition to National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu – 620 015 for Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) online on 30/05/2023, in Southern Regional Committee, for the session 2024-25.

AND WHEREAS, on scrutiny of the application, the affidavit submitted and the inspection report received from the visiting team and the compliance report of intent submitted by the institution, the committee is satisfied that the applicant fulfills the requirements under the provisions of NCTE Act, Rules and relevant Regulations including the Norms and Standards for the said Teacher Education program such as instructional facilities, infrastructural facilities, financial resources, etc., for running the said program.

NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers vested under section 14/15(3) (a) of the NCTE Act, 1993, the Southern Regional Committee, NCTE granted recognition to National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu – 620 015, from the academic session 2024 – 25 under Clause 7 (16) of NCTE (Recognition Norms & Procedure) Regulations, 2014 as amended from time for conducting the following courses under ITEP: -

Sl. No.




Duration of the Programme


B.Sc., B.Ed.


1 Unit

(50 seats / unit)

4 Year

To initiate the process, the formation of the following committee is established:


     Dr. S.T. Ramesh, Dean (Academic) - Chairperson (Centralized Admission Committee)

Title of the programme:

  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and
  • Bachelor of Education (B.Sc. B.Ed. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry).


The curriculum pertains to mathematics, physics, and chemistry, which aligns with the B.Sc. B.Ed. program and is on par with the content covered in a B.Sc. program specializing in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

  • For Example, (B.Sc. B.Ed. Mathematics)
    • The program places a major emphasis on Mathematics, with Physics and Chemistry as minor components.
    • The educational content within the B.Sc.B.Ed. program is equivalent to that of a dedicated B.Ed. program.


The ITEP envisages multiple entry and exit points and re-entry options with appropriate certifications.

  • Candidates who wish to exit after successful completion of three years (six semesters) will be awarded a Bachelor's Degree in the chosen Major area of study upon securing a minimum of 120 credits and satisfying the minimum credit requirements of 48 credits for the Major.
  • Student-teachers who complete four years (eight semesters) of study will be awarded a dual-major Bachelor's degree such as B.Sc.B.Ed.  upon securing a minimum of 160 credits, including a minimum of 80 credits for the first major (i.e., in education), and a minimum of 48 credits for the second major (i.e., in a disciplinary/interdisciplinary area relating to one of the curricular areas in school education).


The details are,


Four academic years / two semesters a year

Eligibility for Admission

A Pass in the Higher Secondary (Plus two) examination or the equivalent of any recognized board in India with subjects Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology / Computer Science.

(i) GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC-NCL category applicants must possess 50% or above aggregate marks, and

(ii) SC/ST/PwD category applicants must possess 50% or above aggregate marks


  • Qualified in NCET-2024 conducted by NTA. and
  • Chosen NIT, Tiruchirappalli the NCET 2024 application form.

Medium of instruction



4 years; two semesters a year; 8 semesters

Fee Structure

Curriculum and Syllabus


The National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, is committed to transforming into a more holistic and multidisciplinary education, adapting the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP2020). To ensure outstanding students enter into the teaching profession, NEP2020 stipulates, “Recognizing that the teachers will require training in high-quality content as well as pedagogy, teacher education will gradually be moved by 2030 into multidisciplinary colleges and universities” [Para 5.22, NEP 2020].”

The National Education Policy 2020 highlights, “The 4-year integrated B.Ed. will be a dual-major holistic bachelor's degree in education as well as a specialized subject such as language, history, music, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, economics, art, physical education, etc. Beyond the teaching of cutting-edge pedagogy, the teacher education will include grounding in sociology, history, science, psychology, early childhood care and education, foundational literacy and numeracy, knowledge of India and its values/ethos/art/traditions, and more”. [Para 15.5, NEP 2020]

For Details: https://exams.nta.ac.in/NCET

For NCET 2025 application form registration, Kindly visit: https://ncet2025.ntaonline.in/

Public Notice_NCET 2025

Information Bulletin_NCET 2025

Last Date for application : 16 March 2025 (up to 11:30 P.M.)


National Testing Agency has published Public Notice dated 13th April 2024 inviting online applications for National Common Entrance Test (NCET)-2024. In the list of the institutes offering the courses, at serial no. 59 against NIT Tiruchirappalli, the approved course is wrongly mentioned as B.A. B.Ed. Also, in the Information Bulletin: National Common Entrance Test, in page No. 49 against S.No: 59, the approved course is wrongly mentioned as B.A. B.Ed. In both the instances, it may kindly be read as “B.Sc., B.Ed.” instead of B.A. B.Ed.

Virtual tour of NIT-T

Contact Details

Chairperson (ITEP_B.Sc. B.Ed.)
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015
Phone: +91-431-2504040, 2503931 (During the admission schedule only)
E-Mail: itep@nitt.edu