Recent Advances

ONOS – One Nation One Subscription Click here

The One Nation One Subscription (ONOS) intends to acquire national licenses for e-journal/database subscriptions from most of the prominent journal publishers. A total of 30 major international journal publishers have been included in ONOS. All the journals published by these publishers will be accessible to the students, faculty members and researchers of the participating institutions.

IRINS – Indian Research Information Network System Click here

IRINS is web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service which contains the profiles of the staff/faculties with their publication details and Citation metrics categorized into their respective departments. IRINS NITT Profile is being updated and maintained by the Central Library.

Shodhganga – A reservoir of Indian Thesis Click here

The Ministry of Education, GoI, has asked Institute to upload full text of the PhD thesis on Shodhganga (a reservoir of Indian Ph.D theses). In this regard the Central Library has taken up the initiative to upload & maintain the Ph.D. Thesis of the NITT researchers into the Shodhganga repository. Currently, we have uploaded the thesis of the researchers awarded in the year 2022-23.

Guidelines for submission of Ph.D. Thesis

Remote Access to E-Resources

Central Library is providing remote access to all subscribed e-resources for Faculties, PDFs, and Research Scholars through MyLOFT application. Research Scholars need to send a request email to for their account creation. After your account is created, a welcome mail reaches your institute affiliated email id (if not found, check Spam folder/ MyLOFT in Junk Summary). There is an option to “Set Password” in that mail. Click on the option. It will open a new tab and will ask you to create a password.

Institutional Repository Click here

It is essential for collecting, storing, and disseminating information of the Institute's research publications and scholarly communications. IR ensures systematic and efficient collection, archiving the Institute publications and convenient availability of information of research publications.

RFID Technology:

RFID Technology of Document Identification and Library Security System has been implemented for the library functions and services from 29th March 2013, along with the following facilities:

  • RFID Tags for protecting the documents
  • RFID Reader for Circulation transactions
  • RFID Antenna Alarm Gate.

CD-ROM Workstation

There is a good collection of more than 10 databases and 1626 CDROMS in the central library. The library has been subscribing to the DIALOG ON DISC Compendex Plus (Engineering Index) CD-ROM database from 1987 to date and now it is known as K R INFORMATION ON DISC. Under the Center of Excellence scheme, the library has procured McGraw Hill Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science and Technology on CD-ROM. With the introduction of the CD-ROM work-station, the world of Engineering literature is at one's fingertips. The CD-ROM is really a boon for the literature survey, especially for research scholars. CD- ROM works on a set of menus that is user friendly.

Digital Knowledge Centre

Digital Knowledge Centre (e-Learning Centre) has been established to facilitate e-Learning. Digital Knowledge Centre (UG & PG) has been equipped with 70 latest model personal Computer systems with DVD-RW Drive provided with Internet & Intranet facilities. In addition, Wi-Fi facility also has been provided for laptop users.

CCTV – Web Camera Surveillance

CCTV Network Cameras have been fixed in all the floors and stacks of the Central Library to avoid Book theft and other malpractices and the entire building is under CCTV camera surveillance.