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Ph.D.: The University of Sydney, Australia.

M.C.P.: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.

B.Arch.: J N T U, Hyderabad.


  • PROFESSOR: From 2007 till date at Dept. of Architecture, NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
  • ASSISTANT PROFESSOR:  From 1992 to 2007 at Dept. of Architecture, NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
  • LECTURER: 1988 to 1992 at NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
  • SITE & CONSULTING ARCHITECT: From 1981 to 1988 at Hyderabad and Vijayawada.

Research interests:

Evaluation of Urban Open spaces, Safety & Fear of Crime in the Built Environment, Human Thermal Comfort, Energy Efficient and Sustainable Built Environment.

Research Degree (PhD) Title:A Model of Outdoor Thermal Comfort to Evaluate the Impact of Development Proposals on the Adjacent Urban Open Spaces, 2001- SrinivasTadepalli.

PhD Research Guidance (Completed) : One Dr. G. Subbaiyan: A Study of association between Features of surrounding Built Environment and Fear of Crime at Bus stops- 2012.

PhD Research Guidance (On Going): Three:

1.Hannah Christopher: A Study of the relationship between the features of Residential Built environment and Fear of Crime through Computer aided modeling and Virtual reality Techniques:

2.P. Gopalakrishnan: A Study of Relationship between Viewscape and Place Attachment : Towards a Policy framework for View scape Protection of Religious Monuments.

3.Dushyant Kumar: A study of issues of Architectural Pedagogy and analysis of  models of approaches by students of Architectural Design.

Sponsored Projects Completed:

R&D project sponsored by MHRD, GOI, “Investigation into Cultural and Behavioral dimensions of Thermal comfort in Naturally ventilated buildings under Hot and Humid thermal conditions”.

Courses Conducted

Organized a one week QIP course sponsored by Council of Architecture titled “Energy Efficient Design of Built Environment” from 17to 21 February 2003.

Institutional Consultancy: Ongoing –

1.Interior Design and Refurbishing of IT Theme Centre at N I T, Warangal, TS: Dr. Srinivas Tadepalli and P. Gopalakrishnan :Approx Estimate: Rs.309 Lakhs.

2.Architectural and Interior Design of Seminar Hall Complex at N I T, Warangal, TS: Dr. Srinivas Tadepalli and P. Gopalakrishnan: Approx Estimate: Rs.797 Lakhs.

Institutional Consultancy : Completed:

1.Report on Sustainable Campus Development Strategies for NIT, Tiruchirappalli.

2.Architectural Design of CEESAT Building (Centre for Energy, Environment, Science and Technology) under the Indo – UK Energy Theme at N I T, Tiruchirappalli : Dr. Srinivas Tadepalli and Prof. V. Ramprasad (Completed in Yr 1999)


  • AUSAID scholarship by the commonwealth of Australia to pursue Doctoral program at the Department of Architectural and Design Science at The University of Sydney in 1996.
  • Best Paper award for paper titled “Modeling Thermal Adaptation and Thermal Preferences in Outdoor Urban environments” at the International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2000) held at University of Cambridge, U.K.

Member ship of Professional Bodies:

  1. Member EDRA (Environmental Design Research Association) USA.
  2. Registered with Council Of Architecture, New Delhi – No: CA/84/08570.
  3. Life member – Indian Institute of Architects- No: 10631.
  4. Associate member- ITPI- No: 2007-103.

Academic and Professional Outreach:

  1. Served as member – Board of Studies in Architecture: SPA Vijayawada(2010-12)
  2. Served on the committee of Senior Staff Selection at IIT,Kharagpur.
  3. N A A C Peer Team Member (Three Visits)
  4. Serving on Building & Works Committee (Core Committee) for II M, Tiruchirappalli.
  5. Served as Jury member for selection of Architect for T T D, Tirupathi, A.P.


Research publications (Refereed Journals)






Hannah Christopher, Srinivas Tadepalli and G. Subbaiyan“ The impact of Design and placement of ATM deployment on perceived safety” – International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences . Accepted for Publication.



Hannah, c.,Srinivas Tadepalli, and P. Gopalakrishnan “ Managing security in the Built Environment – A Review of Environmental Crime Prevention Strategies” Creative Space, Vol :2, No :2, 2015



P.Gopalakrishnan and Srinivas Tadepalli, “Viewscape Assessment Framework forprotecting the Views of the Sacred Monuments: comparative study of Srirangamand Thanjavur religious towns”, Creative Space, Vol.1, Issue:2,  2014



Subbaiyan, G., and Srinivas Tadepalli ,  An Investigation of the Relationship between Features of Bus Shelters and Fear of Crime of People Waiting in Bus Stops, The IUP Journal of Architecture, Vol.IV, No.1, pp. 54-63, 2012.



Subbaiyan, G., and Srinivas Tadepalli, Natural Surveillance for Perceived PersonalSecurity: The Role of Physical Environment, American Transactions on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.1, No.3, pp. 213-225, 2012.



Subbaiyan, G., and Srinivas Tadepalli, The Association between Surrounding Land Uses and People’s Fear of Crime in Bus Stops, SPACE -  SPA journal of Planning and Architecture, Vol.16, N0.2, 2012.



Subbaiyan, G., and Srinivas Tadepalli,  Impact of Environmental Design on Personal Security at Bus Stops, Urban India, Vol.31, Issue 2, pp.111-124, 2011.






Hannah Christopher, Srinivas Tadepalli and G. Subbaiyan, “ Computer Aided Geometric Modeling to study the perception of safety – Natural surveillance for perceived personal security” CAADRIA 2013, Department of Architecture, NUS, Singapore.


Hannah Christopher, SrinivasTadepalli and G. Subbaiyan, “ The Spatial Dimension in Womens’ Fer of Crime” 2nd International conference of South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology held at Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu,2013


Rajendra Babu, S., SrinivasTadepalli and G. Subbaiyan, “Assessing the state and needs of Pedestrian facilities at Tiruchirappalli, India”, proceedings of International Conference: Challenges at Extended Mega Urban Regions, held at Putrajaya, Malaysia -2013.



Gopalakrishnan,P., and Srinivas Tadepalli “Study of views and visual relationships of sacred monuments, settings and people” 24-29 June 2012, Glasgow, UK.


Subbaiyan,G., and Srinivas Tadepalli “Natural Surveillance for Perceived Personal Security – The Role of Physical Environment” presented at Penang, 3-5 March 2012.



Subbaiyan, G., and Srinivas Tadepalli (2008), “An Investigation of the impact of land use and Physical Features of the Built Environment on the Fear of Crime of Passengers Waiting in Bus Stops after Dark”, Presented in 20th IAPS ( International Association for People- environment studies) conference , Rome, 27th July- 1st August 2008. (Awarded Best Paper)



Bruce Forwood, Srinivas Tadepalli and Dr. Simon Hayman, “Modeling Thermal adaptation and thermal preferences in outdoor urban environments” International conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA 2000) July, 2000, Cambridge, London. (Awarded Best Paper)



Srinivas Tadepalli, Bruce Forwood, and Dr. Simon Hayman, “Thermal Comfort in Urban Open Spaces” at the 15th International congress on Biometeorology and Urban Climatology, Organized by International Society of Biometeorology and Bioclimatology, 1999, Sydney, Australia.


Srinivas Tadepalli, Bruce Forwood and Dr. Simon Hayman “A Model of Outdoor thermal comfort to evaluate Building Proposals” presented at the 35th annual Conference of Australia – New Zealand Architectural Science Association (ANzAScA) at University of Sydney, N S W, Australia, 1999.



V.Ramprasad, Srinivas Tadepalli, G.Subbaiyan “People’s perception of Historic Towns – A case study of Thanjavur, Tamil nadu” presented at International Conference of Architectural Heritage, January, 1992, Bombay. Organized by The Indian Institute of Architects, UIA work group IV, Architects Regional Council of Asia, January , 1992.


Contact Address

Dr. Srinivas Tadepalli,
Department of Architecture,
Room No: 123, OJAS,
National Institute of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli, India -620015