


  • To comprehend basics of the internet and web terminologies.
  • To introduce the features of HTML5 to develop rich applications.
  • To introduce scripting language concepts for developing client side applications.
  • To practice server side programming features – ASP .NET, PHP, JSP.
  • To be familiar with database applications
  • To know the usefulness of web services.


Evolution of Internet - Introduction to Web - Static and Dynamic Web -Principles of Web design - HTML for static web - HTML 5 – Introduction – Elements – Forms – Graphics – Media – APIs – CSS.

JavaScript and DHTML: What is JavaScript? - Simple JavaScript, variables, functions, condition - JavaScript and Objects - DOM and the Web browser Environment – Event Handling - Forms and validation – Cookies – JQuery.

Introduction to ASP – .NET Framework – ASP .NET – Controls – Sessions – Cookies – Form Handling - SQL Server - JSP – Overview – Simple applications.

PHP - Adding PHP to HTML, Syntax and Variables, Passing information between pages, Strings - Arrays and Array Functions – Numbers - Basic PHP errors / problems - Sessions and Cookies and Database Connectivity.

Connecting Databases - With ASP, ASP .NET, JSP, PHP – Web Services – Introduction – Elements – XML – RDF – WSDL – UDDI – SOAP – Applications.




  1. Kogent learning solution Inc "Web Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Java,JSP, XML, And AJAX, Black Book”, Dream tech Press, 2012.
  2. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel, “Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.



      Students will be able to:

               Design and develop web applications.

               Understand client and server side scripting and their applicability.