Electrical Calibrator
Calibrator Specifications
Electrical Calibrator: FLUKE 5522A
DC Voltage: 0 to ±1020V (min.): ±15ppm of Setting or better
DC Current: 0 to ±20.5A (min.) (Continuous): ±100 ppm of Setting or better
AC Voltage: 0-1020V:10Hz to 500kHz (best) ±150 ppm of Setting or better
AC Current: 29µA to 20.5A (min.) (continuous): 10Hz to 30 kHz (best), ±0.1% of Setting or better
Capacitance: 220pF to 110mF (min.): ±0.75% of Setting or better
Power DC: Voltage-33mV to 1000 V; Current- up to 20A; uncertainty- +/- 0.1%
Power AC: Voltage range- 33mV to 1000 V; Current Range- upto 20A Uncertainty- +/- 0.1% of output at 20A
Frequency: 0.01Hz to 1 MHz (min) Best Uncertainty: ± 25 ppm of setting or better
Thermocouple: Types: B, C, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T & U and RTDs of all major types
Resistance: 0 to 1.1GOhm (min.): ± 30 ppm of Setting or better
Analog Meter calibration: Compliance voltage from 4 V to 10V at different ranges