Shri R.Ravimohan received his B Tech degree in Chemical Engineering in 1978 from NITT (RECT) and MBA from Harvard Business School. He is the Managing Director & CEO of CRISIL. the India's first Electronic Stock Exchange and World fourth largest credit rating company. He is a member of technical advisory committee for the Reserve Bank of India. Chairman of Best practices committee for Credit rating agencies in Asia.

Dr Meyya Meyyappan received his BTech degree in Chemical Engineering in 1976 from NITT (RECT). He is now Chief Scientist of NASA AMES Research Center USA. He has published around 166 technical articles in nanotechnology. He has 12 patents for his credit. He has won NASA outstanding leadership award. He has won Presidential Meritorious award of the US Govt.

Shri Mahesh D.Amalean received his BTech degree in Chemical Engineering in 1978 from NITT (RECT). He is the Chairman MAS Holdings (P) Ltd., Srilanka. He is a Member of National council of Economic Development of Sri Lanka. He has received an award for National honor of Desmanya - Awarded by President of Srilanka. He is the Chairman of Group of companies and won various awards on productivity, quality and health. The company has 28 world class apparel manufacturing units with 35000 employees with a turnover of 700 million US dollars.

Mr. S.Chandrasekaran received his BE degree in Chemical Engineering from NITT (RECT) in 1973. Director (technical) of Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (CPCL), a group company of IOCL. He earlier worked for Fertilizer Corporation of India (FCI) and as General Manager of the entire Manali Refinery. He was instrumental in implementing various new projects like Windmill Farm, 2.5 MGD Sewage Treatment Plant, 5.8 MGD Sea Water Desalination plant, New 20 MW Gas Turbine, Auto Fuel Quality Upgradation. He played a key role in the development of grass-root Cauvery Basin Refinery (CBR) at Nagapatnam. He was also deputed to Kuwait National Petroleum Company’s Shuaiba Refinery as Operations Section Head.

Dr. Krishnaswamy Nandakumar received his B.E. degree in Chemical Engineering from RECT(NITT) in 1973. He obtained his M.Sc. from University of Saskatchewan, Canada and did his Ph.D. at Princeton University. He is GASCO Chair Professor in the Chemical Engineering Program at Petroleum Institute, UAE. He has had a distinguished academic career at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He has been a Research Fellow in Erlangen, Germany, and a visiting professor at the National University of Singapore. He has given talks at various industrial laboratories around the world, including lectures on packed column modelling at Raschg Gmbh in Germany, Sulzer in Switzerland, BOC Gases in NJ, USA and Defence Science and Technology Organization, Australia. He has supervised 12 Ph.D. students. He is Elected Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada. He possesses APEGGA Excellence in Education award. He has published 127 papers in refereed International journals and 114 technical papers in International Conference Proceedings. He received $5.4 million worth research grants. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering.

Received B Tech Chemical in 1976
M E (Aeronautical Engineering),
IISc Banglore.
Ph.D (Aerospace Engineering) Georgia Institute of Technology.
Program Director and Associate Director, DRDL
Outstanding Scientist, DRDL Program Director, project Astra and Helina
Development of indigenous rocket ramjets system for Akash.
Dev. of solid rocket propulsion system for endoatmospheric interceptor.
Project Director, Akash weapon system.
Indian Army expected to place orders worth about Rs.24,000/- crores.
Published 16 papers in journals/ conferences
Agni Award for excellence in self reliance by DRDO, MoD.
DRDO Award for path breaking research / outstanding technology

B E Chemical Engineering in 1972
CEO, IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Ltd
Project Engineer- Sulphuric Acid plants, PDIL, Bihar.
Jt. Gen. Manager – IFFCO – Headed 3 functions viz, HR, systems, and
Rehabilitation of earthquake affected villages.
Executive Director – in charge of 26 lakh MT of Fertilizer and later E.D. (Commercial).
Golden Peacock Award for Env. Mgt at Kandla
Chief Executive Officer of IFFCO Kissan Sanchar Ltd., (ISKL) engaged in providing value added services to farmers over mobile phone.
Represented in the Millennium Dev. Goals (MDG) of UN at UN HQ, New York. ISKL awarded the SKOCH Digital inclusion award for the project “Farmers Empowerment through Mobile phone”
Best Jury Award for ICT enabled agriculture initiative at e-world form.
Barak Obama applauds ISKL “Do it across the world”.

B E Chemical Engg., 1981
MS Chemical Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada
Chairman and Managing Director,
Livia Polymer Bottles Pvt Ltd
First generation entrepreneur-founded Livia Polymers – Pioneers in food grade PET bottles. First to introduce PET packing for mineral water and liquor in India. Today with 550 member team Livia produces containers for candies, Honey, Cashew, Pickles, Spices, Dates syrup etc. resent turn over is over Rs.180 crores. Installed 4 windmills of total 4.55 MW capacity, meeting the entire requirement of Livia Polymers. Chairman Round Table India Foundation, conceived “Freedom through Education”, a program with an investment, of over Rs.100 crores.
Former Member, BoG, NIT, Trichy, Chairman , CII, Trichy,
Former President, RECAL.
Round Table India Presented him “Distinguished Service Award” and
Southern Star Award” for outstanding contribution.
World council of service clubs presented him “Leadership Trophy” at
Adelaide, Australia.

1987 B Tech Chemical Engineering
Chairman & Founder, W2bi and AetherPal
Developed large scale trading applications for, Goldman Sachs, N.Y. USA., JP Morgan, USA.
Founded W2bi, Inc and Aetherpal- An industry leader providing integrated device testing solutions to operators and device manufactures, spanning across 2G, 3G and 4G technologies.
Award multiple patents.
Contributed to industry standardization for device test and certification.
Selected as preferred supplier to Verizon Wireless.
Aetherpal selected as “Fierce 15” company.
A serial entrepreneur started a subsidiary Qual Mobile solution, in Chennai

B Tech Chemical Engineering in 1975
PG Diploma in Management from IIMA
Managing Director, Mercuri Goldmann [India] Pvt Ltd.
Chartered his career in the Sales and product management in the Indian Automotive and Consumer goods sector.
Based on the grounding from above, founded Mercuri Goldmann (India) Pvt. Ltd., a company in the training and development of sales management, customer service and service management.
Offices in Bangalore, Pune, Chennai and Mumbai.
Also accredited facilitator of
-Celemi Board business simulation
-4 MAT instruction design
-Belbin team roles.

B E in Chemical Engineering 1977
MS Chemical Engineering
MBA Finance and International Business
MPA, Business and Government
CFO and Associate Dean (Finance and Adminstration),
Stanford University
Program Advisor US Env. Protection Agency, USA.
Counselor, US Agency for Int. Development, USA.
Vice-President, Strategic Analysis Inc. Directing Global Engagements.
G.M., Exxon Corporation
Senior Executive Officer, US. Mint.
Assistant Secretary of State for Administration, nominated by then
president George W.Bush

B Tech Chemical Engineering – 1977
M.A.Sc (Chemical Eng.),
PhD (Chemical Eng.) Both at University of Windsor.
MBA from University of Phoenix,USA
Professor, Department of Applied Engineering & Director of corporate & Military outreach, National University, California.
Professor, Department of Applied Engineering and Director of corporate & Military outreach, National University California, 2002-now.
Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer-Suma Soft/Ecotech
Associate professor, NUS, Singapore 1997-2000
Prior to that Vice President & General Manager –ABB Environmental
Monitoring Systems.
70 papers in International refereed journals & Proceedings.
2 chapters in the book Nano technology.
Awards grants worth over $8m.
Founding board member / trustee of Indian Fine Arts Academy of
San Diego.
Member of Editorial Board of Particulate S&T Journal (Taylor & Francis)
Chair of San Diego City’s Sustainability Committee (2005-2011)
National University Faculty Distinguished Scholarship Award (2006).

B Tech Chemical Engineering 1972
M.B.A (School of Management, Cochin).
Koshy Cement Consulting, India
Koshy Cement Consulting, India (self employed) 2013-present.
Senior Consultant, Kuwait Cement, 2011-13
General Manager, PEG- India, 2010-11
Prior to that Gulf Cement Company
Presented own case studies in 19 global conferences.
Global Alternative Fuels personality of the year Award at the 5th Global Fuels Conference,2011
Member Stockholm protocol implementation committee, Bahrain Environmental Directorate.

B Tech in Chemical Engineering 1976
M.Tech. from NITIE, Mumbai(1978)
Co-Founder & Senior V.P, Customer services & operations
at Reflexis system,. Boston, USA
In 2006 Co-founded Reflexis Systems, USA- the Software company serves 180 retail brands. Multi cultural workforce of 250 employees;
current revenue:$ 25 on; current valuation:$100 m
Reflexis is ranked amongest top 10 in software vendors to Retailers.
In 1993, Co-founded Techlead corporation, a IT Services company.
Led several Y2K compliance assignments.
Developed an Islamic Trade Finance System for Citicorp, London
Prior to Reflexiz and Techlead, was with ICIM, HLL, Ranbaxy etc.,
While at ICIM was awarded the MD’s Excellence Award.

B Tech Chemical Engineering 1985
MS in Chemical Engineering, Michigan Tech. univ, Houghton, USA
Chairman of Sri Vishnu Educational Society
Chairman, Sri Vishnu Education Society.
Initiatives for benefit of community
Knowledge centre for underprivileged children; Over 14,000 children benefit annually.
Promoting women in higher education in rural areas; Single – largest campus in AP where over 3000 girls reside.
First community Radio station in college campus in AP to broadcast, women empowerment, AIDs awareness etc, won National Community Radio Awards 2014
Trust funds Rs 20 lakhs / year towards scholarship ranging from primary to PG courses.
Constructed school at a cost of Rs 20 lakhs in Kumudavalli Village
Constructed school building at a cost of Rs 15 lakhs in Narasimha Rajupuram.
Constructed school building at a cost of Rs 15 lakhs in Harijanawada
Constructed school building at a cost of Rs 15 lakhs in Dirusumarru Village
Set up a mineral water plant & hospital at Dirusumarru village.
Elementary school at a cost of Rs 7.7 lakhs at Bhimavaram for children of Leprosy people.
Cement worth Rs 1 crore donated to Indiramma Housing Scheme of AP Govt.
Rs 10 lakhs for rehabilitation of Leprosy patients at Sringavriksham.
Sri Padmavathy Venkateswara Swamy Temple at Choultary near Bhimavaram station.

B Tech Chemical Engineering 1976
M. S. in Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology,
Research and Development Head, ExxonMobil
Research and Development Head, ExxonMobil – First non-white to
reach this position.
Currently managing a portfolio of Arctic Engineering, Safety and
Environmental projects, mentoring and guiding 100 researchers (incl.
65 PhDs).
Managed ~25 laboratories and ~$30 million in research funds every
Editor, Society of Petroleum Engineers journal.
Chairman, Technical Committee of SPE’s Annual Technical
Conference & Exhibition, Texas.
Authored 25 technical papers and publications.
8 patents

B Tech Chemical Engineering 1976
M.S., Univ. of Cincinnati, Ohio
Global Director, Koch Industries Inc.
Capital Programs Executive with over 33 years in strategic planning, risk mitigation, M&A .
Currently managing global projects with over $ 4 b outlay for Koch Industries Inc.
Earlier build organization to execute expansions with outlay of $10b for Collahuasi Inc.
President’s Award for Project Delivery.
Lead a team of project professionals on a portfolio of $6.0 Billion. Responsible for the P&L to the CEO and board.
36 years in leading successful execution of projects globally including starting up a new division in India for CH2M Hill

B Tech Chemical Engineering 1995
MBA(Chinese Univ. of Hongkong)
C.A.I.I.B(Indian Inst. of Bankers)
MD & CEO., City Union Bank Ltd
Presently, MD & CEO., City Union Bank Ltd – a century old bank (1904).
Responsible for managing 475 branches across the country with a business of over Rs42000 Crores
Brought out the first vision Document of the Bank for a 5 year period and saw to it whatever envisaged in the documents was achieved by the Bank.
CUB was adjudged as the Best Old Private sector bank in 2014 by Financial Express / Ernst & young
Rated as 3rd best bank of the year in 2014 by First Post e-mangazine.
The total Business of the Bank was Rs.3,800 cr. In the year 2003 and currently it crossed Rs.42,000 cr.
In 2011, when he took over as MD&CEO, at 37 years he was the youngest CEO in Indian Banking Industry

B Tech Chemical Engineering 1977
MBA (Finance); Certified SAP Consultant
Executive Director (Info.Systems) Advisor (IS)
35+ years of extensive experience in Petroleum Industry. Worked at Haldia,
Mathura and Barauni Refineries of Indian OIL as well as Refineires Division HQ at New Delhi.
He has completed the major IT Reengineering Project popularly known as “MANTHAN”at Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Implemented SAP at Sri Lankan National Oil Companies, apart from roll out at 797 locations in India.
He has been the recipient the prestigious “Global CIO-2012” award of “the Information Weekly” of USA.
DataQuest Business Technology award 2012.
Awards to Indian Oil under his leadership include CIO 100 Hall of Fame award, CIO100 Innovation Architect Award, eWorld Award, Check-Point Express Security Strategist Award and BCI Continuity & Resilience Award.
Led the Indian Oil Team to receive the eGov Award-2013 for the enterprise excellence award for “eProcurement”.
Certified Trainer by ISTD and Certified Global CIO by ISB .
Led “PAHAL” – world’s largest Direct to Beneficiary Transfer (DBT) of LPG subsidy involving 10 crore customers – ensuring right subsidy to right citizen.

B Tech Chemical in 1980
PG Dip in Management IIM – Bangalore
Managing Director, Nitta Gelatin India Limited
Presently, MD, Nitta Gelatin India Limited (NGIL); one of the most
successful Indo-Japanese industrial ventures, incorporated in 1975 Using state-of-the-art production facilities NGIL manufactures Gelatin, Collagen Peptide, Di Calcium and Cartipep
Earlier CEO of the nutraceuticals and biopesticides businesses of EID Parry (India) Limited, a Murugappa group company.
Steered Murugappa Group’s acquisition of 48% stake in Valensa – world leading producers of nature sourced ingredients and nutritional
supplements and also Softgel eyecare product.
Prestigious Fulbright Scholar
Rich experience across various industries; in Grindwell Norton, Aruna
Sugars, EID Parry an now in Nitta Gelatin – over 34 years.

B E Chemical Engineering in 1985
PGDM, IIM Calcutta
Partner / Director - TSM Group of Companies
Presently, Partner / Director - TSM Group of Companies.
Awarded 'Acharya' along with S.P.Balasubramanian, Suhasini Maniratnam for contribution in the field of financial services and automobiles.
Top Channel Partner Award from Citibank ,HDFC Bank, Bajaj Finserv, Citi financial and many other banks.
Top distributor Award from Birla Sunlife, Aegon Religare, HDFC Ergo and many insurance companies.
TSM today is still the most Reputed Pre Owned Car Brand in Tamil Nadu despite the presence of many car Manufacturer owned Pre owned car brands.
President of the IIM Calcutta Alumni Association Chennai Chapter.
Treasurer, Brahma Gana Sabha, Chennai – Oldest cultural orgn in Chennai.
Member, Chennai Angels . Chartered Member, TiE, Chennai.
DAA 2017

Shri. Saibal Mitra
Degree in REC/NIT Trichy: BTech (Chemical) [1988]

Shri. R.Vasudevan
Degree in REC/NIT Trichy: BTech (Chemical) [1976]

Jeyshree Seth
Degree in REC/NIT Trichy: B.Tech., (Chem.) [1989]
Jeyshree Seth is a Corporate Scientist at 3M which is the highest technical designation possible and she is the first woman Engineer to hold that position. She joined 3M in St. Paul Minnesota in 1993 and from her tenure there she holds 61 patents for a variety of innovations. Jeyshree Seth completed her B. Tech in Chemical Engineering at NITT(formerly the REC Trichy) in 1989and pursued a Masters and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University in NY, USA. The sustainable products and technologies that Jayshree has developed have had a significant impact in advancing companies, enhancing homes and improving lives. She has also had a tremendous impact as a role-model, for scientists, innovators, women, Asians, Indians etc. Jayshree was also recently appointed as 3M’s first ever Chief Science Advocate and is using her scientific knowledge, technical expertise and professional experience to advance science and communicate the importance and benefits of science in everyday life. A focus area will be making science more accessible and fostering a new generation of scientists and science advocates. Her recent appointment as an advocate for science is further establishing a lasting impact and legacy. The appointment of Jayshree to the role of chief science advocate builds on 3M’s 40-year commitment to foster the next generation of scientists and improve lives. Across the United States and internationally, 3M provides substantial resources to support STEM initiatives. In recognition of her extraordinary administrative calibre in industry and contributions to the field of manufacturing, the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli is proud to confer on her this Distinguished Alumna Award for Excellence in Corporate / Industry.

Shri. Srihari Balakrishnan
Degree in REC/NIT Trichy: B.Tech., (Chem.) [1990]
Srihari Balakrishnan has been serving as the Managing Director since 2004 for more than a period of 10 years. Srihari graduated from the erstwhile Regional Engineering College Tiruchirappalli (now known as National Institute of Technology - Tiruchirappalli) in year 1990 from the Department of Chemical Engineering and later earned his Masters degree from the Cornell University, USA in 1991. Srihari set up the state of the art first denim plant of KG Denim Ltd.,(KGDL) in Jadayampalayam, Mettupalayam, Coimbatore at a cost of Rs 51 crores within a record time of 6 months without time and cost overrun and achieving 86% capacity utilization with in 8 months is a showcase for his administrative capacity. KGDL was the first Company in Coimbatore to come out with public issue of Redeemable Non Convertible Debentures for Rs 43.36 crores. Srihari is also the Director of Textile Sector Skill Council, Texpreneurs Federation and Indian Cotton Federation. He is also an active member in various other associations. Srihari was one of the earliest to tap venture capital in 1999 when he founded AMOEBA TELECOM Private Ltd., in telecom sector with funding from GE and Intel. Srihari lays great emphasis on 5S, Quality Systems, MIS development and also Computerization. The companies under his management has own Enterprise Resource Planning Modules suited to the specific needs of spinning and weaving businesses. Not only the manufacturing operations have ISO Certification, the Corporate Function of SKML too has got ISO 9001: 2008 Certification. With the mission to develop the Textile Industry, he promoted Indian Texpreneurs Federation(ITF) along with other likeminded textile entrepreneurs in 2015 which has now grown to a great extent. In recognition of his excellent contributions in the field of textile business the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli is proud to confer on him this Distinguished Alumnus Award for Excellence in Entrepreneurial Venture.

Shri. Swaminathan Jayaraman
Degree in REC/NIT Trichy: B.Tech., (Chem.) [1986]
Swaminathan Jayaraman is the founder and CEO of Vascular Concepts Ltd, and Vascular Innovations Co., Ltd.. He has been a pioneer & creative leader in the Cardiovascular Industry by consistently endeavouring in developing & providing innovative products of technological excellence & services for the cardiovascular Device Industry. These products include the range of Interventional Cardiology Products for treating Coronary Artery Disease and Structural Heart Disease. Swaminathan graduated from the erstwhile Regional Engineering College Tiruchirappalli (now known as National Institute of Technology - Tiruchirappalli) in year 1986 from the department of Chemical Engineering and later earned his Masters degree from the University of Texas, US in 1988. Swaminathan is well recognized in the industry for serving the medical needs of the Indian society, by mainly focusing on offering international life-saving products affordable to mankind. His relentless commitment & foresight to fostering a culture of research and maintaining high manufacturing standards & focused patient care, while evolving with premium quality products have created a revolutionary and disruptive shift in the Indian Cardiology market. Founded by Swaminathan, Vascular Concepts is the winner of Alexandria-Frost & Sullivan's ‘Best Medical Devices company of the year' 2010 as well as ‘Business Week Award’ as one of the 100 fastest growing companies in India. In recognition of his outstanding professional contributions in the field of cardio-vascular technology as Entrepreneur, the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli is proud to confer on him this Distinguished Alumnus Award for Excellence in Entrepreneurial Venture.

Professor, University Of Pittsburgh
B. Tech. (Chemical Engineering) - 1980

Secretary to Govt. of Karnataka
B. Tech. (Chemical Engineering) - 1994

Retired Professor (HAG) from NIT Tiruchirappalli
B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) – 1977
Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering) - 1985

Chief controller/Dy. Director
B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) - 1974
Dr. Ranga Godavarti,
Vice President, Bioprocess Research & Development and Drug Substance Supply, Pfizer, USA
1990 B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Dr. Karthikeyani A V,
Dy. General Manager, IOC (R &D), Faridabad
1991 B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Dr. P.T.R Palanivel Thiagarajan,
Minister of Finance &
Human Resources Management, Government of Tamil Nadu
1987 B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering)
Mr. Srivatsan K.,
Subhasri Pigments Pvt. Ltd., Ankleshwar, Gujarat
1974 B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Dr. Ing-Srinivasan R.,
Centre for Sustainable Tech., Assistant Professor,
IISc, Bangalore
2012 B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering)