Dr. Baby Viswambharan

Ojas, Room No CH219, Department of Chemistry,

National Institute of Technology Trichy, NIT Campus P.O 620015,

Tamilnadu, India; Email: babyv@nitt.edu   


Employment Profile

Job Title Employer From To
Assistant Professor NIT, Trichy May 2020 Present
KSESTE Pos-Doctoral Fellow NIT, Calicut May 2019 May 2020
Temporary Faculty NIT, Calicut July 2017 April 2019
Lecturer PSMO College, Kerala November 2016 March 2017
Marie Sklodowska Curie International Incoming Fellow Universite Paris Sud, France October 2013 January 2016
Visiting Scientist Brown University, USA February 1-28, 2014 One month
Marie Sklodowska Curie Co-Fund RBUCE-Up Fellow Universite Paris Sud, France January 2012 September 2013
Short Term Project Fellow National Taiwan University, Taiwan September 2011 October 2011 Two months
Frontier Post-Doctoral Fellow Kanagawa University, Japan September 2009 March 2011

Academic Qualifications 

Examination Board / University Year Division/ Grade Subjects
PhD in Chemistry NIIST-CSIR Trivandrum, Kerala University 2009 - Organic Chemistry
MSc Chemistry Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala 2003 First Class Chemistry

Awards and Fellowships

Year of Award Name of the Fellowship Awarding Organization
2018 KSCSTE Post-Doctoral Fellowship Kerala State Council for Science, Technology, and Environment
2011 Marie-Curie IIF European Union
2011 Marie-Curie Co-Fund RBUCE-Up European Union & Universite Paris Sud
2007 CSIR-SRF CSIR-India
2007 Second prize for Oral Presentation RAAMS, PSG , Coimbatore
2004 CSIR-JRF CSIR-India



  1. CHIR 11- Chemistry Theory for First year B. Tech
  2. CHIR 12-Chemistry Lab for First year B. Tech
  3. CLPC 12 CHEMISTRY III-For S3 Chemical Engineering
  4. CH 619-Spectroscopy Application to Organic Chemistry-For S3 MSc Chemistry


Details of Major R&D Projects

Title of Project Funding Agency Duration Status
From To Ongoing/ Completed
COACCEE-SRG 2206 DST -SERB December 2021 December 2023 Completed
Institute Start-up Grant P.20 NIT Trichy April 2021 March 2023 Completed
KSCSTE-PDF1894 Kerala State Council for Science, Technology, and Environment May 2019 May 2020 Completed
DYNAMAX-300491 European Union October 2013 January 2016 Completed
RBUCE-Up N° 246556 European Union & Universite Paris Sud January 2011 September 2013 Completed

Invited Talks delivered

  1. Organophotoredox Catalyzed Synthesis of Indolyl-3-Aryl Sulfones (IAS) and Allyl Aryl Sulphoxides (AAS), National Conference on Polymer Science ‘Crosslinks-2024’ held at National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kozhikode, Kerala, India.  12 – 13July 2024
  2. Chemistry: Route to the Future, an orientation program for UG & PG students, RSM-SNDP Yogam Arts and Science College, Koilandy, Kerala. 15 January 2023
  3.  Asymmetric Chemical Space Through Axial Chirality of Aromatic amides”, RSM-SNDP Yogam Arts and Science College, Koilandy. January 15, 2023
  4.  Stereochemistry & Chirality  Its Importance in life”, Assumption College, Changanassery, Kerala. September 23, 2021

Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia/Seminars Organized (as Chairman/ Organizing Secretary/ Convenor / Co-Convenor)

Title of Activity Level of Event (International/ National/ Local) Date (s) Role Venue
Online National Conference on Organic Chemistry NITT Organic Chemistry Conference ‘21 National 16-18, December-2021 Convener Online

Memberships in Professional and research bodies

Type of Membership (Ordinary Member/ Honorary Member / Life Member ) Organization Membership No. with date
 Member Societe de Chimique France No. 26239 for 2013
 Member Royal Society of Chemistry No. 518068 for 2013 and 2014
Member American Chemical Society No. 31715021 2018 Onwards
Life Member Marie-Curie Alumni Association From 2011 Onwards
Life Member Chemical Research Society of India From 2023 Onwards

Publications in refereed research  Journals

Corresponding Author

  1. Trinadh, B., Subramaniyan A., Viswambharan, B.* One-pot Chemoselective Aerobic Synthesis of Allyl-Aryl Sulfinyls by Photoinduced Na2 - Eosin Y, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2025, Accepted, ChemRxiv@ 2025, 10.26434/chemrxiv-2025-6c23s

  2. Trinadh, B., K. Binduja, K., Viswambharan B*. Na₂ – Eosin Y – Photocatalyzed Cross Dehydrogenative C−S Coupling of Arylthiols with Indole Derivatives, ChemistrySelect, 9, e202304058, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.202304058

  3. B.Trinadh, Viswambharan B*, Potassium persulfate mediated oxidative dearomatization and C–H functionalization of indoles in water: Green and transition metal-free approach for the synthesis of indolone derivatives, Tetrahedron, 142, 133527, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2023.133527


Post-Doc and PhD

Author(s) Title of Paper Journal Volume (No.) Page numbers Year Impact Factor of the Journal (Optional)
Roupnel L., Guillot R., Gori D.,Viswambharan B., Kouklovsky C., Alezra V. Highly Stereoselective Aldol Reactions by Memory of Chirality: Synthesis of Quaternary β-Hydroxy α-Amino Acids Helvetica Chimica Acta 104(10), e2100127 2021, 2.164
Mai,T.T., Viswambharan, B., Didier Gori, Guillot Régis, Naubron, J-V., Cyrille Kouklovsky, C., Alezra, V., Frozen Chirality of Tertiary Aromatic Amides: Access to Enantioenriched Tertiary a-Amino acid or Amino-Alcohol without any Chiral Reagent Chemistry. A European. Journal 23 5787–5798 2017 5.02
Viswambharan B, Gori D., Guillot R., Kouklovsky C., Alezra V., Substrate Control in Enantioselective and Diastereoselective Aldol Reaction by Memory of Chirality: A Rapid Access to Enantiopure β-Hydroxy Quaternary α-Amino Acids Organic Letters 16 788-791 2014 6.005
Mai Thi Thoa, Viswambharan B, Gori D., Kouklovsky C., Alezra V. “Memory of Chirality of Tertiary Aromatic Amide: Application to the Asymmetric Synthesis of (S)‑α-MethylDOPA Journal of Organic Chemistry 77 8797-8801 2012 4.35
Viswambharan, B.; Okimura, T., Suzuki, S., Okamoto, S Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of 4-Aryl-2,3-dihydro-4Hpyrimido[2,3-b]benzothiazoles for Asymmetric Acyl or Carboxyl Group Transfer Reactions Journal of Organic Chemistry 76 6678-6685 2011 4.35
Viswambharan, B.; Suchithra M.V.; Selvakumar, K.; Shanmugam P. Pyridine core activation via 1, 5-electrocyclization of vinyl pyridinium ylides generated from bromo isomerized Morita-Baylis-Hillman adduct of isatin and pyridine: Synthesis of 3-spirodihydroindolizine oxindoles Organic Letters 12 2108-2111 2010 6.005
Shanmugam P.; Viswambharan, B. A short and efficient synthesis of 3-spirolactone oxindolones from allyl indium reagent of isomerised bromo derivatives of Morita-Baylis-Hillman adducts of isatin and formaldehyde Synlett x 2763-268 2008 2.39
Shanmugam, P.; Viswambharan, B.; Suchithra M. V. Synthesis of Novel Functionalized 3-spiropyrrolizidine- and 3-spiropyrrolidine oxindoles from Baylis-Hillman adducts of Isatin and Heteroaldehydes with Azomethine Ylides via [3+2]- cycloaddition Organic Lettes 9 4095-4098 2007 6.005
Shanmugam, P.; Viswambharan, B.; Selvakumar, K.; and Suchithra, M. V. Synthesis of multifunctional 3, 3¹-dispiro pyrrolidine- and 3, 3’-dispiro pyrrolizidine bisoxindoles from isomerised Morita-Baylis-Hillman adducts of isatin with azomethine ylides via [3+2]-Cycloaddition Tetrahedron Letters 49 2611-2615 2007 2.415
Shanmugam, P.; Viswambharan, B.; Vaithiyanathan, V. Silica chloride catalysed one-pot isomerisation-chlorination, arylation and etherification of Baylis-Hillman adducts Australian Journal of Chemistry 60 850-856 2007 1.32
Shanmugam P.; Suchithra M.V.; Selvakumar, K.; Vaithiyanathan, V. A First One-Pot Synthesis, Isomerization and Synthetic Utility of Mono and Bis Morita-Baylis-Hillman Adducts of 1,1’-Ferrocenedialdehyde Tetrahedron Letters 50 2213-2218 2009 2.415
Shanmugam, P.; Suchithra, M. V.; Viswambharan, B.; Vaithiyanathan. Synthesis of highly functionalized linear pentacyclic compounds from Baylis-Hillman adduct of heteroaldehydes with azomethine ylides via [3+2] cycloaddition Indian Journal of Chemistry 47B 1113-1116 2008 0.491
Shanmugam, P.; Vaithiyanathan, V.; Viswambharan, B. Suchithra, M. V. A facile and efficient synthesis of highly functionalised trisubstituted alkene derivatives of ferrocenealdehyde Tetrahedron Letters 48 9190- 9194 2007 2.415
Shanmugam, P.; Rajasingh, P.; Vaithiyanathan, V. Viswambharan, B. Synthesis of 3-heteroaryl substituted tetrahydrofuan by n-Bu3SnH mediated 5-exo-trig vinyl radical cyclization Synthetic Communications 37 2291-2299 2007 2.007
Shanmugam, P.; Vaithiyanathan, V.; Viswambharan, B. A facile and efficient synthesis of functionalized γ-butyrolactone from Baylis-Hillman adducts of isatin Australian Journal of Chemistry 60 296-301 2007 1.32
Shanmugam, P.; Vaithiyanathan, V.; Viswambharan, B. Activation of the NC-H bond of Baylis-Hillman adducts of N-methylisatin with CAN/ROH Tetrahedron Letters 47 6851-6855 2006 2.415
Shanmugam, P.; Vaithiyanathan, V.; Viswambharan, B. Synthesis of functionalized 3-spirocyclopropane-2-indolones from isomerised Baylis- Hillman adducts of isatin Tetrahedron 62 4342-4347 2006 2.457

Participation in Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia /Seminars/ Schools etc.

  1. Nurturing Future Leadership Program under the aegis of Malviya Mission Teachers Training Program, MoE,  25-29, March, 2024, IIM Banglore 
  2. Webinar on “Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling – presented by Science of Synthesis” Feb 2024 by SOS, Thieme Publication.
  3. Webinar on “Mastering the craft of academic writing-August 2021 by Wiley International
  4. Capacity building for women empowerment-NITT March 2021
  5. E-Content development-NITT- August 2020
Date (s) Title of Activity Level of Event (International/ National/ Local) Role (Participant/ Speaker/ Chairperson, Paper presenter, Any other) Event Organized by Venue
September 2013 Journées de Chimie Organique, International Paper presenter French Chemical Society Ecole Polytechniqe, Palaiseau, France
January – 2008. 20th Kerala Science Congress National Paper presenter Kerala State Council for Science, Technology, and Environment KSCSTE center, Pattam
July- 2007 RAMMS 2007 National Paper presenter PSG College of Technology PSG College of Technology Coimbatore
July, 2014. 14th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium International Poster presenter Belgium Chemical Society Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
July, 2013. International Symposium: Synthesis in Organic Chemistry. International Poster presenter Royal Chemical Society St. Catherine’s college, Oxford University, UK
August 2012. 4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress International Poster presenter European Chemical Society Prague, Czech Republic,
December, 2010. Pacifichem 2010 International Poster presenter International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies Honolulu, Hawaii
July – 2008. Third mid-year meeting of the CRSI National Poster presenter CRSI, India NIPER Mohali
January-2006 Century Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology International Poster presenter American Chemical Society and CSIR India National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune,
July – 2006 Annual IIT Madras Chemistry Symposium& First mid-year meeting of the CRSI meeting National Poster presenter CRSI & IIT madras Chennai. IIT madras Chennai.
July 2005 Workshop on GREEN CHEMISTRY National Poster presenter Department of Chemistry, MKU. Madurai Kamaraj University.