Dr. Jeevan Joseph




  • Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2014-2017.

  • M.Tech in Geotechnical Engineering, NIT, Surathkal, Karnataka.

  • B.Tech. in Civil Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam, Kerala.

Research Interests

  • Environmental Geotechnics

  • THMC modelling of porous media characteristics

  • Unsaturated soil mechanics

  • Geothermal Energy

  • Utilization and valorization of industrial by-products

  • Development of sensors and instrumentation for geotechnical applications

  • Carbon dioxide Sequestration









Asst. Professor

Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala


Till Date

Asst. Professor

NIT Trichy


Recent Publications

  1. Venkatesh, P., Prasanna, R., & Jeevan Joseph, J.. (2024). Evaluating the role of soil properties on volumetric shrinkage characteristics of marine and inland clays. Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 1-17. Taylor & Francis

  2. Venkatesh, P., Prasanna, R., Jeevan Joseph, J., & P. Gayathry. (2023). Isotropic pressure membrane sensor to establish shrinkage stress evolution in clayey soil. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 46(5), 768-786. ASTM International

  3. Joseph, J., et al.. (2022). MI-EC ku: A novel methodology for estimating unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of porous media. Acta Geotechnica, 17(9), 3855-3865. Springer

  4. Sahoo, P., & Jeevan Joseph, J.. (2022). Proportioning of bauxite residue phosphogypsum mix for optimal pH neutralisation. In Environmental Degradation: Monitoring, Assessment and Treatment Technologies (pp. 233-239). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Springer

  5. Sahoo, P., & Jeevan Joseph, J.. (2021). Radioactive hazards in utilization of industrial by-products: Comprehensive review. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 25(3), 03121001. ASCE

  6. Joseph, J., Kuntikana, G., & Singh, D. N. (2019). Investigations on Gas Permeability in Porous Media. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. <Elsevier>



  • Geotechnical Engineering

  • Subsurface Exploration

  • Foundation Analysis and Design

  • Environmental Geotechnics

  • Soft Soil Geomechanics

  • Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

  • Building Materials

Awards/ Recognition

  • Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Scholarship for M.Tech, 2009.

  • Research Fellowship from ONGC, during 2014-2017.

  • Fellowship under Marie Curie IRES project, GREAT, UPC, Barcelona, Spain, 2015.

  • Awarded International Travel Support from Indo-Japanese Research Collaboration, for the invited talk at Kyoto University, Japan, 2016.

  • Early Career Research Award, DST, 2019

Invited Talks




Inviting Organization

Implication of pore characteristics in unsaturated soil Mechanics

January, 2016

Indo-Japanese Research Collaboration, Kyoto University, Japan

Thematic research areas in geotechnical Engineering

January, 2017

National Institute of Technology, Surat

“Methane Gas hydrate: The future source of Energy”

September, 2018

Institution of Engineers, Tiruchirapalli Chapter, TamilNadu

Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering

February, 2019

Care School of Engineering, Trichy

R&D Projects


Title of Project

Funding Agency

Amount (Lakhs)

Awarded Date


Advancements in geotechnical engineering: Unsaturated lab development





The effect of soil-water retention behavior on the land use pattern for drought mitigation






1. Joseph, J, Prasanna, R., and Gayathri, P. (2024). A Device for Measuring Shrinkage Stress in Soil and a Method Thereof. Indian Patent Application No:202241055780.

2. Joseph, J and Singh, D.N. (2017). GasCon-TP: The Device to Determine Gas Conductivity of Soils under varied Temperature and Confining Pressure Conditions. Indian Patent Application No:201721031020.

3. Joseph, J and Singh, D.N. (2016). Device (GasCoM) for Determining Gas Conductivity of Soils. Indian Patent Application No: 201621028073.


Detailed profile can be downloaded here.

Contact Address

Dr. Jeevan Joseph
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
NIT Trichy - 620015
Telephone : + 91-9619474630 (Direct)
Email : jeevan@nitt.edu