Dr. Prabha Mohandoss

Ph.D. in Building Technology and Construction Management, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, 2013-2019.
M.E. in Structural Engineering, Anna University::Chennai Regional Centre Madurai, Madurai, 2011-2013.
B.E. in Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 2007-2011.
Research Interests
Structural performance of prestressed concrete systems
Mechanical characteristics of construction materials
Effect of corrosion on structural performance of reinforced concrete systems
Repair and strengthening of conventionally reinforced and prestressed concrete structures
Project Associate
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras
Project Officer
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras
Senior Project Officer
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras
Till Date
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Refereed Journals
JP 1. Sooraj A.O., Mohandoss P., Ram K., Adnan T., and Pillai R. G., “Mechanical Characteristics of Quenched and Self-Tempered (QST) Steel reinforcing bars used in Concrete Structures”, Construction Building Materials, January 2023, 363, 129761 [IF: 7.693]
JP 2. Mohandoss P., Pillai R. G., and Gettu. R, “Determining bond strength of seven-wire strands in prestressed concrete”, Structures, 33, October 2021, 2413-2423 [IF: 1.839].
JP 3. Mohandoss P., Pillai R. G., and Sengupta A.K., “Effect of compressive strength of concrete on transmission length of pretensioned concrete systems”, Structures, 23 February 2020, pp. 304-313 [IF: 1.646].
JP 4. Mohandoss P., Pillai R. G., and Sengupta A.K. “Transmission length of pretensioned concrete system: comparison of codes and test data”, Magazine of Concrete Research, 17, September 2019, pp. 881-893 [IF: 1.488].
JP 5. Gopinath S., Mohandoss P., Murthy A. R., Iyer N. R., “Modelling of RC beams strengthened with basalt reinforced concrete”, Journal of Institute of Engineers (India) Series A.98 (3), September 2017, pp. 285-291, [h5 indexed Journal].
JP 6. Gopinath S., Murthy A. R., Iyer N. R. and Mohandoss P., “Behaviour of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with basalt textile reinforced concrete”, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 44 (6), January 2014, pp. 924-933 [IF: 1.283]
International Conference Papers
*Indicates the presente
CP 7. Kumar M. K*., and Mohandoss P., "Investigation on tensile and creep behaviour of glass fiber reinforced poymer (GFRP) bars: A review", Second International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMS 2022), Calicut, India, December 2022.
CP8. Kumar M. K*., and Mohandoss P., "Challenges in Structural performance of prestressed concrete structures exposed to corrosive environment: A review”, Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada (SSDUGI 2022), National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, India, March 2022.
CP 9. Mohandoss P.*, Pillai R.G., and Gettu R., “Effect of prestress on the bond strength of pretensioned concrete systems”, 3rd R. N. Raikar Memorial International Conference & Gettu-Kodur International Symposium on Advances in Science & Technology of Concrete, Mumbai, India, December 14 -15, 2018.
CP 10. Mohandoss P.*, and Pillai R. G., “Effect of prestress on the bond strength of pretensioned concrete systems”, International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems (ICACMS) &71st RILEM Week, Chennai, India, September 03-08, 2017.
CP 11. Mohandoss P.*, Pillai R. G., and Sengupta A. K., “Comparison of prediction models for transmission length and shear capacity of pre-tensioned concrete systems”, 4th Asian conference on Ecstasy in Concrete (ACECON), Kolkata, India, October 08-10, 2015.
CP 12. Mohandoss P.*, Gopinath S., Murthy A.R., and Iyer N.R., “Numerical modelling of RC beams with basalt fibre reinforced polymer”, International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute University, Chennai, India, March 15, 2013
National Conference Papers
1. MohandossP.* and Pillai R. G., “Bond performance of pretensioned concrete system”, 10th Structural engineering convention (SEC), Chennai, India, December 21-23, 2016.
2. Mohandoss P.*, GopinathS., MurthyA. R., and Iyer, N.R., “Flexural behaviour of RC beams strengthened with Basalt Reinforced concrete”,5th Innovations in Civil Engineering (ICE), Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. April 19, 2013.
Conference Presentations
1. Mohandoss P.*, Pillai R. G., Gettu R., and Sengupta A. K.“Assessment of the bond strength of pre-tensioned strands in concrete”, Concrete Research in India, Mumbai, India, December 14th, 2018. (Poster presentation).
2. Mohandoss P.*, Pillai R. G., GettuR., and Sengupta A. K.“Strand-concrete bond in pretensioned concrete systems (PTC) - Mechanisms and laboratory testing” the ACI 123 Concrete Research Poster Session at the Spring 2018 ACI Convention and Exposition in Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 24 –28 March, 2018. (Poster presentation).
3. Mohandoss P.*, Kompella S. K., Gettu N., and Pillai R. G., “A study on the bond performance of pre-tensioned concrete system”, International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Systems(ICACMS) &71st RILEM Week, Chennai, India, September 3 –8, 2017. (Poster presentation).
4. Mohandoss P.*, Kompella S. K., Maheswari S. K., Nair S. A. O., and Pillai R. G., “Factors influencing the bond behaviour of pretensioned concrete system” Gordonresearch conference (GRC), Hong Kong, China, July 31 –August 8, 2016. (Poster presentation).
5. Mohandoss P.*, Pillai R. G., Gettu R., and Sengupta A. K. “Effect of compressive strength of concrete on transmission length of pretensioned concrete” the ACI Open Topic Session at the Spring 2018 ACI Convention and Exposition in Salt Lake City, UT, USA, March 24 –28, 2018 (Oral Presentation).
6. Kompella S. K.*,Mohandoss P., Gettu N., and Pillai R. G., “Enhancing the bond strength of prestressed concrete sleepers”, Concrete Research in India, Research Scholar Symposium, Mumbai, India, December 14 -15, 2018. (Poster presentation).
7. Kompella S. K.*, Gettu R., Mohandoss P., and Pillai R. G., “A study on the performance of bond in pre-tensioned concrete railroad ties (sleepers)”, the concrete convention and exposition, American concrete institute, Detroit, USA, March 26-30, 2017. (Oral presentation).
Scholarships, Awards & Achievements
- Half-Time Research Assistantship, MHRD, Govt. of India 2013-2018
- Won the Outstanding Poster Award – First Place in ACI 123 Concrete Research Poster Session at the ACI Convention and Exposition Spring 2018 in Salt Lake City, UT, USA, March 24 –28, 2018.
- Won the All-Round Performance Award in Ph.D. Category–Civil Engineering Association, IIT Madras, 2018 - for demonstrating good academic performance, leadership in Co-/Extra-curricular/volunteer activities at divisional and/ or departmental levels.
- Gold Medallist and University Rank Holder in M.E. Structural Engineering – for the academic year 2011-2013
Invited Talks
- Delivered a lecture in a webinar on Enhancing the structural performance of prestressed concrete structure, organized by Larsen & Toubro CTEA, Mysuru, 09th August 2022.
- Delivered a lecture in a --- on assessment of structural performance of prestressed concrete structure, July 2022.
- Delivered a lecture in a webinar on Structural repair of prestressed concrete systems organized by Larsen & Toubro CTEA, Mysuru, 26th April 2022
- Delivered a lecture in two-week training program on “Prestressing Technology” for L&T employees organized by Larsen & Toubro CTEA, Mysuru, 2nd – 14th August 2021.
- Delivered a lecture in a five-day faculty development program on “Role of emerging materials in enhancing performance of construction projects” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 7th – 11th June 2021.
- Delivered a lecture on “Importance of steel-concrete bond in reinforced concrete system”, Webinar, Bannari Amman Institute Technology, Erode, 17 October 2020
- Delivered a lecture on “Bond performance of pretensioned concrete – An overview”, Webinar, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli, 14 July 2020
- Delivered a lecture in 6-day Faculty Development Technical Programme on the topic “Anchorage zone reinforcement, transfer bond length and bond mechanism” conducted by the Department of Civil Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering College (Jointly sponsored by Anna University), 3rd -10th June, 2019.
- Delivered a talk on “Fundamentals of pre-tensioned concrete systems” during the Research Expo 2018, hosted by Civil Department, CEA Fest, IIT Madras.
PG Courses
- Bridge Engineering (CE623)
Jan - May 2021 |
- Prestressed concrete structures (CE673)
July 2022 - present |
UG Courses
- Concrete Technology (CEPC13)
July 2020 - Dec 2021 |
- Maintenance and repair of concrete structures (CEPE12)
July 2020 - Present |
- Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design (CEPC26)
Jan - May 2021 |
- Basic Civil Engineering (CE623)
Jan - May 2021 |
Jan - May 2021 |
Student Guidence
S.No |
Name |
Research Area |
1. |

Mr. Mavoori Hitesh Kumar (Regular: May 2021 - Present)
Strucutral performance of pre-tensioned concrete system |
2. |
Mr. Narayanan R. (Part-time: May 2021 - Present)
Evaluation of off-shore structures |
3. |
Mr. Jagandas S. (Regular: April 2022 - Present) |
Ultra high performance concrete in precast prestressed concrete system |
S.No. |
Student Names |
Project Title |
Current Students (2021-2023) |
1. |
Mr. Chella Ganesh Siva Kumar |
Modelling of prestressed concrete members using CFRP strands |
2. |
Ms. Lakshmy Anjana |
Mechancial characteristics of GFRP bars |
3. |
Mr. Muhammed Riyas K. P. |
Experimental study on bond behaviour of GFRP bars |
4 |
Mr. Shiv Pal Gupta |
Evaluation of bond between old concrete and repair material |
Contact Address
Prabha Mohandoss, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
Trichy - 620 015, Tamil Nadu, India.
Email : prabham[at]nitt[dot]edu