Dr. R. Manjula
University/ Board
Year of Passing
Percentage of Marks
Board of Sec. Edu, Tamil Nadu
Apr. 1992
First Class
Board of Hr. Sec. Edu, Tamil Nadu
Mar. 1994
First Class
B.E. (Civil)
MepcoSchlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
May 1998
First Class
(University 5th Rank)
M. Tech (Water Resources Engineering and Management)
National Institute of Technology
December 2003
First class with Distinction (Class Topper)
9.81 CGPA
(Ocean Engineering)
Indian Institute of Technology , Madras, Chennai
December 2013
First class with Distinction
9.0 CGPA
(Course work)
Title of Ph.D thesis : Response of Slender vertical cylinder due to Breaking Wave Impact
Title of B.E Project : Design of cots and Apron industry using STAAD and Auto Cad.
Title of M.Tech Project: Identification of Artificial Recharge Zones using Integrated GIS
Core and Elective Courses at Ph.D: Coastal Engineering
Non Linear Problems in ocean Engineering
Research Methodology
Port and Harbour Structures
Simulation Modelling in Water Resources
Electives at M. Tech Level : Hydraulic Structures
Computer Application
GIS and remote sensing in water Management
Environmental Impact Assessment
Electives at B.E level : Material Science,
Transportation Engineering and Management
Experimental Stress Analysis
Name of the post : Part-time Lecturer
Name of the organization : Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and
Technology, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
Period of working : September 1998 to May 2000
Nature of the job : Handled theory classes such as Railway Engineering, Computer Programming (Fortran 77, C, C++), Irrigation Engineering, Strength of Materials Lab, Concrete and Highways Lab, Computer Programming Lab (Basic, Lotus, Dbase, C, C++), Design and Drawing
Name of the post : Research Assistant
Name of the organization : Department of Civil Engineering,
Regional Engineering College,
Period of working : June 2000 to December 2003
Nature of the job : Handled theory classes such as Strength of Materials,
Airways and Water ways Engineering, Construction Technology, Design of Steel structures, Transportation Engineering – I, Engineering Materials and Geology, Basic Civil Engineering, Engineering Drawing and Graphics, Mechanics of Solids and fluids, Surveying – I, Engineering Materials and Geology, Survey Lab, Fluid Mechanics Lab, Strength of Material Lab, Soil Mechanics Lab, Computer Lab, Design and Drawing, Building Drawing, Environmental Engineering Lab
Name of the post : Lecturer
Name of the organization: Department of Civil Engineering,
Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering
Tiruchendur - 628215
Period of working : December 2003 to March 2006
Nature of the job : Handled theory classes such as Applied Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering, Ground water Hydrology, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics Lab, Design and Drawing.
Name of the post : Assistant Professor
Name of the organization : Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620015
Period of working : April 2006 to till date
Nature of the job : Handled theory classes and practical classes for B.Tech
and M.Tech students
List of research publications in Conferences / Journals
International Journal
1. Manjula R., Sannasiraj, S.A., and Palanichamy, K (2012) “Breaking wave impact pressure on a slender vertical cylinder”International Journal of Civil Engineering and Application, Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-11.
2. Manjula R., Sannasiraj, S.A., and Palanichamy, K(2013) “Laboratory measurements of wave impact pressure on a slender cylindrical member” International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems, Vol. 4, No.2, pp. 151- 169.
3. Manjula R., Sannasiraj, S.A., and Palanichamy, K(2014) “Experimental Investigations of acceleration on slender cylindrical member under breaking waves” International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems, Vol.5, No.3, pp. 117-125
International Conferences
1. Manjula R.,Pavel Tkalich, Sannasiraj, S.A., and Palanichamy, K “storm surge forecasting using artificial neural networks” on Third International conference in ocean Engineering (ICOE 2009)held on February 1-5, 2009 at IIT Madras, Chennai.
2. Manjula R., Sannasiraj, S.A., and Palanichamy, K “Breaking wave impact pressure on air slender vertical cylinder member” on 8th International conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing countries, COPEDEC 2012 during 20-24, February 2012, at IIT Madras, Chennai.
3. Manjula R., Sannasiraj, S.A., and Palanichamy, K “Deflection of slender cylindrical member under breaking wave impact” at ISOPE2012- The 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 17-22, 2012, at Greece.
4. Rajesh.R, Antony Raj. A, Ramya.M, Saravanan.S, Manjula.R, “Evaluation of groundwater quality in and around Ariyamangalam landfill site, Tiruchirapalli,India: an integrated geochemical and GIS approach” Presented at International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control September 27-29,2014, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli.
5. Ramya.M, Saravanan.S, Manjula.R, “Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics and Management- A Case Study on Ariyamangalam landfill site, Tiruchirapalli,India” International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control September 27-29,2014, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli.
6. Antony Raj. A, Rajes. R, Ramya.M, Saravanan.S and Manjula.R, “Effects of Treated Wastewater Irrigation on Soil Properties – A Case Study at NIT Trichy”ICACEMAP 2015, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering Materials And Processes, Jan 7-9, 2015 at CIT, Coimbatore.
National conferences /Seminars
1. Manjula R., and R. Gayathri Devi"Non destructive testing" EDIFICEtwoday seminar in Civil Engineering, Pondicherry Engg. College, Pondicherry, Nov 1995 and got second prize
2. Manjula R., and R. Gayathri Devi, "Glimpses of Intelligent Building" Moments 1997 twodays Seminar January, 1997 Department of Civil Engineering, Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli-620 015 and got second prize
3. Manjula R., and R. Gayathri Devi"Grouting Techniques using polymer" Geofest 1997 two days SeminarMarch 1997 Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore and got second prize
4. Manjula R and Samson Mathew“Integrated GIS for ground water Modelling and sustainable development” in the national seminar on Sustainable habitat by T.K.M College of Engineering, Kollam, India during 22- 23rd August 2003
5. Manjula R., and Samson Mathew“Identification of Artificial recharge Zones using integrated GIS” in the National conference on Developments in water science and Management conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, during 11th – 12th March 2004.
6. Manjula R., and Samson Mathew“Identification of Artificial recharge Zones using integrated GIS” in the National conference on Futuristic steel structures & Application of GIS in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology, during 16th – 17th December 2004.
7. Manjula R., and Maheswaran“ GIS in wild life management – Importance and Case study” in the National conference on Futuristic steel structures & Application of GIS in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology, during 16th – 17th December 2004.
8. Manjula R., and Angelina Thanga Ajisha“An integrated study of safety measures and warning centres of Tsunami in India”in the National conference on Synergic Solutions for Sustainable Development conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal during 28th – 30th December 2005.
9. Manjula R., and Angelina Thanga Ajisha“Effective Management of Plastic wastes – A ground Scenario in India”in the National conference on Synergic Solutions for Sustainable Development conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal during 28th – 30th December 2005.
10. Manjula R., and Angelina Thanga Ajisha“Effective Mangaement of Rinse water by removal of Nickel ”in the National conference on Synergic Solutions for Sustainable Development conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal during 28th – 30th December 2005.
11. Manjula R., and Angelina Thanga Ajisha“Conceptual Approach for Ground water pollution”in the National conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development ESSD 2006 conducted by Department of Civil Engineering, Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi during 23th – 24th March 2006.
12. Manjula R., Sannasiraj S.A and Palanichamy K. Experimental investigations of
acceleration on slender cylindrical member under breaking waves. INCHOE2014, NIO Goa, February 2014
Subjects Taught
Subjects Handled
Environmental system Analysis
M.Tech (Environmental Engineering)
Mechanics of solids
IV semester Civil
Mechanics of solids & Fluids
IV semester EEE
Surveying – II
IV Semester Civil
Ground Water Modelling and management
IV Semester M.Tech.
Fluid Mechanics and machinery
IV Semester Production
Hydraulic machinery
V semester Civil
Strength of Materials - III
Semester MME
Irrigation and Hydraulic structures
VII Semester Civil
VIII Semester Civil
Basic Civil Engineering
II Semester
Fluid Mechanics - I
III Semester
Fluid Mechanics – II
IV Semester Civil
Building Planning and Drawing
IV Semester Civil
Computer Aided Design Laboratory
VI Semester Civil
Fluid Mechanics laboratory
V Semester Mechanical & V Semester Civil
Surveying – I Laboratory
III Semester Civil
No. of U.G Projects guided : 6
No. of P.G Projects guided : 3
No. of P.G Projects ongoing : 5
Ph.D Guidance :1 on going
Research Interests
Co-Curricular activities
1. First prize in Brain Teasers, conducted by Civil Engineering Association, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
2. Second place in Group discussion, conducted by Civil Engineering Association, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
3. Second place in General Quiz conducted by Civil Engineering Association, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
Extracurricular activities
1. N. S. S
Ø Awarded 5th rank in B.E Civil Engineering in Madurai Kamaraj University during 1994 to 1998.
Ø Got First Rank in M.Tech during December 2003
Membership in scientific and professional Societies:
a) Member of Institution of Engineer from June 2009- Membership No - M139603-4
b) Life Member in The Indian Society for Technical Education – LM42113
c) Life Member ship in Indian Geotechnical Society -LM3653
Service to the Institution, State or Profession
1. Student Secretary, Indian Society for Technical Education, during 1995 to 1998.
2. Organizing committee member for TIES 1995.
3. Programme and Quiz committee member for ENSEMBLE 1997 conducted at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
4. Executive member in Quality circle (House keeping) during 1997 to 1998
5. Served as a staff advisor for U.G students for 2005-06
6. Fluid Mechanics Lab inchage from 2006 to till date
7. Time table Co-ordinator fro 2006-2009
8. Staff Advisor, Civil Engineering Association 2009-2010
9. Stock Verification Officer in various departments from 2008 to till date
10. Committee member for first year orientation programme 2013-14
11. Committee member in MOMENTS’12 , MOMENTS’13, MOMENTS’14
12. Convocation Committee Member from 2006 to till date
13. Press Committee member for Press , NIT Trichy
14. Committee Member in NITTRRO(NIT Trichy Resource Recovery Organisation)
15. Co-ordinator for M.S/Ph.D admissions in Civil Engineering Department
16. Class Committee Chairman for M.Tech(Transportation Engineering and Management) for the academic year 2014-15
Workshop / short-term courses / Training program/Symposium Attended
1. In-plant training atTuticorin Port Trust, Tuticorin during June 1995.
2. Participated in the 2 days training programme “ ATLAS” on 24th and 25th February 1998 conducted by Jayceerette Wing of Sivakasi Junior Chamber and Mepco Schlenk Engineering College.
3. Participated one day seminar on “The uses of renewable Energy” on 3rd February 2005 by Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering, Tiruchendur.
4. Participated three days training programme on “Total Quality Management” during 8 – 10 of December 2004 held at Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar college of Engineering conducted by Indian Society for training and Development, Tiruchendur.
5. Participated five days training programme in Civil Engineering Laboratories under TEQIP network training scheme from 19th to 23rd June 2006, at NIT Warangal.
6. Participated five days training programme on “Advanced Techniques in Water Resource management” during November 13 to 17, 2006 held at IIT Bombay.
7. TEQIP Community services - Workshop on “Finite Element methods for Engineers” 1 - 2, February, 2007 at NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
8. Quality improvement Programme - short term course on “Recent Advancements in Environmental Engineering” 19 - 23, February 2007 at NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
9. Faculty Development Programme on "ANSYS" at 4 - 13, July 2007 at at NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
10. TEQIP Community services - Workshop on “Design, construction and maintenance of roads” 28 October, 2007 at NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
11. Short term research visit to Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University Singapore from 11 August to 11 September, 2008.
12. Training programme on “The Seven habits of highly effective people” on 21 - 23, December 2008, at NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
13. Quality improvement programme & Induction training programme on “Instructional Design and Delivery system” on 5 - 10, January 2009 at NITTR, Taramani, Chennai.
14. Continuing Education Programme on “Deepwater offshore structures” on 6 - 7, February 2009, at IIT Madras, Chennai.
15. One day Symposium on Wind-Wave Modelling on 12th February, 2009, at IIT Madras, Chennai.
16. Short term training programme on “Isotope tracer techniques for water resources development and management” 15 - 20, June 2009, at CWRDM, Calicut.
17. Regional Seminar on “Intellectual property and innovation management in knowledge era” 7th September 2009, NIT Tiruchirappalli.
18. Short term course on “Offshore structures - Materials, Analysis, Design and construction”, 14 - 18, December 2009, at IITMadras, Chennai.
19. Workshop on “Challenges ahead in Ground water sector of Tamilnadu” 9th February 2011 by CGWB at Trichy.
20. Attended “R&D session of Indian National Committee for Ground Water” on 7th February 2013 organized by Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India at CGWB, Chennai
21. Short term Course on “Sea water Intake and Outfall - Planning, Design and Recent trends” held at IITMadras on 3 – 5 April 2013.
22. Training Course on “Aquifer Information System and Aquifer Management Plan” during 6th to 10th January 2014, organized by CGWB at Trichy
23. Training Programme on “ Hydro Power projects – Cost Effective Solutions” in 13th and 14th June 2014 organized by Aqua Foundation Academy, NewDelhi
List of Guest Lectures Delivered:
Ø Delivered a guest Lecture titled “Rainwater Harvesting” on 17th August 2007 at Institution of Engineers, Trichy.
Ø Delivered a guest lecture on “Drainage Management” at Irrigation Management and Training Institute, Trichy during 11th September 2007.
Ø Delivered a guest lecture on “Flood Routing and Reservoir Operation” at Irrigation Management and Training Institute, Trichy during 14th September 2007.
Ø Delivered a guest lecture on “Advances in Irrigation Engineering and modeling Techniques”, at Anna University Trichy on 22, October 2013
List of Short term courses conducted
Co-ordinator for the workshop on “Testing of Construction Materials” conducted at Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli during February 26th and 27th 2007.
Co-ordinator for the workshop on “Recent Trends in water Resources, Hydraulics and Coastal Modelling ” conducted at Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli during November 7th and 8th 2013.
Co-ordinator for the National workshop on “Innovation, sustainability, Solutions, Adoption, Implementation in Energy, Environment Ecosystem and Human Life” conducted at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli during January 23rd and 24th 2014.
Research / Consultancy Projects
Ø Site inspection and Technical opinion on Commissioning of Pillur - II CWSS along with Pillur - I CWSS to TWAD - Rs. 33000/- (Completed)
Ø Flood protection works in Right bank of Kollidam from LS 26.74km to 108.21km and LS108.21 to 168.21 km in Thanjavur and Nagapattinam District of Tamilnadu to PWD - Rs. 26,52,715/- (Completed )
Ø A proposal for "Rainwater harvesting studies in the premise of National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli" submitted to Central Ground water Board, Chennai for an amount of Rs. 98, 00, 000/-. (Submitted)
Computer Knowledge:
Working Platform : DOS and WINDOWS
Languages : Basic, FORTRAN, C, C++ , MATLAB
Data Base Management : LOTUS 1-2-3, dbase, and Excel
Graphics : WinGrapher, Winsurfer
GIS Packages : Arc GIS, Arc Info, ArcView, ENVI 3.6, and MapInfo
For latest details, please click here.
Contact Address
Mrs. R. Manjula,
Assistant Professor,
Civil Engineering Department,
NIT Trichy -620015