- Continuum concept - CGS, MKS and SI systems - Properties of Fluids - ideal and real fluid - Pressure at a point - pressure variation - pressure measurement.
- Hydrostatic forces on plane and curved surfaces - Buoyancy and equilibrium - Metacentric height and its determination-Types of flow - continuity equation for one, two and three dimensional flow - stream function and velocity potential - flow net and its properties.
- Convective and local acceleration - Pressure, Kinetic and Datum energy - Bernoulli's theorem and proof - Euler's equations of motion for a three dimensional flow and along a streamline - Deduction of Bernoulli's theorem - Momentum equation .
- Reynold's experiment - Laminar and turbulent flow - Reynold's number - critical flow - Navier-Stoke equation of motion - shear stress and pressure gradient - Laminar flow between parallel plates - Couette flow - Hagen Poiseuille equation for flow through circular pipes.
- Turbulence - semi empirical theories - Darcy-Weisbach equation for flow through circular pipe - Friction factor - Smooth and rough pipes - Moody diagram - flow through noncircular pipe - Minor losses - pipes in series and parallel - Equivalent length - elementary treatment of water hammer phenomena.
- Nagaratnam, S., Fluid Mechanics, Khanna Publishers, 1989. <!--[if !supportLists]-->
- Natarajan, M.K. Principles of Fluid Mechanics, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co, 1990. <!--[if !supportLists]-->
- Jagdish Lal, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1992.