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- Introduction - Concrete materials - Cement: Test on cement – Concrete materials – Aggregate - Test on aggregates - Water - Quality of Water for mixing and curing - use of sea water for mixing concrete.
- Mix Design - Basic consideration - factors influencing mix proportion - Mix design by ACI method and I.S. code method - Design of high strength concrete.
- Information on Admixtures - accelerating admixtures - Retarding admixtures - water reducing admixtures - Air entraining admixtures - coloring agent - Plasticizers. Batching - Mixing - Transportation - Placing of concrete - curing of Concrete.
- Strength of Concrete - stress and strain characteristics of concrete - Shrinkage and temperature effects - creep of concrete - permeability of concrete - durability of concrete - Thermal properties of concrete - Micro cracking of concrete.
- Special Concrete - light weight concrete - Fibre reinforced concrete - Polymer composite concrete - Ferrocement - Mass concrete - Guniting. Quality control in Concrete - Sampling and testing of concrete
- Shetty, M.S., Concrete Technology, S.Chand and Co, 1984.
- Gambhir, M.L., Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, 1996.
- Nevile, Properties of Concrete, Longman Publishers, 1977.