Environmental Engineering Laboratory
The Environmental Engineering Laboratory provides excellent research facilities to the students. The laboratory is equipped with facilities for research on water and wastewater treatment, contaminant transport, site remediation and refuse decomposition. The laboratory is well equipped with refrigeration, incubators, water baths, fume hoods, balances, pH meters, COD digesters, drying ovens, a muffle furnace and other standard equipment.

Major equipment includes:
- pH meter
- COD Digester
- EC & TDS meter
- Bench top pH, EC and TDS meter
- Turbidity Meter (Bench Top)
- Flame photometer
- BOD incubator
- Deep freezer
- Centrifuge
- Microprocessor controlled centrifuge
- Analytical Balance
- Digital Water Bath
- Hot plate
- Hot Air Oven
- Muffle Furnace
- Autoclave
- Magnetic stirrer
- Deionizer
- Jar test apparatus
- Refrigerator
- Orbital Shaking Incubator
- Air compressor
- Distillation unit
- High speed emulsifier
- DC power supply
- Peristaltic Pump
- Fume Hood
- Ultrapure Water Unit
- Vacuum pump