Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
The Environmental Microbiology Laboratory is engaged in education and research in the field of applied microbiology. The laboratory facilitates intensive study of commonly detected microorganisms in the environment. The laboratory provides facilities for techniques such as sampling, handling, and identifying microbes and procedures such as preparation of cultures, proper transfer and incubation ensuring accuracy and reliability of analysed results. The results are used to detect problems, their magnitude and thereby suitable measures are suggested. Major areas of research include,
- Bacteriological examination of water and wastewater
- Biodegradation studies
- Microorganisms growth studies

Major Equipments:
- Micro Centrifuge
- Inoculation chamber
- BOD Incubator
- Orbital Shaking Incubator
- Analytical Balance
- Automated Cell Counter
- Bench top pH, EC and TDS meter
- Projection microscope
- with digital camera
- Microwave Oven
- UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
- Colony counter
- Junior student microscope
- Projection microscope