Waste Management and Water Research Laboratory

Waste management and Water research laboratory (WMWRL) aims at carrying out research in wastewater treatment and methods for safe disposal of solid wastes. WMWRL consists of instruments to carry out testing and characterization of wastewater. This lab also aims at research in recovering the hazardous materials from industrial effluents and sludge. On the other hand, instruments are also available for carrying out proximate analysis of organic/inorganic solids and waste materials. A DRDO project titled “Safe disposal of missile canister after missile firing- BrahMos project” has been carried out in the year 2015. The broader areas of research currently carried out include alternate fuels in cement industries and waste as a substitute for construction material.
Key Facilities
- High Temperature furnace i.e., Ashing furnace (up to 1100 degree Celsius)
- Cutting mill for particle size reduction (6 mm to 0.25 mm)
- Tubular furnace
- Flocculator Jar Test apparatus
- Ultrasonicator
- UV-Visible Spectrophotometry
For Detailed list of facilities, please click here
Faculty in Charge
Dr. G. Swaminathan
Professor (HAG)
Civil Engineering Department
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620015
Tamil Nadu, India
Email: gs@nitt.edu
*Faculty member rendering services from Allied Department
Dr. M. Premalatha
Department of Energy and Environment
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620015
Tamil Nadu, India
Email: latha@nitt.edu