Remote Health Monitoring is a novel concept in the field of life extending health care, where telemetry is being used. Telemedicine has been among the most controversial technology of modern times (State of art). Its applications seem endless, the capabilities are miraculous and yet it is so poorly understood. The idea of this workshop is to de-mistify Telemedicine and explain it in a language that is accessible to engineering Technologist as well as Technologists. It will provide a channel for continuous access to the most sophisticated medical support systems, at all times. Further, Telemedicine shall improve patient care, enhance medical training, standardize Clinical practice, stabilize costs and unite clinicians worldwide. In short bridging Medical specialists and Engineers
Medical Specialists, interested Doctors, Biomedical Engineers, Teachers handling Biomedical Engineering subjects in AICTE recognized Engineering colleges, Research Scholars and practising Engineers working in the Biomedical field are eligible to attend. The participants will be provided with a working lunch. No TA/DA will be given. The number of participants will be limited to 50. The participants will have to make their own arrangements for stay during the workshop. However, if requested, accomodation will be provided in NIT guest house/ Institute hostels(if available), on payment basis.
Application for participation in the workshop shall be sent to the coordinator as given in the attached format along with the registration fee of Rs. 500/- for Doctors/ Engineering Professionals and Rs.1000/- for Industrial participants by D.D. drawn in favor of The Director, NIT, Tiruchirappalli - 620 015 payable at SBI, NIT Branch (Code - 1617), Tiruchirappalli.
Click here to download the brochure and application.
Last date for receiving the applications: 25th September, 2008
Intimation of acceptance: 26th September, 2008
Date of Workshop: 27th September, 2008
Venue: A13 Hall, NIT Trichy
Time: 9.01 am