International Journal

  1. Amal S. Pradeep, Joe Babu, J. Sudaroli Sandana, S. Deivalakshmi, "Innovations in forensic science: Comprehensive review of hyperspectral imaging for bodily fluid analysis", Elsevier Journal on Forensic Science International, Volume 364, 2024, 112227, ISSN 0379-0738,
  2. Pujari Venkata Yeswanth and S Deivalakshmi, "ASFESRN: Bridging the Gap in Real-time Corn Leaf Disease Detection with Image Super-Resolution", Springer Journal on Multimedia Systems.
  3. Sudaroli Sandana J, Deivalakshmi, S, & Sony George." MMDAN: Multiwavelet based Multiscale Dilated Attention Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution",  in Springer Journal on Signal, Image and Video Processing, SIViP (2024), doi:
  4. S. Valarezo-Plaza, J. Torres-Tello, K. D. Singh, S. J. Shirtliffe, S. Deivalakshmi and S. -B. Ko, "A Novel Optimized Deep Learning Model for Canola Crop Yield Prediction on Edge Devices," in IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TAFE.2024.3414953
  5. P.V.Yeswanth, M.Saisanika, & S.Deivalakshmi. (2024). Self-Governing Feedback Network (SGFN) Based Super Resolution for bean leaf disease detection. Journal of Advanced Applied Scientific Research, 6(3).
  6. Padala Raja Shekar, Aneesh Mathew, P.V. Yeswanth, S. Deivalakshmi, "A combined deep CNN-RNN network for rainfall-runoff modelling in Bardha Watershed, India", Elsevier Journal on Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences,2024,100073,ISSN 2666-5441,
  7. Monika, R., & Deivalakshmi, S."Convolutional Neural Network-based Fracture Detection in Spectrogram of Acoustic Emission", Springer Journal on Signal, Image and Video Processing, SIViP (2024),
  8. Ravindranath Kadirappa & Deivalakshmi S, Pandeeswari  R & Seok-Bum Ko, "DeepHistoNet: A robust deep-learning model for the classification of hepatocellular, lung, and colon carcinoma", Wiley Journal on Microscopy Research and Technique,
  9. Pujari Venkata Yeswanth, S Deivalakshmi, Sony George and Seok Bum Ko, " Residual Skip Network Based Super-Resolution for Leaf Disease Detection of Grape Plant", Springer Journal on Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing (CSSP), 10.1007/s00034-023-02430-2.
  10. Sudaroli Sandana J, Deivalakshmi S, Saravanan S, Hao Zhang & Seok Bum Ko, " SFCNet: Deep Learning based Lightweight Separable Factorized Convolution Network for Landslide Detection", Springer Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1007/s12524-023-01685-1.
  11. Ravindranath Kadirappa, Deivalakshmi S, Pandeeswari  R & Seok-Bum Ko, "An Automated Multi-class Skin lesion Diagnosis by Embedding Local and Global Features of Dermoscopy Images",  Springer  Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications,
  12. Yeswanth, P.V. & Deivalakshmi, S. , "Extended Sparse Wavelet Convolutional Neural Network (ESWCNN) for Super Resolution", Springer journal, Sadhana,
  13. Ravindranath Kadirappa, Deivalakshmi Subbian, Pandeeswari Ramasamy & SeokBum Ko "Histopathological carcinoma classification using parallel, cross-concatenated and grouped convolutions deep neural network", Wiley International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology,
  14. Pujari Venkata Yeswanth, Rachit Khandelwal, S. Deivalakshmi," Super Resolution based leaf disease detection in potato plant using Broad Deep Residual Network (BDRN)", Springer  Journal on SN Computer Science (SN COMPUT. SCI). 4, 112 (2023).
  15. Shamim Banu, S. Deivalakshmi, “ AWUNet: leaf area segmentation based on attention gate and wavelet pooling mechanism ", Springer  Journal on Signal, Image and Video Processing SIViP (2022),
  16. Sandhana Mahalingam, R. Pandeeswari, S. Deivalakshmi,  Seok-Bum Ko," Asymmetric Meshed Ground Balanced Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna with QuarterWavelength Labyrinth Director for Ultrawideband Microwave Applications", Elsevier journal on AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications (2022), 154475, ISSN 1434-8411, 
  17. Haghanifar, A., Majdabadi, M. M., Choi, Y., Deivalakshmi, S., & Ko, S, “CovidCxnet: Detecting Covid-19 in Frontal Chest X-Ray images using Deep Learning", Springer Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications2022;81(21):30615-30645, doi: 10.1007/s11042-022-12156-z.   
  18. Molahasani Majdabadi, M., Choi, Y., Deivalakshmi, S. et al. “Capsule GAN for prostate MRI super-resolution”, Springer journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications (2021) (1573-7721). 
  19. Shivakanth Sujit, S. Deivalakshmi and Seok-Bum Ko "Factorized Multiscale Multiresolution Residual Network for Single Image Deraining", Springer journal on Applied Intelligence (2021) 
  20. Gadipudi Amaranageswarao and S. Deivalakshmi “Multi-Scale Image Super-Resolution via Hierarchical Filter Groups”, Springer journal on Applied Intelligence (2021) 
  21. Karthigaiveni, S., R. Pandeeswari, and S. Deivalakshmi. "Miniaturized MIMO Antenna with Complementary Split Ring Resonators Loaded Superstrate for X-band Applications." Springer journal on Wireless Personal Communications 127, 2585–2603 (2022).
  22. Bhardwaj, Priyanka, Subbian Deivalakshmi, and Ramasamy Pandeeswari. "Compact wideband substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter for X/Ku‐band application." Wiley International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering  (2021),
  23. Gadipudi Amaranageswarao, S. Deivalakshmi and Seok-Bum Ko, “Deep Dilated and Densely Connected Parallel Convolutional Groups for Compression Artifacts Reduction” Elsevier journal on Digital Signal Processing. Volume 106, 2020, 102804, ISSN 1051-2004, 
  24. Gadipudi Amaranageswarao S.Deivalakshmi Seok-Bum Ko, “Wavelet based medical image super resolution using cross connected residual-in-dense grouped convolutional neural network”, Elsevier Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Volume 70, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvcir.2020.102819  
  25. G Amaranageswarao, S Deivalakshmi, SB Ko, “Residual learning based densely connected deep dilated network for joint deblocking and super resolution” Springer journal on Applied Intelligence, 50, 2177–2193 (2020).
  26. Amaranageswarao, G., Deivalakshmi, S. & Ko, SB. Joint restoration convolutional neural network for low-quality image super resolution. Springer journal on Visual Computer (2020), October 2020, 
  27. Gadipudi Amaranageswarao, S. Deivalakshmi, Seok-Bum Ko, Blind compression artefact reduction using dense parallel convolutional neural network, Elsevier Journal on Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 89, November 2020, 116009, ISSN 0923-5965, 
  28. S. Deivalakshmi, P. Palanisamy, “Removal of High  Density Salt and Pepper Noise through Improved Tolerance based Selective Arithmetic Mean Filtering with Wavelet Thresholding”, Elsevier AEU International Journal of Electronics and Communications Engineering,70(6), pp.757-776, 2016, 
  29. S. Deivalakshmi, P. Palanisamy and X. Z. Gao, “Balanced GHM Multiwavelet Transform based Contrast Enhancement Technology for Dark Images using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance”, Taylor and Francis journal on Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2017, Vol. XX, no. X, 1–5, DOI:10.31209/2018.100000001. 
  30. S. Arivazhagan, S. Deivalakshmi, K. Kannan, B. N. Gajbhiye, C. Muralidhar, Sijo N. Lukose,M. P. Subramanian, "Multi-Resolution System for Artifact Removal and Edge Enhancement in Computerized Tomography Images", Elsevier Journal on Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 28, Issue 13, pp.1769-1780, 1 October 2007,
  31. S. Arivazhagan, S. Deivalakshmi, K. Kannan, B.N.Gajbhiye, C.Muralidhar, Sijo N Lukose & M.P.Subramanian, “Performance Analysis of Wavelet Filters for Image Denoising", International Journal of Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology, Vol.1, No.1 pp. 1-10, June, 2007.
  32. S. Arivazhagan, S. Deivalakshmi, K. Kannan, B. N. Gajbhiye, C. Muralidhar, Sijo N. Lukose and M. P. Subramanian “Performance Analysis of Image Denoising System for different levels of Wavelet decomposition”, International Journal of Imaging Science and Engineering (IJISE), Vol.1, No.3, pp. 104-107, July 2007.
  33. S. Deivalakshmi & P. Palanisamy, “Undecimated Balanced GHM Multiwavelet Transform based Contrast Enhancement Technique for Dark Images using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance”, International Journal of Computer Applications, 150(11), pp. 0975- 8887, 2016.