Dr. E. S. Gopi


Dr. E. S. Gopi is an accomplished author, having penned 8 books and edited 3 publications by Springer, focusing on signal processing and pattern recognition. His extensive research output includes numerous papers in esteemed journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Boasting 25 years of teaching and research expertise, he currently holds the position of Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (Government of India). His authored works enjoy widespread adoption worldwide. One of his notable achievements is the recognition of his book, "Pattern Recognition and Computational Intelligence using MATLAB," by Book Authority, a premier source for book recommendations. He also serves as the series editor for Springer's "Signals and Communication Technology" series. Dr. Gopi's research prowess was demonstrated through his successful completion of a project offered by GTRE (DRDO), where he served as principal investigator, focusing on "Hunting representative sensors and constructing regression models for between-sensor outcomes using ML." In addition to his written contributions, Dr. Gopi is recognized for his instructional videos on topics such as "Pattern Recognition," "Statistical Theory of Communication," and "Linear Algebra and Stochastic Process," which have been well-received by students. He is actively involved in academic initiatives, serving as a Workshop, Tutorials & Symposia officer for the Machine Learning for Communications Emerging Technologies Initiative (IEEE ComSoc). Dr. Gopi has demonstrated leadership in academic events, having organized the first virtual international conference (MDCWC2020) at NIT, Tiruchirappalli, and edited its published proceedings published by Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer publications. He has also spearheaded numerous workshops, including MDCWC2021, featured as a special session during the IEEE Conference on ICIAfS2021, and MDCWC2021, the first long virtual workshop at NIT, Tiruchirappalli. Notably, he recently convened the second International conference on MDCWC2023 and the proceedings got published in Signals and Communication Technology series, Springer. An esteemed speaker, Dr. Gopi has delivered invited talks worldwide, including contributions to the Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) course on "Machine Learning for Wireless Communication" and as a speaker for the IEEE Training School in Machine Learning for Wireless Communication at TOMSK Polytechnic University. His diverse research interests encompass machine intelligence, pattern recognition, statistical signal processing, and computational intelligence.

E-mail and Google link

esgopi [at] nitt [dot] edu

Googlehomepage CV

Research interests