International Journals

  1. Siva, K.; P Palanisamy; Ramanathan, M. Disrupted Brain Network Measures in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Severe Hyposmia and Cognitively Normal Ability. Brain Sci. 2024, 14, 685.
  2. Tirumala Vasu, G., Palanisamy, P. Multi-exposure image fusion using structural weights and visual saliency map. Multimed Tools Appl (2024).
  3. Naresh. V., Y. G., N. N. B., Malmathanraj. R. and P. Palanisamy., "Empirical Analysis of Squeeze and Excitation-Based Densely Connected CNN for Chili Leaf Disease Identification," in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1681-1692, April 2024, doi: 10.1109/TAI.2024.3364126.
  4. Bhookya, N.N., Ramanathan, M. & Ponnusamy, Palanisamy, “Leaf Disease Classification of Various Crops Using Deep Learning Based DBESeriesNet Model”, SN COMPUT. SCI. 5, 406 (2024). Springer,
  5. Anish Sathyan, P Palanisamy, “Plant Nutrient Deficiency Detection from Leaf Images using AI/ML - Driven Enhanced Channel Boosted Convolutional Neural Network”, Journal of Annals of Forest Research, Vol 67(1), 2024, pp.135-151, Forest Research and Management Institute ICAS (ISSN: 18448135, 20652445)
  6. Vedhamuru, N., Malmathanraj, R. & Palanisamy, P., “Features of pyramid dilation rate with residual connected convolution neural network for pest classification”, SIViP 18, 715–722 (2024).
  7. Vasu, G.T., Palanisamy, P., “Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Using Distributed Anisotropic Guided Filter”, Sens Imaging 24, 40 (2023). (Springer)
  8. Vedhamuru, N., Ramanathan, M., Ponnusamy, Palanisamy. et al. Optimized Residual Parallel Separable Convolution Layers for Pest Classification. SN COMPUT. SCI. 4, 818 (2023).
  9. Vasu, G.T., Palanisamy, P., “CT and MRI multi-modal medical image fusion using weight-optimized anisotropic diffusion filtering”,  Springer Journal  of Soft Computing, Vol. 27, pp.9105–9117 (2023).
  10. Vasu, G.T., Palanisamy, P.,  “Gradient-based multi-focus image fusion using foreground and background pattern recognition with weighted anisotropic diffusion filter”, Springer Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 17, pp.2531–2543 (2023). .
  11. Hanumantharao Bitra, Srinivasarao Chintagunta,  Ponnusamy Palanisamy, “Nonlinear companding transform for PAPR reduction of OTFS signals”, Journal of Optical Communications, Dec-2022,
  12. Gurubelli, Y., Ramanathan, M. and P.Palanisamy, “ Colour texture descriptor for CBIR of diseased tomato leaf images using modified local zigzag patternSpringer Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications , Dec-2022, pp.1-9.
  13. Vasu, G.T, Palanisamy Ponnusamy, Multi-focus image fusion using anisotropic diffusion filter”, Springer Journal of Soft Computing, Vol. 26 (24) P.14029-14040 (2022).  DOI:   
  14. Hanumantharao Bitra, Palanisamy Ponnusamy, Large Scale MIMO Analysis Using Enhanced LAMA”, Springer Journal of Wireless Personal Communications Vol.126, p.2469–2482 (2022).  DOI:   
  15. Hanumantharao Bitra, Palanisamy Ponnusamy,Srinivasarao Chintagunta, “Reduction of PAPR in OTFS using rooting companding techniques”, Taylor & Francis-International Journal of Electronics Letters, Sep.-2022, p.1-12.  DOI: 10.1080/21681724.2022.2118839  
  16. Palanisamy Gopinath, Palanisamy Ponnusamy,Gopi, V.P., “An adaptive enhancement and fovea detection technique for color fundus image analysis”, Springer Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIVi), July 2022, p.1-8.  DOI:   
  17. Hanumantharao Bitra, Palanisamy Ponnusamy, , “Analytic Form of Expression for a Capacity in an Adaptive Spatial Modulation Systems”, Journal of Information Science & Engineering, Vol.38, Issue 4, July 2022, p821-832.  DOI: 10.6688/JISE.202207 38(4).0008  
  18. Hanumantharao Bitra, Palanisamy Ponnusamy, Srinivasarao Chintagunta, Salai Pragadeshwaran, “Nonlinear companding transforms for reducing the PAPR of OTFS signal”, Elsevier Journal of Physical Communication, Vol.53, August 2022, 101729.  
  19. B.Nageswararao Naik, R Malmathanraj, P Palanisamy, “Detection and classification of chilli leaf disease using a squeeze-and-excitation-based CNN model”, Elsevier Journal of Ecological Informatics, Vol.69, July 2022, 101663.
  20. Mounika, B.R., Palanisamy, P., Sekhar, H.H. et al., "Content based video retrieval using dynamic textures",   Multimedia Tools Applications (2022).
  21. Arun, P.S., Varun P Gopi, Palanisamy.P, “Despeckling of OCT images using DT-CWT based fusion technique”, Optik-International Journal for Light Electron Optics, 263(2022) 169332,
  22. Hanumantharao Bitra, Palanisamy Ponnusamy, Srinivasarao Chintagunta, “Reduction of PAPR in OTFS using normalized μ‐law and A‐law companding transform”, Journal of Internet Technology Letter, Vol.5, No.3 (2022).
  23. Yogeswararao, G., Malmathanraj, R. & Palanisamy, P. Fractional weighted nuclear norm based two dimensional linear discriminant features for cucumber leaf disease recognition. Multimedia Tools Applications (2022).
  24. Yogeswararao, G., Naresh, V., Malmathanraj, R. and P.Palanisamy, “An efficient densely connected convolutional neural network for identification of plant diseases” Multimedia Tools Applications (2022),
  25. Nisha.J.S, AK Krishna, Varun P Gopi and P.Palanisamy, “ Multi-Scale Directed Acyclic Graph-CNN for Automated Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy from OCT Images”, Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (2022)
  26. Nisha.J.S, Varun P Gopi and P.Palanisamy, “ Colorectal Polyp Detection Using Image Enhancement And Scaled YOLOV4 Algorithm”, Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (2022)
  27. Sahadevan, D., M, H.P., P, Palanisamy. et al.,Ground-based 4d trajectory prediction using bi-directional LSTM networks”, Applied Intelligence (2022).
  28. Nisha.J.S, Varun P Gopi and P.Palanisamy, “ Classification of Informative Frames in Colonoscopy Video Based on Image EnhancementaAnd PHOD Feature Extraction”,  Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (2022) 
  29. Nisha.J.S, Varun P Gopi and P.Palanisamy, “ Automated colorectal polyp detection based on image enhancement and dual-path CNN architecture”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol.73 (2022).
  30. Sunija A.P., Varun P Gopi and P.Palanisamy, " Redundancy reduced depthwise separable convolution for glaucoma classification using OCT images”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol.71(2022).
  31. Anju Thomas, Harikrishnan, P.M., Rajiv Ramachandarn, Srikanth Ramachandran, Rigved Manoj, P.Palanisamy  and Varun P Gopi , “A novel multiscale and multipath convolutional neural network based age-related macular degeneration detection using OCT images”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, , Vol.209Yas,  2021.
  32. Yashvanth Lakshminarasimhan, Roshaan Soundarapandian, and Palanisamy Ponnusamy, "On the Role of Time-Frequency Analysis for Joint DOD-DOA Estimation for Bistatic MIMO Radars," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 114, 233-246, 2021.  doi:10.2528/PIERC21062402
  33. Deepudev. S, Palanisamy. P, Varun P. Gopi, G Shivkumar , Adithya K.Krishna.(2021), “A Machine Learning Based Approach to Predict RandomVariation in the Landing Time of Scheduled Flights”, International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, Inderscience. Accepted for Publication (in press). DOI: 10.1504/IJSA.2021.10041723
  34. Anju Thomas, P.M.Harikrishnan, Varun P Gopi and P.Palanisamy, " An Automated Method to Detect Age-Related Macular Degeneration from Optical Coherence Tomographic Images Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (2021).
  35. Reddy Mounika Boomisetty, Ashish Khare, Manish Khare and P.Palanisamy, "Content-Based Video Retirval using Integration of Curvelet Transform and Simple Linear Iterative Clustering", Interntaional Journal of Image and Graphics (2021).
  36. S, Deepudev., P.Palanisamy, Nelli, M. K., & Gopi, V. P. (2021), “Predictability improvement of Scheduled Flights Departure Time Variation using Supervised Machine Learning”, International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 8(2).
  37. Gayathri, S., Gopi, V.P. & Palanisamy, P, "Diabetic retinopathy classification based on multipath CNN and machine learning classifiers". Phys Eng Sci Med (2021).
  38. Vikas R. Phate, R. Malmathanraj & P. Palanisamy (2021), " Classification and Indirect Weighing of Sweet Lime Fruit through Machine Learning and Meta-heuristic Approach", International Journal of Fruit Science, 21:1, 528-545, DOI: 10.1080/15538362.2021.1911745
  39. Anju Thomas, PM Harikrishnan, Adithya K Krishna, P Palanisamy, Varun P Gopi, “Automated Detection of Age-Related Macular Degeneration from OCT Images Using Multipath CNN", Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, Vol.15 (1), pp-34-46.
  40. K.Gowri and P.Palanisamy, “2D Direction Finding of Coherent Sources Using Three Parallel Sparse Arrays with Less Computational Complexity", ”, Springer Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2021, 1-18. DOI: 10.1007/s00034-021-01683-.
  41. Anju Thomas, Harikrishnana P.M., Adithya K, Palanisamy P and Varun P Gopi, " A novel multiscale convolutional neural network based age-related macular degeneration detection using OCT images”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol.67,  2021.
  42. Harikrishnan, P.M., Thomas, A., Gopi, V.P., Palanisamy, P., “Fast approach for moving vehicle localization and bounding box estimation in highway traffic videos, (2021) Signal, Image and Video Processing.
  43. Harikrishnan, P.M., Thomas, A., Gopi, V.P., Palanisamy, P., Wahid, K.A., “Inception single shot multi-box detector with affinity propagation clustering and their application in multi-class vehicle counting, (2021) Applied Intelligence.
  44. AP Sunija, Saikat Kar, S Gayathri, Varun P Gopi, P Palanisamy, “OctNET: A Lightweight CNN for Retinal Disease Classification from Optical Coherence Tomography Images” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.
  45. Anju Thomas, A. P. Sunija, Rigved Manoj, Rajiv Ramachandran, Srikkanth Ramachandran, P. Gopi Varun, P. Palanisamy, " RPE layer detection and baseline estimation using statistical methods and randomization for classification of AMD from retinal OCT" Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.
  46. Mounika Bommisetty, R., Khare, A., Siddiqui, T.J., P.Palanisamy , " Fusion of gradient and feature similarity for Keyframe extraction”. Multimed Tools Appl (2021).
  47. Bitra Hanamantarao, P.Palanisamy, “Analysis of GSM-SM Over κμ, ημ and αμ Fading Channels”, Wireless Pers Commun117, 2679–2693 (2021).
  48. S.Deepudev., P.Palanisamy., Gopi, V. P., Nelli, M. K., & K, A. (2020), “Prediction of Gate In Time of Scheduled Flights and Schedule Conformance using Machine Learning-based Algorithms”, International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 7(4).
  49. Deepudev, S., Palanisamy, P., Gopi, V.P., Nelli, M.K., Asokkumar, K., “Performance improvement of air traffic flow management ground delay program using machine-learning and mixed integer linear programming based algorithm”, International Journal on Emerging Technologies (2020), 11 (2), pp. 1071-1081.
  50. Sivaraj S, Malmathanraj R, Palanisamy P., “Detecting anomalous growth of skin lesion using threshold-based segmentation algorithm and Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor classifier”, Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics(2020),16(1), 40-52.
  51. Hariharan.P.M., Anju Thomas, Nisha.J.S., Varun.P.Gopi, Palanisamy.P, "Pixel matching search algorithm for counting moving vehicle in highway traffic videos", Multimedia Tools and Applications,
  52. Gayathri, S., Gopi, V.P. & Palanisamy.P, "A lightweight CNN for Diabetic Retinopathy classification from fundus images" Biomedical Signal Processing and COntro, Vol. 62, Sept.2020,
  53. Gayathri, S., Gopi, V.P. & Palanisamy.P, “Automated classification of diabetic retinopathy through reliable feature selection”, Physical and Engineering Sciences in  Medicine, July 2020 (Springer). DOI:
  54. Gowri, K., Palanisamy, P. & Amiri, I.S.,“Improved Method of Direction Finding for Non Circular Signals with Wavelet Denoising Using Three Parallel Uniform Linear Arrays”, Wireless Pers Commun (2020).
  55. S Gayathri, AK Krishna, VP Gopi, P Palanisamy,” Automated Binary and Multiclass Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Haralick and Multiresolution Features”, IEEE Access, Vol.8, 2020 (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2979753)
  56. P.Gopinath, N.B.Shankar, P.Palanisamy and Varun P Gopi, “A hybrid feature preservation technique based on luminosity and edge based contrast enhancement in color fundus images” Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (Elsevier), Vol. 40(2), pp.752-763 (2020)
  57. Karthick S, Palanisamy.P and Srinivasarao Chintagunta, “Polarization Difference Smoothing in Bistatic MIMO Radar” Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol.88, pp.67-74, 2020
  58. K.Gowri and P.Palanisamy,Two Dimensional Direction of Arrival Estimation Algorithm for Coherent Signals using three parallel Uniform Linear Arrays” Journal Communication Technology and Electronics (Springer), Vol.64, No.12, pp-1383-1390 (2019). Doi:10.1134/S106422691912009x.
  59. Gowri.K, Palanisamy.P and Iraj Sadegh Amiri, “Direct Localization of Multiple Noncircular Sources With a Moving Nested Array”, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, 2019. (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2929805).
  60. S.Deivalakshmi, Palanisamy.P and X.Gao, “Balanced GHM Mutiwavelet Transform based Contrast Enhancement Technique for Dark Images using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance, Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 25, no. 3, pp.459–471 (DOI: 10.31209/2018.100000001).
  61. Palanisamy P, Karthick S and Srinivasarao Chintagunta, “Computationally efficient method for joint DOD and DOA estimation of coherent targets in MIMO radar”, Elsevier Signal Processing, Vol. 165, PP. 262-267, 2019. ( ).
  62. Srinivasarao Chintagunta and Palanisamy P, “Spatial and Polarization Angle Estimation of Mixed-Targetsin MIMO Radar”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol.82, pp.49-59, 2019 .
  63. Vikas R. Phate, R. Malmathanraj, P. Palanisamy, “Clustered ANFIS weighing models for sweet lime (Citruslimetta) using computer vision system”, Journal of Food process Engineering (Wiley), 2019 DOI: 10.1111/jfpe.1316.
  64. Yogeswararao Gurubelli, Malmathanraj Ramanathan, Palanisamy Ponnusamy, “Fractional fuzzy 2DLDA approach for pomegranate fruit grade classification” Elsevier Journal of Journal Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,162 (2019), pp-95-105. (
  65. Vikas R. Phate, R. Malmathanraj, Palanisamy, “Classification and weighing of sweet lime (Citrus limetta) for packaging using computer vision system”, Journal of Food Measurement and Charecterization, Springer, Impact Factor (1.181), Published Feb. 2019. (SCIE)( 10.1007/s11694-019-00061-3)
  66. P.Gopinath, P.Palanisamy and Varun P Gopi, “An improved luminosity and contrast enhancement framework for feature preservation in color fundus images",Springer Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, (2018), pp.1-8. (
  67. V. Sudeep, P. Palanisamy, Chandrasekharan Kesavadas, Jeny Rajan, “An improved nonlocal maximum likelihood estimation method for denoising magnetic resonance images with spatially varying noise levels” ,Pattern Recognition Letters (Feb. 2018 on line), doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2018.02.007
  68. Srinivasarao Chintagunta and P Palanisamy2D-DOD and 2D-DOA estimation using the electromagnetic vector sensors” Elsevier Signal Processing, Vol. 147, pp.163-172. DOI:org/10.1016/j.sigpro.2018.01.025
  69. Srinivasarao and P. Palanisamy, Integrated polarization and diversity smoothing algorithm for DOD and DOA estimation of coherent targets, IET Signal Processing, pp. 1-7, 2017 DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2017.0276
  70. Srinivasarao Chintagunta and P Palanisamy, “DOD and DOA estimation using the spatial smoothing in MIMO radar with the EmV sensors”, Springer Journal of Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, May 2017. (DOI 10.1007/s11045-017-0500-1)
  71. Gowri and P.Palanisamy, “Multiresoultion transform based denoising in direction finding”, International Journal of Computer Applications, No.1, September 2017.
  72. PV Sudeep, P Palanisamy et al., A nonlocal maximum likelihood estimation method for enhancing magnetic resonance phase maps”, Springer Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing, Dec. 2016, (doi:1007/s11760-016-1039-6).
  73. Deivalakshmi S, Palanisamy P., “Undecimated Balanced GHM Multiwavelet Transform based Contrast Enhancement Technique for Dark Images using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.150(11), Sept. 2016, pp.47-54. (doi: 10.5120/ijca2016911657)
  74. PV Sudeep, P Palanisamy et al., “Speckle reduction in medical ultrasound images using an unbiased non-local means method” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol.28, July 2016, pp 1-8, (doi:10.1016/j.bspc.2016.03.001).
  75. S Deivalakshmi, P Palanisamy, “Removal of high density salt and pepper noise through improved tolerance based selective arithmetic mean filtering with wavelet thresholding”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.70(6), June 2016, pp.757-776 (doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2016.03.002).
  76. V. Sudeep, P. Palanisamy et al., "Enhancement and Bias Removal of Multiframe Optical Coherence Tomography Images: an Iterative Approach via Adaptive Bilateral Filtering," Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.71, April 2016, pp. 97-107 (doi:10.1166/jmihi.2016.1579)
  77. Varun P. Gopi, Palanisamy, Khan A. Wahid, Paul Babyn, David Cooper " Iterative Computed Tomography Reconstruction from Sparse-View Data," Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol.6(1), 2016, pp.34-46.
  78. Sudeep P.V., Palanisamy, Chandrasekharan KEsavadas and Jeny Rajan “ Nonlocal linear minimum mean square error methods for denoising MRI” Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol.20 (2015), pp.125-134.
  79. E.S.Gopi and P.Palanisamy, “Neural network based class-conditional probability density function using kernel trick for supervised classifier” Elsevier Journal of Neuro Computing (Available on line, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.11.070)
  80. E.S.Gopi and P.Palanisamy, “Maximizing gaussianity using kurtosis measurement in the kernel space for kernel linear discriminant analysis” Elsevier Journal of Neuro Computing, Vol.11(2014), pp. 329-337.
  81. Varun P. Gopi, Palanisamy, Paul Babyn and Khan A. Wahid, “Multiple Regularization based on MRI Reconstruction”, Elsevier-Signal processing, Vol.103,2014, pp. 103-113 (
  82. Varun P.Gopi, Palanisamy, Khan A.Wahid and Paul Babyn, “MR Image Reconstruction Based on Framelets and nonlocal total variation using Split Bregman method”, Springer Journal of Computer assisted radiology and surgery, Vol.9(3) (2014), pp.459-472. (DOI 10.1007/s11548-013-0938-z)
  83. Varun P. Gopi, Palanisamy, Khan A. Wahid, Paul Babyn, David Cooper " Micro-CT Image Reconstruction Based on Alternating Direction Augmented Lagrangian method and Total Variation," Elsevier Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol.37, December 2013, pp.419-429. (doi:10.1016/j.compmedimag.2013.08.006)
  84. Varun P.Gopi, Palanisamy, Khan A.Wahid and Paul Babyn, “MR Image Reconstruction Based on Iterative Split Bregman algorithm and nonlocal total variation”, Journal of Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol.2013, pp/1-16,(
  85. Issac Niwas, P.Palanisamy and K.Sujathan, “Complex Wavelets based automated analysis of subcellular pattern in Immunohistochemistry images of the tissue microarrays from the Human Protein Atlas” International Journal of Imaging Science and Engineering, Vol.7, pp.1-5, 2013.
  86. Issac Niwas, A,Karsnas, V.Uhlmann, P Palanisamy, C Kampf, M.Simonsson, C.Wählby and R Strand, “Automated classification of immunostaining patterns in breast tissue from the Human Protein Atlas”, Journal of Pathology Informatics, Vol.4, pp.1-4, 2013.
  87. E.S.Gopi and P.PalanisamyFormulating Particle swarm optimization based membership linear discriminant analysis ” Elsevier journal on swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation, vol.12, pp.65-73,2013.
  88. E.S.Gopi and P.Palanisamy, “Fast computation of PCA bases of image subspace using its inner-product subspace” Elsevier journal on Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.219(12),pp.6729-6732.
  89. S Issac Niwas, P Palanisamy, E Bengtsson,Color deconvolution method for breast tissue core biopsy images cell nuclei detection and analysis using multiresolution technique”, International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, 9(1), pp.48-60.
  90. Varun P. Gopi, P Palanisamy, "Capsule Endoscopic  Image Denoising Based on Double density dual tree complex wavelet Transform'', International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, vol.9(1), pp.37-47(appear in Jan.2013 edition)
  91. Issac Niwas, P. Palanisamy, K. Sujathan and E. Bengtsson: “Analysis of nuclei textures of fine needle aspirated cytology images for breast cancer diagnosis using Complex Daubechies Wavelets”, Elsevier-Signal Processing, vol.96(10), pp. 2828-2837,  July 2012.  (
  92. S Issac Niwas, P Palanisamy, R Chibbar, WJ Zhang: An expert support system for breast cancer diagnosis using color wavelet features”, Springer-Journal of Medical Systems, 36 (5), pp. 3091-3102, Sep. 2012.
  93. Palanisamy, N.Kalyanasundaram and P.M.Swetha, “Two-dimensional DOA estimation of coherent signals using acoustic vector sensor array”, Signal Processing (Elsevier), Vol.92, pp.19-28, 2012 (DOI:10.1016/j.sigpro.2011.05.021).
  94. Palanisamy and N.Kalyanasundaram, “Sonar target detection by modified adaptive noise cancellation using correlating filter”, International Journal of Electronics,Vol.98, No.1, pp.41-60, Jan.2011 (DOI: 10.1080/00207217.2010.497670).
  95. Kalyanasundaram and P.Palanisamy, “Active Bearing Estimation from a Mobile Two-Dimensional Array of Sensors” , IET (IEE) Signal Processing,Vol.4, No.1, pp.55-68, Feb.2010 (DOI: 10.1049/iet-spr.2008.0258).
  96. Palanisamy and N.Rao, “Direction of Arrival Estimation based on Fourth-Order Cumulant using Propagator method”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol.18, No.8, pp.83-99, 2009 (DOI:10.2528/PIERB09081806).
  97. P.Palanisamy, N.Kalyanasundaram and A.Raghunandan, “A New DOA estimation algorithm for wideband signals in the presence of unknown spatially correlated noise”, Signal Processing (Elsevier), Vol.89, No.10, pp.1921-1931, Oct.2009 (DOI:10.1016/j.sigpro.2009.03.033).
  98. N.Kalyanasundaram and P.Palanisamy, “Target Detection by Adaptive Noise Cancellation”, IET (IEE) Electronics Letters, vol.44, No.22, pp.1329-1331, Oct.2008 (DOI: 10.1049/el:20081432).
  99. P.Palanisamy and K.Nidhin, “Error Localization of Complex DFT codes using propagator method”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol.1, No.3, pp-167-170, May 2009 (ISSN: 1797-9617)
  100. Sambit Prasad Kar and P.Palanisamy, “A Propagator Method like Algorithm for Estimation of Multiple Real-Valued Sinusoidal Signal” International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, pp.254-258,Vol. 6, 2012
  101. P.M.Swetha and P.Palanisamy, “2-D DOA Estimation of Coherent wideband signals using L-shaped Sensor array”, Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology, Springer Verlog Berlin Heideberg, 2011, Vol.131, Part-1, pp.179-188, (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-17857-3_18)