Academic Programmes

The Electronics and Communication Engineering department established in 1968 has been offering an undergraduate course since then. In 1976 the course was diversified with emphasis on Solid-State Electronics, Digital and Switching Circuits, Information Theory, Space Communication and other relevant subjects. A postgraduate course in Communication Systems was started in 1976 with academic autonomy. During the period 1978-80, the department also offered a postgraduate course in Computer Technology.

The undergraduate program was granted autonomy from the academic year 1986-87. This department has always striven to maintain its high standards by revising academic syllabi to suit the industrial requirements and is among the privileged few in India to be awarded the prestigious 'A' grade by the NBA (National Board of Accreditation). This branch is a highly sought after one and it enjoys an enviable reputation among the students of this Institute.

This department is currently running a 4 year program in Electronics and Communication Engineering leading to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology and two full-time programs in

  • Communication Systems
  • VLSI System


leading to the award of the degree of Master of Technology.

The department has been recognized by the Bharathidasan University for carrying out research work leading to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

The communication technology in this country has registered a remarkable growth during the recent years and is surging ahead to capture a fair share of the global market. The requirement is now for highly qualified and motivated communication professionals who can keep pace with the latest developments in the field. The undergraduate and postgraduate programs are designed to meet the very requirements.