Microwave Integrated Circuit Design
Pre-Requisite : EC306
Contact Hours and Credits : ( 3 -0- 0 ) 3
Objective :
To impart knowledge on basics of microwave electron beam devices and their applications in X band frequency.
Topics Covered :
Design and realization of power dividers, hybrids, directional couplers etc using strip lines and microstrip lines.
Filter design; Kuroda identities. K and J inverters. Filter transformations. Realization using strip lines and microstrip lines.
Transistor amplifiers; Power gain equations. Stability considerations. Analysis. Design using MICs.
Transistor oscillators. Active devices for microwave oscillators. Three port S parameter characterization of transistors. Oscillation and stability conditions.
Diode mixers. Mixer design. Single ended mixer. Balanced mixer. Image rejection mixer. Phase shifter design. PIN diode. Phase shifter.
Course Outcomes:
CO1: At the end of the course students should be able to analyze different linear beam and cross beam devices and their potential applications.
CO2: They are also expected to be familiar with the microwave solid state devices and their role in MICs, MMICs and RF- MEMS.
Text Books:
I.J. Bahl & Bhartia, Micrwave Solid State Circuit Design, Wiley, 1987.
G.D. Vendelin, Design of Amplifiers and Oscillators by the S Parameter Method, Wiley, 1982.
Reference Books:
T.C. Edwards, Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design (2/e), Wiley, 1992.