Research and Publications

 Dr Aneesa Farhan M A


Dr Aneesa Farhan M A


Assistant Professor



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Specialization: Power Systems

(A) Refereed Research Journals:

Author(s) Title of Paper Journal Volume (No.) Page numbers Year Impact Factor of the Journal (Optional)
Musliyarakath Aneesa Farhan and K. Shanti. Swarup, ”A Microgrid Protection Scheme based on Mathematical Morphology IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution Volume 11, Issue 14 3449 – 3457 September 2017  
Musliyarakath Aneesa Farhan and K. Shanti. Swarup ”Mathematical morphology-based is-landing detection for distributed generation IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume 10, Issue 2 518-525 2016  

(B) Conferences/Workshops/Symposia Proceedings

Author(s) Title of Abstract/ Paper Title of the Proceedings Page numbers Conference Theme Venue Year
Aneesa Farhan and K. S. Swarup Islanding Detection using Mathematical Morphology for Distributed generation IEEE PES ISGT Europe     Turin,I taly September 26-29, 2017.
Aneesa Farhan and K. S. Swarup Developments in Microgrid protection: Issues and techniques National Conference on Power System Protection,     CPRI Bangalore 27-28 February 2015.
. Aneesa Farhan and K. S. Swarup, Islanding Detection Scheme Based On Morphological Wavelets” IEEE PES APPEEC 2017,     Bangalore, India November 8-10, 2017.
Pranjal Verma, Anoop V.E, Aneesa Farhan, K.S. Swarup, R. Mehta, and Dipti Srinivasan Single-Stage vs Multi-Stage Transmission Expansion Planning in Electricity Markets: An MILP approach IEEE PES ISGT Asia     Singapore May 2018