Dr. G. Saravana Ilango
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- B.E - Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- M.E - Power Electronics and Drives
- Ph.D - FACTS Controllers
- Post-Doctoral Fellow at Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University.
Research Publications
Recent 10 publications:
- S Priyavarthini, Aravind C. K , C. Nagamani, G. Saravana Ilango,” PV-fed DVR for simultaneous real power injection and sag/swell mitigation in a wind farm”, IET Power Electronics, DOI: 10.1049/iet-pel.2018.5123, 2018.
- S. Priyavarthini, C Nagamani, G. Saravana Ilango and MAA Rani, “An improved control for simultaneous sag/swell mitigation and reactive power support in a grid-connected wind farm with DVR”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol.101, pp. 38-49, 2018.
- B. Bijukumar, A. G. Kaushik Raam, G. Saravana Ilango and C. Nagamani, “A linear extrapolation based MPPT algorithm for thermoelectric generators under dynamically varying temperature conditions”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, DOI: 10.1109/TEC.2018.2830796 (Early access), 2018.
- B. Bijukumar B, A. G. Kaushik Raam, G. Saravana Ilango, Nagamani Chilakapati and M. Jaya Bharatha Reddy, “MPPT Algorithm for Thermoelectric Generators Based on Parabolic Extrapolation”, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2017.2007, 2018.
- S. Priyavarthini, C. Nagamani, G. Saravana Ilango, M.A. Asha Rani, “An improved control for simultaneous sag/swell mitigation and reactive power support in a grid-connected wind farm with DVR”, Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier, vol. 101, 2018, pp. 38-49.
- B. Pradeep Kumar, G. Saravana Ilango, M. Jaya Bharatha Reddy and Nagamani Chilakapati, “Online Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Photovoltaic Systems Using Wavelet Packets”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol.8, no.1, pp. 257-265, 2018.
- M.P. Sruthi, C. Nagamani and G. Saravana Ilango; “An improved algorithm for direct computation of optimal voltage and frequency for induction motors”, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Elsevier, vol. 20, 2017, pp. 1439-1449.
- L. Maheswari , P. Srinivasa Rao, N. Sivakumaran, G. Saravana Ilango and C. Nagamani, "A control Strategy to increase the Life Cycle of Battery in a Standalone PV System with DC Loads”, IET Power Electronics, vol.10, no.9, pp. 1087-1094, 2017.
- C. K. Aravind, Indu Rani B, M. Chakkarapani, Josep Guerrero, G. Saravana Ilango, and Nagamani Chilakapati, “Performance evaluation of Type-3 PLLs under wide variation in input voltage and frequency”, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol.5, no.3, pp. 4971-981, 2017.
- Chakkarapani Manickam, Guru Praanesh Raman, Guru Raghav Raman, G. Saravana Ilango and Nagamani Chilakapati, “Fireworks Enriched P&O Algorithm for GMPPT and Detection of Partial Shading in PV Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.32, no.6, pp. 4432-4443, 2017.
For more details click below
Areas of Interest
- Power Electronics Controllers.
- FACTS Controllers.
- Photovoltaic System design.
- Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship DST- Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF). (2017)
- Young Faculty Research Fellowship from DEITY, Govt. of India (2017)
- Young Scientist Award in Engineering Sciences Fast Track Project on “Design and Development of Shunt Active Filter,” DST, Govt. of India. (2009)
Ph.D Guidance
- M. Chakkarapani, PhD (graduated in December 2017), Thesis: “Development of GMPPT algorithm with partial shading detection and fault identification scheme in PV system”.
- Sarojini Mary. S, PhD (graduated in July 2017,) Thesis Title: “Investigation of static reconfiguration technique of modules and power electronic controller for solar photovoltaic system”
- Venkata Ram Raju Rudraraju, PhD (graduated in May 2016), Thesis Title: “Certain control strategies for wind driven induction generators at low speed”
- P. Srinivasa Rao, PhD (graduated in July 2015), Thesis Title: “Investigation of module interconnection schemes and control strategies for photovoltaic system”
- C. K. Aravind, PhD (graduated in June 2015), Thesis Title: “Investigation of control strategies for autonomous and non-autonomous operation of wind energy conversion system”
- B. Indu Rani, PhD (graduated in March 2013), Thesis Title: “Investigation of control techniques for effective utilization of solar PV system”
Details of sponsored projects :
Applied Research:
- Electronification of Ground Water Control and Conveyor Systems in Mines (Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India , 2017-18, 179.53 lakh) -Ongoing
- Dynamic Loading of Conveyor Drive Heads in Mines (NLC, Neyveli, 2015-17, 122.21 lakh)
- Electrical Performance Evaluation of TEG System in Boiler Flue Gas Duct (BHEL, Tiruchirappalli, 2017, 3.45 lakh)
- Developed an industry-standard interleaved 250W DC-DC converter
Sponsored Research:
- Development of Modular Multilevel Converter for Enhancing Power Quality and PV Output Power under Partial Shading Conditions in Grid-Connected PV System (SERB, Govt. of India, 2017-20, 46.28 lakh)- Ongoing
- Design and Development of Solar PV Powered Cold Storage System (DST, Govt. of India, 2016-19, 105.81 lakh) -Ongoing
- Detection of Partial Shading and Fault in a Solar Photovoltaic Systems(Deity Visvesvaraya Young Research Fellowship scheme, 2017-22, 37 lakh)-Ongoing
- Development of DC – DC Converter and Bi – Directional Converter for SPV applications (DEITY, Govt. of India, 2012-14, 19.64 lakh)
- Design and Development of Improved Shunt Active Filter with Enhanced Signal Processing with Due consideration for Distorted Utility (DST, Govt. of India, 2009-12, 14.50 lakh)
- Power Electronics Lab Infrastructure Development (DEITY, Govt. of India, 2008-09, 33.90 lakh)
Click here for a Detailed list of Sponsored projects.
Contributions to the Institute - Academic/Administration
Contact Address :
G.Saravana Ilango,
Associate Professor
EEE Department,
National Institute of Technology,
Trichy-620 015,
ph: +91-431-2503259
mob:+91 9442366994