Dr. S. Sudha
- B.E.(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
- M.E.(Computer Science and Engineering)
- Ph.D. (Computer Networks)
Areas of Interest
- Computer Networks
- Operating Systems
- Distributed Networks
Papers Published:
- 'A New Token allocation algorithm for TCP traffic in DiffServ Network’ accepted for publication in International Journal of Computer, Internet and Management, in 2009 issue.
- ‘Adaptive Token Allocation Algorithm for Enhancing the Fairness Among Long Live TCP Flows in Diffserv’, National Conference on Challenges and opportunities in Information Technology (COIT 08), Mandi Gobingarh, Punjab, March 29, 2008.
- ‘A Modified Approach for Fair Bandwidth Allocation between TCP and UDP Traffic in DiffServ Network, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 08), KualaLumpur, Malaysia, May 13-15, 2008.
- ‘A Three Colour Per Flow Marker for DiffServ Networks’, in the proceedings of IEEE- International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking ( ICSCN 08), Chennai, January 4-6, 2008.
Projects supervised
- Both U.G. and P.G. projects in the area of computers
Research Work :
Enhanced marking strategies for bandwidth fairness in Differentiated Service Network
Area of interest :
Qos Provisioning, Differentiated Services, Computer Networking
Professional Membership :
Life member of C.S.I and I.S.T.E.
Workshops Organized:
- A two day workshop on C++ programming for PG students under TEQIP-Tribal Development during 30th November 2006 and 1st December 2006.
- A two day workshop on Personality Development for UG students under TEQIP-Tribal Development during 19th - 20th January 2007.
- A two day workshop on Microprocessor , Micro-controller and their applications for Final year students and Teachers of Polytechnic Colleges under TEQIP-Community Service during 14th – 15th December 2007.
Continuing Education Programmes Organized at NITT (Workshop/Training Programmes/ Summer /Winter Schools)
Training Programmes Underwent:
Undergone one month Training at Communication & Internet Research Lab and Network lab, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore in the year 2007.
Contact Address
9/9, NIT Quarters,
Tiruchirappalli ,
Tamil Nadu- 620 015 ,
email: sudha@nitt.edu
Phone number : 91-0431-2500866