Projects and Patents

Details of Major R&D Projects

S.No Title of Project Funding Agency Grant in lakhs of Rs


From     To

Status  Ongoing/ Completed
1 Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) for enhanced utilization and control of the existing power transmission system MHRD, Govt. of India 10.00 1.4.2003 31.3.2007 Completed
2 Development of Power electronics laboratory National Mission for Power Electronics Technology (NaMPET), Govt. of India  Phase I 33.90 1.4.2008 31.7.2009 Completed
3 Development of DC – DC converter and Bi-directional converter for SPV applications by NIT, Trichy. National Mission for Power Electronics Technology (NaMPET), Govt. of India.  (Phase II)   19.64 10/10/ 2012 10.9.2014 Completed
4 Dynamic loading of motors for open cast mines NLC India Limited, Neyveli 63.67 May 2015 October 2016 Completed
5 Development of Modular Multilevel Converter for Enhancing Power Quality and PV Output Power under Partial Shading Conditions in Grid Connected PV System (Co-PI) SERB, Govt. of India, 48.47 2018 2021 completed
6 Electronification of Ground Water Control and Conveyor Systems in Mines Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India 179.53 2018 2019 completed

Details of Consultancy Projects

Sl. No. Title of the Project Name of Organization   Duration Status (Completed/ Ongoing)
From To
1. Electrification work & design of circuit systems in new go-downs in Punalkulam TNCSC, Thanjavur 2014 completed
2. Electrical design and drawing for Indian Naval Academy (Phase-II works) Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala 2015 completed
  3 Development of WBG devices based Electronic Circuits CDAC, Vellayambalam Thiruvananthapuram   2018 and 2019 completed

Patents filed

S. No. Title Patent Number National/ International Date of filing of Patent
1. A Photovoltaic System and A Method of Arranging PV Arrays In PV System Application no. 3192/CHE/2013 A Publication date: 10.01.2014 International 17.7.2013
2. Dual axis solar tracking using auxiliary solar cells Application no. 201641012920 A Publication date: 17.06.2016 International 13.04.2016
  3 A system and a method for extracting maximum power in Thermo-electrical Generators Application no.: 201741030634 A Publication date: 20.07.2018   International   30.8.2017