

  1.  Ravi N. Banavar and V. Sankaranarayanan, Switched finite-time control of a class of underactuated systems - Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences (LNCIS Series), Volume - 333, Springer, 2006.



  • Brisilla Mary and V. Sankaranarayanan, "Nonlinear control of Mobile Inverted Pendulum." accepted in Robotics and Automation, Elsivier publications. 
  • V. Sankaranarayanan, Sowmya Ravichandran and Sowmya Ranjan Sahoo, "Torque-sensor less control of human-elelctric hybrid bicycle." will be presented in IEEE ICIC at PUNE, INDIA.
  • Sowmya Ranjan Sahoo, Brisilla Marry and V. Sankaranarayanan, "Disturbance observer based adaptive sliding mode control: An application to single machine infinite power system." in Proc. of IEEE SPICES at NIT-Calicut, Kerala, INDIA, Jan. 2015. 
  • Sowmya Ranjan Sahoo, Brisilla Marry and V. Sankaranarayanan, "Stabilization of Single Machine Infinite Bus Power System using Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller ." in Proc. First Indian Control Conference at IIT-Madras, Chennai - INDIA, Jan. 2015.



  1. Kiran K. Gautam and V. Sankaranarayanan, "Sliding mode control of surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous generator." in Proc. Third Intl. conf. IFAC ACODS, IIT Kanpur, India, Mar. 2014. 


  1. V. Sankaranarayanan and Arun. D. Mahindrakar, " Configuration constrained stabilization of a wheeled mobile robot - Theory and Experiment",   IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology,  Vol.21, No1, page 275-280.


  • Lavanya Manoharan, Brisilla Mary and V. Sankaranarayanan, "Higher Order Sliding Mode Control of Permanent Magnet DC Motor", in the proceedings of 12th International Conference on Variable Structure Systems ( VSS-2012 ), Mumbai, India.
  • Neetha P and V. Sankaranarayanan, " Study of a Novel Underactuated System of Degree 2", in the proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS - 2012), IISc, Bangalore, India.


  1. Vijay Muralidharan, Arun D. Mahindrakar and  Sankaranarayanan Velupillai, " A Constructive Method for Designing Higher Order Sliding Surfaces for Single-Input Nonlinear System", in the proceedings of 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy.
  2. Brisilla Mary, Linga Reddy and V. Sankaranarayanan, "Output feedback nonlinear control of a buck-boost converter", in the proceedings of 5th National Power Elelctronic Conference  (NPEC) , West Bengal, India.


  1. V. Sankaranarayanan, Arun D. Mahindrakar and Apilash P M, “Output feedback second-order sliding mode control of the cart on a beam system ”,   International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Volume 20, Issue 5, Pages 561-570.


  1. V. Sankaranarayanan and Levent Guvenc, “Laser scanners for driver-assistance systems in intelligent vehicles”, IEEE Control System Magazine, April 2009, pages 17-19.
  2. V. Sankaranarayanan and Arun D. Mahindrakar, “Stabilization of a class of underactuated mechanical systems using sliding modes” , IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Volume 25, 2009, pages 459-467.
  3.  V. Sankaranarayanan and Arun D. Mahindrakar, “Switched control of nonholonomic autonomous mobile robot”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Elsevier publication, Volume 14, 2009, pages 2319 - 2327.
  4.  V. Sankaranarauanan, Anantharaman and Aswin Chnadarr " Modelling and Constrained stabilization of the Inverted Pendulum on a Cart Beam system, In the proceedings of 48th IEEE CDC- Shangai, CHINA,Pages 7955-7959. 



  1. V. Sankaranarayanan, M. Engin Emekli, Bilin Aksun Guvenc, Levent Guvenc, E. Serdar Ozturk, S¸. Server Ersolmaz, I. Erhan Eyol andMustafa Sinal, “Semi-Active Suspension Control of a Light Commercial Vehicle”, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume 13, No 5, 2008.
  2. Arun D. Mahindrakar and V. Sankaranarayanan, “State constrained stabilization of beam-balance systems”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Volume 18, 2008, pages 333-350.
  3.  V. Sankaranarayanan, Arun D. Mahindrakar and Ravi N. Banavar, “A switched controller for an underactuated underwater vehicle”,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, Elsevier publication, Volume 13, 2008, pages 2266 - 2278. 
  4.  Dinçer Özcan, Levent Güvenç, Bilin Aksun Güvenç Sinan Öncü, V. Sankaranarayanan, Emre Kural " An Overview of Applied Research Activities of ITUMekar and Ford Otosan on Active Chassis Control of Light Commercial Vehicles", in Proceedings of ICAT 2008, Istanbul-TURKEY, Nov. 13-14, 2008.
  5.  V. Sankaranarayanan, Sinan Oncu, Dincer Ozcan and Levent G¨uven¸c, “Vehicle chassis control using adaptive semi-active suspension” , in Proceedings of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, July 2008.


  1.  V. Sankaranarayanan and Levent G¨uven¸c,“Tire Pressure Monitoring”,IEEE Control System Magazine, Volume 27, issue 6, Dec. 2007, pages 22-25.
  2.  M. Engin Emekli, V. Sankaranarayanan, Bilin Aksun G¨uven¸c, Levent G¨uven¸c, E. Serdar ¨Ozt¨urk, S¸. Server Ersolmaz, I. Erhan Eyol and Mustafa Sinal, “Transient active body control of a ford transit connect using semi-active suspensions” , in Proceedings of SAE COMVEC 2007, Chicago, USA, Oct.30-Nov.1, 2007
  3.  V. Sankaranarayanan, -, “Observer based semi-active suspension control applied to a light commercial vehicle” in Proceedings of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2007), Zurich, Aug. 2007.
  4. Arun D. Mahindrakar and V. Sankaranarayanan, “Nonlinear control of a beambalance system with a single electromagnet”, in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS’ 07), IISc, Bangalore, Feb. 2007. (This paper was awarded the best in the session).
  5. V. Sankaranarayanan, Arun D. Mahindrakar, and Ravi N. Banavar, “A note on the robust stability of nonholonomic systems”, in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS’ 07), IISc, Bangalore. Feb. 2007.


 2006 - 2003

  1. V. Sankaranarayanan and Ravi N. Banavar, “Output feedback stabilization of a mobile robot”, in Proceedings of Methods and Trends in Nonlinear Systems (MTNS), Kyoto, Japan - July 2006.
  2.  V. Sankaranarayanan and Ravi N. Banavar, “Stabilization of an underwater vehicle”, in Proceedings of 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, July 2005.
  3. V. Sankaranarayanan, Arun D. Mahindrakar and Ravi N. Banavar, “A switched finite-time point-to-point control of an underactuated underwater vehicle”, in Proceedings of IEEE-CCA, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2003.