- Causes and types of over voltages, effects of over voltages on power system components, Surge diverters, EMI and EMC protection against over voltages ; Insulation coordination
- Generation of high AC and DC, impulse and switching voltages - Generation of high impulse currents.
- Measurement of high AC, DC, impulse voltages using sphere gaps, peak voltmeters, potential dividers, High speed CRO and digital techniques. Measurement of high currents
- Dielectric breakdown – break down in gases , liquids and solids; partial discharges and corona discharges.
- High Voltage Testing- testing of circuit breakers, insulators, bushings and surge diverters. Standards and specifications.
1. Wadhwa,C.L., „ High voltage engineering‟, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1994.
2. Naidu,M.S. and Kamaraju,V., „ High Voltage Engineering‟, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, , 2nd edition ,1994.
3. Kuffel,E and Zaengl W.S.,‟High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals ', Pergamon press, Oxford, London,1986.