

  • Review of number systems, binary codes, error detection and correction codes. Digital Logic Families - Introduction to RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL and MOSL families - wired and operation, characteristics of digital logic family - comparison of different logic families


  • Combinational logic - representation of logic functions-SOP and POS forms K-map representations-minimizationusing K maps - simplification and implementation of combinational logic - multiplexers and demultiplexers - code converters, adders, subtractors.


  • Sequential logic- SR, JK, D and T flip flops - level triggering and edge triggering - counters - asynchronous and synchronous type - Modulo counters - Shift registers - Ring counters.


  • Synchronous Sequential Logic circuits-state table and excitation tables-state diagrams-Moore and Melay models-design of counters-analysis of synchronous sequential logic circuits-state reduction and state assignment.


  • Asynchronous sequential logic circuits-Transition table,flow table-race conditions-circuits with latches,analysis of asynchronous sequential logic circuits-introduction o design –implication table-hazards-programmable logic array and devices


1. Morris Mano,M .'Digital logic and computer design', Prentice Hall of India, 2005.

2. Donald D. Givone, “Digital Principles and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.

3. Tocci R.J.,Neal S. Widmer, 'Digital Systems: Principles and Applications', Pearson Education Asia, Second Indian Reprint 2002

4. Donald P Leach ,Albert Paul Malvino,Goutam Sha,”Digital Principles and Applications”The McGraw –Hill ,sixth edition,2007