Dr. Padmaja M


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Dr. Padmaja M is Assistant Professor of Economics in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. She received her Ph.D degree in Economics from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. She has received her Master’s degree in Economics from University of Calicut. Her research interests includes International Economics, Applied Econometrics, Foreign Direct Investment, and Industrial Economics. She has authored research papers on the above mentioned research areas in journals such as Journal of Quantitative Economics and Asian Development Review etc. She has also presented her research work in conferences of national and international repute. 



Office:  # 113, Ojas, NIT Tircuhirappalli, Tircuhirappalli - 620015, Tamil Nadu, India

Email id: padmaja@nitt.edu

Academia: https://nitt.academia.edu/padmajamundakkad

ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3177-4239


Teaching Experience:

May 2020 -    Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

July 2017- May 2020 -   Research Assistant Professor, School of Management, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulatur, Tamil Nadu.

June 2011- March 2012- Guest Lecturer, Providence Women’s College, Malaparamba, Calicut, Kerala


Journal Publications

Peer Reviewed:

  • Outward FDI, Profit Shifting And Its Impact On The Tax Payments Of The Parent Firm: A Case of Indian Manufacturing, Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, 17 (1): 116-136 (2025) (with Amal Krishnan)
  • Socioeconomic Determinants of Happiness: Empirical Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 109 (2024),  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socec.2024.102187 (with Deepak Kumar Behera)
  • Modelling (a)symmetric nexus between macroeconomic information sentiment biases and stock market returns in case of India: A Bound test approach, Indian Economic Journal (2024) (Accepted) (with Prem Vaswani)
  • Outward FDI and its Impact on the Parent Firm: A Case of Indian Manufacturing Firms, Economics Bulletin (2024) (Forthcoming) (with Amal Krishnan)
  •  Asymmetric Relationship Between Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Stock Market Performance: A Study of Indian Stock Market, Economics Bulletin (Forthcoming) (2024) (with Prem Vaswani)
  • One Sows, Another Reaps”: Analysing the Asymmetric Impact of Remittance Inflows on the Trade Balance in a Large Emerging Economy, Journal of International Trade and Development, (2023) https://doi.org/10.1080/09638199.2023.2245926  (with Manoranjan Sahoo)
  • Does Outward Foreign Direct Investment Crowd out Domestic Investment in India?. Economics Bulletin, 43 (1): 526-536 (2023) 
  • External Commercial Borrowings and Outward Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Firms, Asian Economics Letters, (2023) https://doi.org/10.46557/001c.74858 (with Amal Krishnan)
  • Nexus of trend sentiment and economic policy uncertainty with activity trends in derivatives market, Asian Economics Letters,(2023)  https://doi.org/10.46557/001c.74860 (with Prem Vaswani)
  • Disruptions in Accessing Women’s Health Care Services: Evidence using COVID-19 Health Services Disruption Survey, Maternal and Child Health Journal. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-022-03585-1. (2023) (with Deepak Kumar Behera).
  • Option pricing using Data-Driven Machine Learning Approaches: Empirical Evidence from Indian Financial Market, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2022.10052440. (2022) (with Prem Vaswani).
  • Trade Openness, FDI and Economic Growth: Evidence from SAARC Countries, Empirical Economics Letters, 21(11) (2022).
  • Ease of Doing Business and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Evidence from Emerging Economies, Economic Research Guardian, 11(1): 43-67 (2021)
  • Financing Constraints and Exports: Evidence from India, Journal of Economics and Finance, 45, 118–145, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12197-020-09532-6. (2021) (with Subash Sasidharan).
  • Outward Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI) and Exports from India: Substitutes or Complements?. Empirical Economics Letters,18 (7): 775-784 (2019)
  • Firm Leverage and Labour Productivity: A Quantile Regression Approach. Economics Bulletin, 38 (4): 2331-2344 (2018).
  • Do Financing Constraints Matter for Outward Foreign Direct Investment Decisions? Evidence from India. Asian Development Review35 (1): 108-132 (2018) (with Subash Sasidharan).
  • Sunk Costs, Firm Heterogeneity, Export Market Entry and Exit: Evidence from IndiaJournal of Quantitative Economics,15 (2): 367-393 (2017) (with Subash Sasidharan).


Book/Book Chapters:

  • Algorithm for Intelligent System /Financial Option Pricing Using Random Forest and Artificial Neural Network A Novel Approach, In: Uddin, M.S., Bansal, J.C. (eds) Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence. IJCACI 2022. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1435-7_36. (with Prem Vaswani).


Working Papers:


Conference Proceedings:

  • Abstract of paper titled “Financial Constraints and Export Behaviour of Firms: Evidence from India” is published in the conference proceedings of Finance and Economics Conference 2015 of LUPCON Center for Business Research, Germany (International Conference).


Thesis Supervision



Articles in Newspaper and Online Media 


Seminars/Workshops Participated

  • Attended Workshop on Financial Econometric Modelling,organized by Christ University, Bangalore from August 25-27th, 2010, in collaboration with Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore.
  • Attended workshop on Open Data and Open Developmentorganized by Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) from 15th– 16thMay 2013, organized by the H.T. Parekh Library, IFMR, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with the World Bank.
  • Attended a two-week Research Methodology workshop on AppliedEconometrics organized by Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, Indiafrom November 27th–December 10th2013, in collaboration with ICSSR.
  • Attended3rd IGC-ISI Summer School in Development Economics, 2015July 16- 20thorganized by International Growth Centre (IGC) and Indian Statistical Institute (ISI Delhi).


Invited Talks/Lectures

  • Resource person for one day seminar on Applied Econometrics organized by PG &Research Department, Annai Vailankaani Arts and Science College, Thanjavur (12 March 2021)


Papers Presented in Conferences

  • M. Padmaja. (2013) Trade and Economic Growth in SAARC countries: A panel Data Analysis, 6thDoctoral ThesesConference, April26-27, IBS Hyderabad. (Won the Best Paper Award).
  • M. Padmaja and Subash Sasidharan (2015) Financial Constraints and Export Behaviour of Firms: Evidence from India, Finance and Economics Conference 2015, August 5- 7, LUPCON Center for Business Research, Germany.
  • Subash Sasidharan and M. Padmaja (2015) Financial Constraints and Outward Foreign Direct Investment Decision: Evidence from India, Knowledge Forum 10th Annual Conference on “Technology, Growth and Sustainability”, November 27-28, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore.
  •  M. Padmaja and Subash Sasidharan (2016) Sunk Costs and Firm Export Market Entry and Exit: Evidence from India,10thWinter School 2015, December 14-16, Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi.
  • M. Padmaja and Subash Sasidharan (2017) Financing Constraints and Exports: Evidence from India. 11thISDSI International Conference 27th– 30thDecember 2017, IIM Tiruchirappalli.
  • M. Padmaja and Subash Sasisdharan. Financing constraints and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Indian Firms. Accepted for presentation at Asia Pacific Productivity Conference (APPC) 2018 to be held on July 4- 6th at Seoul National University, Korea.
  • M. Padmaja (2018) Outward Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI) and Exports from India: Substitutes or Complements?. 6thIIFT conference on Empirical Issues in International Trade and Finance (EIITF), 13th- 14thDecember 2018, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi.
  • M. Padmaja (2019). Does Outward Foreign Direct Investment Crowd out Domestic Investment? Evidence from Two Emerging Countries. Accepted for presentation at 8th Annual Conference of Economic Forum of Entrepreneurship & International Business” held at Oxford University during February 1st and 2nd, 2020.
  • M Padmaja (2020) Does Outward Foreign Direct Investment Crowd out Domestic Investment? Evidence from Two Emerging Countries. 2ndInternational Conference on Economics and Finance (ICEF) held at BITS Pilani Goa Campus from 23rd– 25thJanuary 2020.
  • M Padmaja (2020) Ease of Doing Business and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Evidence from Emerging Economies, 2nd Rajagiri Conference on Economics and Finance held at Rajagiri Business School in association with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) and the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) from 5th -6th Novemeber 2020.
  • M Padmaja (2021) Impact of COVID-19 on India's International Trade: A Gravity Approach, 3rRajagiri Conference on Economics and Finance helad at Rajagiri Business School in association with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) and Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, New Zealand from 19th- 20th Novemebr 2021 (with Amal Krishnan).
  • M Padmaja (2021) Unboxing NIFTY Option Pricing  Prediction Using Random Forest And Artificial Neural Network, 3rRajagiri Conference on Economics and Finance helad at Rajagiri Business School in association with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) and Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, New Zealand from 19th- 20th Novemebr 2021 (with Prem Vaswani).
  • M Padmaja (2021) Investment Climate and FDI Inflows: Evidence from India, 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) organised by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from 7th-9th January 2022 (with Anjali Sreekumar).


Honors and Awards:

  • Won Gold Medal for Best paper (under Faculty Category) on Research Day 2019 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulatur, Tamil Nadu.
  • Special appreciation about the quality of PhD thesis by the evaluation committee of EXIM bank Award for Research in International Economics 2017 by Export Import Bank (EXIM) of India. 
  • BEST PAPER AWARD for the paper titled “Trade and Economic Growth In SAARC Countries: A Panel Data Analysis” Presented in Sixth Doctoral Theses Conference held at IBS Hyderabad, India during 26th& 27th, April 2013 organized by IBS Hyderabad in collaboration with Broad College of Business, Michigan State University, USA. 
  • Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) in Economics, University Grants Commission (UGC), India, 2011.
  • University Second Rank, M.A. Economics, 2010, Calicut University, Kerala, India.


Other Professional Roles:

  • Editorial member of Finance and Market Journal published by Universe Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
  • Editorial Member of Business Administration and Management published by En Press Publishers, USA. 
  • Reviewer, Economics Bulletin published, Access con.
  • Reviewer, Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Elsevier
  • Reviewer, Indian Economic Journal, Sage
  • Reviewer, AEL, Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association (APAEA)


Workshops Organized:

Convener, Two day Faculty Development Program on Applied Econometrics for Management Research, School of Management, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulatur, 23-25 January 2020.








