Bio Medical Engineering Laboratory
Associated Prof.: Dr. N. Sivakumaran and Dr. V. Sridevi
List of Facilities:
1. pH meter
2. Pulse Oximeter,
3. One touch-Blood Glucose monitoring system
4. ECG and Electrode set (L&T)
5. Audio meter
6. Image Process CD & Manuals
7. Stethoscope (Analog & Digital)
8. Conductivity meter
9. Blood Pressure Monitor (digital)
10. Personal Computers (Make: Dell)
11. NI-ELVIS II kit make: National Instruments)
12. Digital Multimeters (Fluke)
13. NI-Workstation Spirometer, Vernier-ECG Sensor,QNET
14. Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (Keysight-50MHz)
15. Regulated Power Suply (Aplab)