Dr. S. Narayanan
Assistant Professor
International Journal Publications
- Narayanan.S. ,Kanagasabapathy P.and Prakash J, “ Constant Gain Stabilization with Desired Damping”, Computers and Chemical Engineering Journal, 30 (6-7), 1072- 1075,2006, (SCI journal)
- Vinopraba, T.;Sivakumaran, N.;Narayanan, S.;Radhakrishnan, T. K.,” Design of internal model control based fractional order PID controller”, Journal of Control Theory and Applications”, Volume 10, Year 2012, Pages 297-302,(Scopus journal)
- Deepak Prasanna, Narayanan S, “ Control of Recycle System Using Extended State Observer Concept”, International Journal of Dynamics and Control,Springer,(accepted) (Scopus)
- S.Prasanth, S.Narayanan , N.Sivakumaran , R.S Saranya rominus - A hybrid technique to control superheater steam temperature using multi modelling and predictive sliding mode control Sustainable energy technologies and assessments- 2023
Papers presented in International Conferences
- Modified Active Disturbance Rejection Controller Design for Multivariable System, “Rajkumar K., Narayanan, S.”, 2nd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Smart Technology, ICEPE 2018,
- Nonlinear PI with state feedback control for activated sludge process,Vinayak, J. Ramanuja;Narayanan, S.,” IEEE International Conference on Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control, ICICIC 2017, Volume 2018-January, Year 2018, Pages 1-7
- Control system design for process with recycle, Deepak prasnna, narayanan.s;”International conference on reuse and recycling of material(ICMR2018), Kottayam, kerala, 2018
- Control system design for process with recycle,”Rajkumar, K.;Narayanan, S.”IEEE International Conference on Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control, ICICIC 2017, Volume 2018-January, Year 2018, Pages 1-7
- Rajkumar K, Narayanan S and Sivakumaran N, “Design of Centralized Controller based on Inverted Decoupling Structure for non-square systems with time delay” , TIMA 2017, 06-08 January, MIT, Madras.
- Ramanuja Vinayak J and Narayanan S, “Decoupling by RRDP and TDP concepts” , TIMA 2017, 06-08 January, MIT, Madras
- Ramanuja Vinayak J, S.Narayanan, “a study on centralized control scheme for a class of process applications”, ETAE2016, 27-30 December, IIT, Kharakgpur.
- Devi C. Arati, S.Narayanan,” centralized controller design using state space concept", 6th IFAC symposium on structure and control, Istanbul, turkey, 2016.
- Devi C. Arati, S.Narayanan and N Sivakumaran,” Decoupling of linear multivariable system using PD output feedback,” Indian control Conference (ICC2016),4-6 Jan. 2016.
- Devi Arati, S Narayanan and N Sivakumaran, “Complete decoupling of multivariable systems by means of dynamic state feedback”, ICSTM, 06-08, May2015.
- Devi C. Arati, S.Narayanan,” Dynamic decoupling design for a class of linear multivariable system,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Control (IC4-2015), 10-12 Sep. 2015.
- Design of fractional order controller for Biochemical reactor,”Vinopraba, T.;Sivakumaran, N.;Narayanan, S.;Radhakrishnan, T. K.”, IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), Volume 46, Year 2013, Pages 205-208
- IMC based fractional order PID controller,”Vinopraba, T.;Sivakumaran, N.;Narayanan, S.
- Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Year 2011, Pages 71-76
- Stabilization of commensurate fractional order system with desired damping, S. Narayanan, N. Sivakumaran and T. Vinopraba,” Industrial Measurements and Automation, (TIMA2011)”,CSIR,CHENNAI, 393-396.
- Intelligent parameter and state estimation for coal mill in a thermal power plant, Martin Luthur S.K, Raja Singh B., Rominus Valsalam S., Narayanan S. and Radhakrishnan T K.,” International conference on system modeling, optimization and advanced process automation(SYMOPA-2010)
- IMC based PID controller design for gas turbine plant,” S. Narayanan, N. Sivakumaran, T. Vinopraba and N. Selvaganesan,” Int. conf. on MS '09, Trivandrum.
- Stabilization using fractional-order PIDα controllers for first order time delay system, “Vinopraba, T.;Sivakumaran, N.;Selvaganesan, N.;Narayanan, S.”,ACT 2009 - International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Telecommunication Technologies, Year 2009, Pages 725-728.
- Stability Analysis of First Order Plus Time Delay System under PI & PID Control for Simultaneous Parameter Variation, Vijayan V., Narayanan S., Kanagasabapathy P.and Prakash J, “IEEE INDICON, 2005”, 73-77
- Robust PI Control Design for Non Linear systems, Narayanan S. and Kanagasabapathy P.,” International Conference on Instrumentation (INCON 2004)”,pune,
- Robust PI Stabilization of Rosenbrock system, Narayanan S., Kanagasabapathy P.and Prakash J.,” 4th International Conference on Trends in Measurement and Automation (TIMA 2004)”,Chennai
Papers presented in National Conferences
- Rajkumar, K.;Narayanan, S,” data driven based control “, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Instrumentation and Control (RTIC proceedings) MIT, Chennai.
- Devi C. Arati and S. Narayanan Row by Row Decoupling Problem, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Instrumentation and Control (RTIC-16),Chennai.
- Devi C. Arati, S. Narayanan and N.Sivakumaran A study on MIMO Control system design, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Instrumentation and Control (RTIC-15), Chennai.
- PI stabilization for Inverse response Processes, T. Vinopraba, N.Sivakumaran, and S. Narayanan,” Proceedings of CHEMCON 2010”, Chidambaram.
- Stabilization using fractional order PID controllers for unstable first order plus time delay system, S. Narayanan,” chemcon-2009”,vizag
- A tutorial on fractional order controller,” S. Narayanan,” National conference on Electrical Engineering and Embedded system (NCEEE08)”, Chennai, India
- Relative Stability Analysis of First Order Plus Time Delay System under PI Control for Simultaneous Parameter Variation, Narayanan S., Kanagasabapathy P.and Prakash J,” National Conference on Process Identification, Control and Diagnosis (NCPICD2005), Chennai
- Novel Formulation in Computation of Stabilizing PI Controllers of open loop unstable system with RHP Complex zeros, Narayanan S., Kanagasabapathy P.and Prakash J.,” 2nd National Conference on Instrumentation and Control (ICECON2005)”, Tiruchirapalli, India
- PI Stabilization of Time Delay System with Desired Stability Margin, Narayanan S., Kanagasabapathy P.and Prakash J.,” National System Conference (NSC2004)”, Vellore.