Dr. Ramakalyan Ayyagari
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis: Robust Output Feedback Controllers for Nonlinear Systems.
Book Review(s)
Reviewed the book Control of Complex and Uncertain Systems: New Types of Feedback, by S.V. Emelyanov, and S.K. Korovin, Springer Verlag London, 2000 for IEEE Control Systems Magazine.This review appeared in IEEE CSM vol. 22, no. 1, February 2002.
Journal Reviews
- Reviewer for IEEE Tr. Neural Networks
- Reviewer for SADHANA (journal of Engineering Sciences of the Indian Academy of Sciences)
- Reviewer for Journal of Systems and Control Engineering (JSCE) published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IME, UK)
Visiting Position
Visited the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (www.imsc.res.in) from 2001-2005 as an associate professor.
Listed in Marquis Who's Who in Engineering (World and Asia Editions).
Other Interests
- Mathematics: Since my graduate studies I chose to do mathematics.In addition to my working in mathematical systems theory, theoretical computer science and related areas such as coding theory, econometrics etc., I teach mathematics to high school children. I am always interested in the following question: ``Why don't students enjoy and appreciate mathematics as much as we might hope?''
- Science Education: I write articles along with my students to Resonance, a publication of the Indian Academy of Sciences, on emerging techniques and ideas and innovative procedures for teaching specific concepts.
- Music: I am an exponent of South Indian classical music. I am currently looking after the Carnatic Music Club of NITT called Amruthavarshini
- Reading: These days I read science non-fiction (e.g. Roger Penrose, Sept. 11: A Wake Up Call, A Beautiful Mind), philosophy & religion, and books/articles on fine arts, particularly classical music and dance.
- Travel: I enjoy travel and I have covered most parts of India.
IEEE-CSS 2005 President Prof. Mark Spong on Control Engineering
Participation in Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia /Seminars/ Schools etc:
Date (s)
Title of Activity
Level of Event
(International/ National/ Local)
Role (Participant/ Speaker/ Chairperson, Paper presenter, Any other)
Event Organized by
Jan 27–29, 2021
TEQIP III – Professional Development Training Programme for Faculty & Administrators
Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam
Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam
Sep 23-27, 2019
TEQIP III – Professional Development Training Programme for Faculty & Administrators
Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli
Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli
July 7-9, 2019
Advances in Control Education
12th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education (IFAC-ACE 2019)
Philadelphia, USA
Sept 22-23, 2014
“Human Cyber Physical System Interaction: Control for the Human Welfare
IFAC & IEEE-CSS sponsored International Workshop, Paris
IFAC & IEEE-CSS sponsored International Workshop, Paris
March 11-15, 2013
Workshop on Probability and Stochastic Processes in Engineering
EE Dept, IIT Bombay
EE Dept, IIT Bombay
Workshops/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Colloquia/Seminars Organized (as Chairman/ Organizing Secretary/ Convenor / Co-Convenor):
Title of Activity
Level of Event
(International/ National/ Local)
Date (s)
ICECON 2019, International Conference on Instrumentation & Control Engineering
19th to 21st Dec 2019
Co-General Chair
NIT Tiruchirappalli
12th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education (IFAC-ACE 2019)
July 7 – 9, 2019
Member, International Program Committee, & Associate Editor
Philadelphia, USA
4th IFAC Conference on Advances in Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS)
Feb1-5, 2016
General Chair
NIT Trichy
NIT Trichy
Organizing Secretary
NIT Trichy
National Conference on Instrumentation & Control Engineering (ICECON)
Dec 4-6 2003
Founder Organizing Secretary
NIT Trichy
Invited Talks delivered:
Inviting Organization
A Fresh Approach to Teaching State-Space Methods in an Undergraduate Course
July 7-9, 2019.
Advances in Control Education, 12th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education (IFAC-ACE 2019), Philadelphia, USA.
AICTE Margdarshan FDP on Process Optimization & Control
June 2019.
NIT Trichy
Systems & Control for Society Through Institute – Industry Collaboration
March 22-23, 2018
ABB Academia Co-Creation Workshop, ABB, Bangalore
Advances and Success Stories of Robust & Adaptive Control
September 8-9, 2017
Dept of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
Control in Finance
May 27, 2017
IDRBT, Hyderabad
Industry 4.0
ABB, Bangalore
TEQIP funded Faculty Development Programme
Jun-July, 2016
Dept. of EEE, NIT Calicut
Nature Inspired Computing in Engg Appls
April6-8, 2015
IISc., Bangalore
TEQIP funded Faculty Development Programme
Dec 2013
Dept. of EEE, NIT Calicut
TEQIP funded FDP
Nov. 2013
Dept. of ICE, PSG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
Certificate Course on Advanced Control Engineering for the Scientists
Jan - Mar 2013
DRDL, Hyderabad
UKIERI workshop
December 2011
NAL Bangalore
UKIERI Symposium
Sept 2011
Dept. of Engg., Univ. of Leicester, UK
UKIERI workshop
December 2010
IIT Bombay
UKIERI workshop
Dec 2009
Challenges in Control Engineering Workshop
Jan 2009
Invited Lecture
Oct 2008
Aerospace Engineering Dept, IISc Bangalore
UKIERI workshop
August 2008
IISc Bangalore
UKIERI Symposium
July 2008
Dept. of Engg., Univ. of Leicester, UK
AICTE STTP on Process Identification & Control
June 2008
Texas A&M University, USA
April 2008
Texas A&M University, USA