Dr. Ashok Kumar Nallathambi


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Dr.-Ing. Ashok Kumar N obtained his PhD from the Process and Systems Engineering Department, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany in 2010. From 2010 -2018, he has worked in OvGU and interacted with various European metal companies such as AMAG Casting, Swiss Steel, NOVELIS, ALUNORF, BharatForge, etc. His areas of specialization are thermal stresses in heat treatment of metals, material constitutive modeling, and hot & cold cracks.

He is currently working in the Peridynamic methods for predicting the origination of hot cracks during metal quenching process. He established the Metal Quenching Research Laboratory for conducting experiments on semi-solid aluminum plates under cracking conditions.

Educational Qualification

Examination Board / University Year Division/ Grade Subjects
Ph.D Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany 2010 Faculty of Systems and Process Engineering, (Summa cum laude) Thermomechanical simulation of direct chill casting process
M.Tech Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 2006 Department of Applied Mechanics Engineering Mechanics (Solid Mechanics)
B.E Madurai Kamaraj University, PSNA College of Engg. & Tech., Dindigul 2001 Department of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering

Employment Profile

Employer Job Title From To
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Assistant Professor June, 2018 Till date
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
University Lecturer
Group Leader
Post Doctoral Researcher


June, 2014
July, 2012
July, 2010


May, 2018
May, 2014
June, 2012


Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Project Officer June, 2006 February, 2007
Anna University, PSY Engineering College, Sivaganga. Lecturer September, 2001 July, 2004


  • Thermal stresses in heat treatment of metals - Quenching, Casting
  • Peridynamics for thermomechanical applications
  • Industrial Continuous Casting Process
  • Quench cracks, hot tearing, characterization of semisolid metals
  • Finite Element Method, Peridynamics

Sponsored Projects

Project Title Funding Agency Amount (in Lakhs) Period Role
Hunting Representative Sensors and Constructing Regression Model Between Engine Sensor Outcomes Using Machine Learning GTRE-DRDO Bangalore 19.82 2021, February - 2022,August Co-PI
Experimental Investigation of thermal cracking due to rewetting phenomena during metal quenching process SERB – Science and Engineering Research Board 30.51 2019, December - 2021, December PI
Hot Tearing During Solidification - Hosted Dr.-Ing. Nyein Nyein Linn from Myanmar FICCI - AIRTF - DST 3.30 2020, February - 2020, July PI
Experimental Investigation of water ejection during metal quenching NITT – Seed Grant 5.00 2019, December - 2021,December PI

Consultancy Projects - Investigated in Germany (2007-2018)

Project Title Funding Agency Amount (EUR) Period
MATLAB Interface for Stress profiles of Continuous casting of Swiss Steel Swiss Steel Emmenbruecke, Switzerland 15,000 07/2016 - 12/2017
Simulation of direct chill casting process Amag Casting, Ranshofen, Austria 25,000 09/2012 - 12/2017
MATLAB Interface for Temperature profiles of continuous casting of Swiss Steel Swiss Steel Emmenbruecke, Switzerland 15,000 7/2013 - 06/2016
Modeling and simulation of the solidification and cooling process of the Hazelett Caster for the development of a temperature control system Schmolz & Bickenbach Switzerland 45,000 7/2013 - 06/2016
Influence of cooling water quality on quenching of metal plates AluNorf GmbH Neuss, Germany 25,000 07/2008 -06/2009
Influence of cooling water surface tension on quenching of metal plates Novelis Neuss, Germany 25,000 11/2007 - 10/2008


Ph.D Guidance

Name of the PhD Scholar Title of PhD Thesis Role Year of Award
Abiraham F Quenching behaviour of Semisolid metals under cracking conditions Supervisor Ongoing from Aug.2023
Srinivasa Rao Turaka Crack initiation and propagation using Peridynamics for thermomechanical processing of metals Supervisor Ongoing from March.2022
Jijo Prasad J R Peridynamic Modelling of hot crack propagation during metal quenching Supervisor Ongoing from July.2019
Saravanakumar P Modeling and experimentation of quench crack in Semi-solid aluminum plates Supervisor Ongoing from July.2018
Gaurav A Kulkarni Local Heat Transfer and Stress Analysis of Direct Chill Casting Process - Micro-Macro Transactions - Volume 34 - ISBN: 978-3-86912-157-4. Co-Supervisor 2018
Pavan Kumar Penumakala Thermomechanical simulation of continuous and semicontinuous casting of metals - Micro-Macro Transactions - Volume 14 - ISBN: 978-3-86912-113- 0. Co-Supervisor 2014

Project Guidance

No. of PG thesis guided - 28

No. of UG project guided - 9

Courses Handling

Professional Membership

  • German Materials Society (DGM)

Contact Address

Dr.-Ing. Ashok Kumar Nallathambi

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

 NIT Tiruchirappalli.

Mobile: +91 95003 10739, +91 63835 01906

Email : nashok@nitt.edu, ashok.kumar.nallathambi@gmail.com

Last Modified: August, 2024