Dr. S.Prasanna Venkatesan

Academic Qualification
- B.E. (Production Engineering) University of Madras
- M.Tech (Industrial Engineering) National Institute of Technology, Trichirappalli
- Ph.d (Supply Chain Risk Management) National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli.
Appointment Particulars
- Assistant ProfessorĀ at NIT-T (27-04-06 to 12-03-18)
- Associate ProfessorĀ at NIT-T (12-03-18 to till date)
Area of Interests
- Supply Chain Risk Management
- E-waste management
- Manufacturing System Simulation
- Healthcare simulation
- Multi objective Evolutionary Algorithms
Memberships in Professional Bodies
- Life member in Operational research society of India
- Life member in ISTE - India
- Member in Institute of Industrial Engineers(IIE)
- Member in INFORMS
- Member in Institute of Industrial and System Engineers(IISE)
Awards / Honors / Recognitions
- Academic proficiency prize in Industrial Engineering at NIT, Trichy during 2002-2003.
- Best Paper Award in the Second National Conference on Business Research held at PSGIM Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
- Received the best paper award in 3rd World Conference on Supply chain management at Colombo, Srilanka,2017
Details of Academic Work (Curriculum Development, Courses taught at Postgraduate and Undergraduate levels, Projects guided at Postgraduate level, Other contribution(s))
- Curriculum Development:
- E-waste management,
- Supply chain risk management
- Courses taught at Postgraduate and Undergraduate levels
- Project Management
- Manufacturing Management
- Supply Chain Management
- Manufacturing system simulation
- Production planning and control
- Work design and Ergonomics
- Projects guided at Postgraduate level: 80
- Projects guided at Undergraduate level:60
Academic/Administrative Responsibilities within the University
- Associate Dean (Procurement-Planning and Development) during 2017-2020.
- Deputy Registrar in-charge (Stores and Purchase, Academic) during 2020- at present
Academic/Administrative Responsibilities outside the University
- Visiting faculty to NIT-Uttrarkhand during October 2015
Academic Foreign Visits
- The Logistics Institute – Asia Pacific (TLI - Asia Pacific) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) from 28 June to 5 July 2013
- University of Skövde, Sweden, June 30th – July 2nd, 2008
Details of Major R&D Projects
- Investigations on E-Waste Flow Assessment and Collection Strategies for a Sustainable
and Economic E-Waste Value Chain Design in India during 2016-2020 at a value of 16.36 lakhs
Number of PhDs guided
Title: Modeling and Assessment of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Material Flow and Reverse Logistics in India, 2021
Title: Some Investigations on the Resource Allocation and Asset Tracking in Field Service Management, 2021 (Co-guide)
Title: Decision-Making Models for Managing Disruptions and Reputation Risk in Supply Chains, 2021
Title: Integrated Decision Making Approaches for Assessing and Optimizing Supply Chain Complexity Considering Resilience, 2017
Contact Address
Dr. S. Prasanna Venkatesan
Department of Production Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Trichy.
Tamilnadu, India - 620015