National Conference Proceedings

1.      S.Vinodh, G.Sundararaj and S.R.Devadasan, ‘Advanced Strategies of Total Agile Design System’, 48th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) , Bangalore, September 29-30, 2006.


2.      S.Vinodh, B.Vasudeva Reddy and Kusuma Ravichand, ‘Agility evaluation using multi-grade fuzzy assessment approach’, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Manufacturing Technology (RTMT-09), Department of Manufacturing Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University Chennai, Chennai,  March 06-07, 2009.


3.      S.Vinodh and C.Shankar, ‘Achieving Agile Manufacturing through CAD’, Proceedings of the 3rd  National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS09), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore,  March 26-27, 2009. This paper appeared on page 10 in the abstract book.


4.      S.Vinodh, G.Sundararaj, and S R. Devadasan,  2009, “Agile product development through reverse engineering”, National Conference on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (RPM 2009)  held at R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, during May 12-13,2009.