PRE-REQUISITE: Basics of electric circuits, semiconductors, diodes, transistors and FETs and basic of digital logic gates.
Faculty: Mr. P. Palanisamy
OBJECTIVE : This is an introductory course on Analog and digital electronic circuits. The students will exposed to semiconductor devices & its applications, operational amplifiers, digital circuits & itsapplications and power electronic circuits.
1. DC machines - Characteristics - Starting and speed control of DC motors. Transformers: (Single phase only)- equivalent circuit & regulation - losses and efficiency - auto transformer.
2. Alternators - EMF equation - regulation by synchronous impedance method - Synchronous motors - starting and applications.
3. Three - phase induction motor - Cage and slip ring motors -torque slip characteristics �starting and speed control of induction motors - single phase induction motors and universal motors.
4. Electric drive for general factory, textile mill - pump, blowers, hoists, traction etc. - group and individual drives - Construction and working of dynamometer type watt meters and induction type energy meters.
5. Control System � open loop and closed loop systems- transfer function - time response of second order system - frequency response method - polar plot. Concept of stability - application of routh criterion for simple systems.
1. Boylestead, �Electronics Devices &Integrated Circuits�, PHI Publishers, 1997.
2. Palani, S. "Control Systems ", Shanmuga Priya Publishers, 1995.
3. Theraja, B.L., " Electrical Technology", Vol. 1 & 2, Nitia Construction & development Co.Ltd., 1988.