MS / Ph.D. Section

Roles and responsibilities of Ph.D. section:

The term "Ph.D. section" typically refers to the administrative unit within the academic office that is responsible for overseeing Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs. The roles and responsibilities of the Ph.D. section are as follows:

Program Development: Designing and developing Ph.D. programs in various disciplines, ensuring alignment with academic standards, research expectations, and institutional goals.

Admissions and Enrollment: Managing the admissions process for Ph.D. programs, including setting admission criteria, reviewing applications, and making admission decisions; Overseeing enrollment procedures and student registration for Ph.D. courses.

Research Supervision: Facilitating the assignment of research supervisors to Ph.D. candidates; Overseeing the research progress of Ph.D. students, ensuring they meet milestones and fulfill research requirements.

Dissertation Oversight: Managing the process of Ph.D. dissertation development, submission, and evaluation; Coordinating dissertation defenses and examinations.

Quality Assurance and Assessment: Implementing and maintaining quality assurance measures to ensure the high standards of Ph.D. programs; Conducting assessments and evaluations of Ph.D. programs to identify areas for improvement.

Faculty Coordination: Collaborating with faculty members to ensure effective supervision, mentorship, and coordination within Ph.D. programs; Overseeing faculty assignments and workload related to Ph.D. education.

Policy Implementation: Implementing and enforcing academic policies and regulations specific to Ph.D. programs; Communicating policies to Ph.D. candidates, faculty, and staff and ensuring compliance.

Records and Documentation: Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of Ph.D. candidates, including research progress, milestones, and academic histories; Managing documentation related to program accreditation and compliance.

Communication and Outreach: Facilitating effective communication between the Ph.D. section, Ph.D. candidates, faculty, and other administrative units; Engaging in outreach activities to promote Ph.D. programs and attract prospective candidates.

Events and Activities: Organizing or supporting events, seminars, and workshops relevant to Ph.D. research and academic development; Coordinating activities that foster a sense of academic community among Ph.D. candidates.

Continuous Improvement: Actively seeking feedback from Ph.D. candidates and faculty to identify areas for improvement in the delivery of Ph.D. programs; Implementing changes and enhancements to ensure the continuous improvement of the Ph.D. educational and research experience.

Collaboration and Networking: Facilitating collaboration and networking opportunities for Ph.D. candidates with experts in their respective fields; Promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and partnerships with external research institutions.


The Ph.D. section plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of Ph.D. candidates, maintaining academic rigor, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge through original research. Its responsibilities encompass various aspects of program management, research supervision, and the overall support and development of Ph.D. candidates within the institutute.

Stipend & Leave Rules for Ph.D. Scholars

1.Leave Rules for Ph.D. Scholars from 01-01-2023
2.Leave Rules for Ph.D. Scholars upto 31-12-2022
3.MoE_Revision of emoluments and guidelines (2023)

Formats for download (A - Ph.D. / B - MS)

1.Choice of Guide for Full-Time Ph.D. (pdf)
1A.Choice of Guide for Part-Time MS (pdf)
1B.Choice of Guide for Part-Time Ph.D. (pdf)
2.Ph.D. Doctoral Committe Panel Submission Form (pdf)
2A.MS-General Test Committee Panel Submission Form (pdf)
3.Ph.D.-First Doctoral Committee Meeting (pdf)
3A.MS First GTC Meeting (pdf)
3B.Course work registration form MS and Ph.D. (pdf)
4.Minutes of first seminar presentation (pdf)
4A.Minutes of second seminar presentation (pdf)
4A(i).Requisition for Conducting Synopsis (to verify the credentials / before the synopsis meeting) (pdf)
4B.Minutes of the Ph.D. Synopsis meeting (pdf)
5.Forwarding Note for the Submission of Synopsis of Ph.D. Thesis (pdf)
5A.Forwarding Note for the Submission of Synopsis of MS Thesis (pdf)
6.List of Publications Ph.D.(pdf)
6A.List of Publications MS (pdf)
6B.List of Publications Ph.D.-Old (pdf)
7.Panel Submission Form for Ph.D. External Examiners (pdf)
7A.Panel Submission Form for M.S By Research Indian Examiners (pdf)
8.Ph.D.Thesis Submission Form (pdf)
8A.M.S by-Research Thesis Submission Form (pdf)
8B.Proforma for MS and Ph.D. (pdf)
9.Ph.D.Final DC Meeting Minutes form (pdf)
10A.Final General Test committee meeting form Research (pdf)
10B.Report of Oral Examination Board for Ph.D.Thesis Defense Viva-Voce Examination (pdf)
10C-Form-T1-Ph.D. Thesis submission for Repository (pdf)
10D-Form-T2-Temporary Withhold of Publication (pdf)
11.Request for Change of Research Guide or Inclusion of Additional Guide (pdf)
12.Progress - Stipend Enhancement Report for Ph.D. Scholars (pdf)
13.Application temporary course break (pdf)
15.Ph.D. Progress review format (pdf)
16.Report of Ph.D.Comprehensive Examination Board (pdf)
17-Synopsis_Guidelines (pdf)
18.Permission_for_continuing_Ph.D._(6-8_years) (pdf)
18A.Permission_for_continuing_Ph.D._(more_than_8_years) (pdf)
18B. Minutes of the MS-GTC Meeting for period extension (pdf)
19.Joining report (pdf)


1.Course  work registration form Ph.D (those who have not completed within a year) (pdf)
2.Comprehensive Examination Registration Form_Ph.D. (those who have not completed) (pdf)
3.Requisition for the submission of thesis_after 3 months of synopsis meeting (pdf)
4.Full Time to Part Time Conversion_Ph.D. (pdf)
5.Maternity Leave Application for Ph.D. Scholars (pdf)
6.Paternity Leave Application for Ph.D. Scholars (pdf)
7.Application / Foreign Visit (University / Organization) (pdf)
8.Requisition for the Conduction of Viva Voce Examination within 2 weeks (pdf)
9.Requisition for Nomination of Chairperson (DC) for the Conduction of Viva Voce Examination (pdf)
10.Permission to attend Training / Short-Term Courses / Conferences / Workshops (pdf)

Comprehensive Examination

1.Willingness form_Comprehensive Examination (pdf)
2.Indicative syllabus for the written test_Comprehensive Examination (pdf)
3.Panel Submission_for Comprehensive Examination (pdf)

Stipend Enhancement

1.Panel Submission_for Stipend enhancement (pdf)

Synopsis Guidelines

1.Synopsis Guidelines (pdf)
2.Guidelines_Synopsis_PPT Presentation

Thesis Guidelines

1.Thesis Guidelines (pdf)

Guidelines to submit the thesis for Sodhganga Repository by Ministry of Education (MoE) INFLIBMET

1. Guidelines to submit the thesis for Sodhganga Repository by Ministry of Education (MoE) INFLIBMET

Bill for TA, DA

1.Rates of remuneration, sitting fee, TA and DA (pdf)
2.Bill for TA & DA (For Ph.D.) _Comprehensive Viva-Voce ,  DC Meeting, GTC Meeting,  Public Viva-Voce and Others (pdf)
3.Bill for TA & DA (For Ph.D.)_PMRF Review Meeting (pdf)
4.Booking of Air Tickets for Ph. D. Related Examinations (pdf)
5.TA-DA Circular

Formats for Download (Others)

1. Student record (PDF)
2. Joining Report (PDF)
3. Declaration for Late Submission of Qualifying Examination (PDF)
4. Student leave form (MS and Ph.D) (PDF)
5. HTRA Details (for MS, Ph.D. Scholars) (PDF)
6. Application for ID Card Correction and Duplicate ID Card (PDF)
7. Absentee statement (M.Tech., MS, Ph.D.) (PDF)
8. Admission cancellation form (PDF)
9. Course discontinuation form (PDF)
10. Application temporory course break (PDF)
11. Application for provisional certificate (PDF)
12. No dues Certificate (PDF)
13. Circular_Seminar Talk - I (PDF)
14. Circular_Seminar Talk - II (PDF)
15. Circular_Viva-Voce (PDF)
16. Seminar Talk - I_Participants (PDF)
17. Seminar Talk - II_Participants (PDF)
18. Viva-Voce_Participants (PDF)
19. Application for No Objection Certificate (pdf)

Formats for Download (QIP)

1. Agreement to permit the QIP scholar to visit (PDF)
2. Certificate of AICTE Recognition (PDF)
3. Course Completion Certificate (PDF)
4. Relieving Certificate (PDF)
5. Sponsorship Certificate (PDF)

Essential Declarations

1. Academic Documents in DigiLocker (National Academic Depository)
2. Steps to Download – NIT, Tiruchirappalli issued certificates in DigiLocker

Contact Details

MS / Ph.D. Section
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli - 620 015
Tamil Nadu, India

Telephone : +91 (431) 2503915 (Direct) / +91 (431) 2503911
Fax : +91 (431) 2500133 (O/o the Director)
E-mail :,,,

For other contacts, kindly refer this page.