Heads of the Department

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Dr. K. Prem Kumar Architecture 3551, 3563 hodarch, prem
Dr. K. Muthukkumaran Civil Engineering 3151, 3168 hodcivil, kmk
Dr. M. Arivazhagan Chemical Engineering 3101, 3111 hodchl, ariva
Dr. V. M. Biju Chemistry 3631, 3638 hodchy, vmbiju
Dr. Kunwar Singh Computer Science & Engineering 3201, 3212 hodcse, kunwar
Dr. S. Domnic Computer Applications 3731, 3745 hodca, domnic
Dr. N. Sivakumaran Computer Support Group 3801, 3362 hodcsg, nsk
Dr. Sishaj P Simon Electrical & Electronics Engineering 3251, 3265 hodeee, sishajpsimon
Dr. M. Bhaskar Electronics & Communication Engineering 3301, 3310 hodece, bhaskar
Dr. Muthukumar K Energy and Environment 3103 hoddee, kmkumar
Dr. R. Murugesan Humanities and Social Sciences 3691, 3696 hodhss, rmurugan
Dr. K. Srinivasan Instrumentation & Control Engineering 3351, 3363 hodice, srinikkn
Dr. S. Suresh Mechanical Engineering 3401, 3422 hodmech, ssuresh
Dr. S. Muthukumaran Metallurgical & Materials Engineering 3451, 3468 hodmet, smuthu
Dr.B.Senthil Arasu Management Studies 3701, 3708 hodmba, arasu
Dr. V. Kumaran Mathematics 3661, 3670 hodmaths, kumaran
Dr. R. Justin Joseyphus Physics 3601, 3614 hodphy, rjustinj
Dr. C. Sathiya Narayanan Production Engineering 3501, 3511 hodprod, csathiya
Dr. A.K. Bakthavatsalam Training & Placement 3781, 3788 hodtp, baktha
Dr. S. A. Senthil Kumar Estate Officer i/c, EMD 3052 hodemd, registrar