Dr. S. A. Senthil Kumar
The Registrar is the Secretary of the Board, Senate and such Committees as may be prescribed by the Statutes. He is the custodian of records, the common seal, the funds of the Institute and such other property of the Institute as the Board shall commit to his charge. The Registrar is responsible to the Director for the proper discharge of his functions. The Registrar shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the NIT Act or the First Statutes of the NIT or by the Director.
All the official / demi official correspondence requiring the attention of Registrar, NIT-T may please be sent to the following address:
Dr. S. A. Senthil Kumar,
National Institute of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli - 620015
Tamilnadu (India)
Tel No. 0431-2504014
Fax: 0431-2500133
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