Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs (TIDE) in the areas of Electronics and ICT.
Technological Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs (TIDE) aims to assist Institutions of Higher learning to strengthen their Technology Incubation Centres and thus enable young entrepreneurs to initiate technology start-up companies for commercial exploitation of technologies developed by them.
The objectives of the proposed scheme are:
- Set-up / Strengthen the Technology Incubation Centres and thus nurture technology entrepreneurship development;
- Promote product oriented research and development;
- Encourage and accelerate development of indigenous products and packages;
- Bridge the gap between R&D and commercialisation.
Scope of CEDI – TIDE Project: Recognizing the importance of Technology Incubation, many institutions of higher learning have already taken initiatives to nurture this activity. These include policy measures, infrastructure support, entrepreneurial training, IPR facilitation, and create a framework to nurture technology incubation. The incubation centers provide a host of services to new enterprises and facilitate linkages that are congenial for their survival and growth. The centre also network with Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists who provide mentoring and financial support to the start up companies and enable the tenant companies to mature over a period of 2-3 years and graduate to a commercial place to do the actual business. The involvement of the faculty of the institute in the technology start-up activity reinforces teaching and research, strengthens linkages between education and industry, and also better aligns education to meet market requirements. 2 It is proposed to support such initiatives by providing financial and policy support for strengthening technology incubation activity. This would nurture technology innovation and, in the long run, enable local development of Electronics and IT products and packages.