About the Club
TaskForce is the official Social Initiative hub of NIT Trichy. We aim at making students' lives easier and happier at NIT Trichy. TaskForce’s main objective is to provide special opportunities for the students to take part in administrative activities and initiate affordable long term programmes which also cater to the students’ immediate requirements.
Through various initiatives such as Passport Mela, Pan Card Mela, RECycle, Soapbox, Resource Collection Drive & various other community services, we aim at giving better and easy solutions to cater to students’ regular problems.
Retrieve and Recover, 2020 - 2021
TaskForce took on the responsibility of serving the student community amidst the pandemic. We retrieved a number of valuable things in the hostels to their respective owners, notably laptops and important documents.
RECycle, 2016-19
This is an initiative where the bicycles that are donated by the graduating students are refurbished and distributed back into the student community.
Induction Process
There would be a briefing about the club at the start, after which the induction process usually starts around August to September. The process consists of two PIs, which are non-technical and would instead test your enthusiasm to serve the students' community and for social causes. The shortlist of students for the second PI is based on the given tasks' execution and their performance in the first PI.
Core Members
President: Vidhyasagar
Department: Civil
Contact: 63855 55960
Overall Coordinator: Shireesha
Department: Production
Contact: 7032920811
Treasurer: Aryan
Department: Mechanical
Contact: 6379582033
Head, Operations: Nikhil Raju
Department: Civil
Contact: 9400509109;
Head, Alumni Relations: Alexander
Department: Mechanical
Contact: 8838961873
Head, Design: Raswanth
Department: Civil
Contact: 9894108566
Head, Social Media: Kiran
Department: Production
Contact: 7094910055
Co - Head Webops: Rajnesh Pandey
Department: CSE
Contact: +91 82909 68008
Co-Head, Webops: Ayush Shukla
Department: Civil
Contact: 8318838355
PG Secretary: Shashank Deep
Department: DOMS
Contact: 8094091840
Advisory member : Sundarrajan
Department: MME
Contact: 9629496140
Advisory member : Harishwar
Department: MME
Contact: 8754003014
Social Media Handles
Website: https://taskforce.nitt.edu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taskforce_nitt/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/taskforce-nit-trichy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tfanitt/
Telegram: https://t.me/taskforce_nitt
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/taskforce_nitt
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Karthik.V
MME department
Dr. Sudharsan.P
ECE department