Convocation 2010


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6th Convocation

  • The VI Convocation (2010) is scheduled on October 9, 2010 (Saturday), 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
  • All Graduands are requested to update the registration form
  • Graduands attending the Convocation to receive the Degree in person and in absentia must fill the registration form (Registration Form)


Chief Guest : Sri. Karumuttu T. Kannan, Managing Director, Thiagaraja Mill Ltd., Madurai.

  • The Institute will arrange to supply the gown for the occasion at the Convocation Reception office *.
  • Please note that for operational convenience, the gowns will be issued from 03.00 p.m. onwards on 8.10.2010 only to the Graduands, in person, and not to their representatives.
  • The rental charges towards the gown shall be borne by the Institute.
  • A refundable deposit of Rs.100/- has to be deposited to the supplier while collecting the gowns at the reception office. The deposit towards the gown will be refunded immediately on the return of the gown after the convocation.
  • The Institute bus will be available at Tiruchirappalli Junction at 9.00 p.m. on 8.10.2010 and 4.30 to 5:30 a.m. on 9.10.2010.
  • Breakfast and Lunch will be provided in the “B” Mess of the Institute.
  • The Graduands are requested to wear formal attire befitting the occasion.
  • Graduands are required to occupy their allotted seats at the Barn Hall before 9.45 a.m. on 9.10.2010.
  • Please note that Children below 12 years are not allowed into the BARN hall during the convocation.
  • All those who are willing to attend the Convocation and receive degrees/medals have to register online on or before 4.10.2010 in our website.

    The Graduands will receive their degree certificates from the dignitaries on the dias.


*Issue of gowns:

Non-circuit branches - Automobile Lab, Mechanical Engineering Department.
Circuit branches - Power Electronics Lab, EEE Department

Note: The gowns will be issued from 3.00 pm on 8th October 2010 to the graduands in person. To avoid possible embarrassment to graduands and their parents, Gowns will not be issued to proxy.

The Graduands who have Institute/Hostel dues have to settle it on or before 8.10.2010. The dues have to be settled through a DD drawn in favour of “The Director, NITT” payable at Trichy. Cash will not be accepted under any circumstances.

The Graduands have to, positively, indicate whether the Parents/Guest (maximum of two per Graduand) are accompanying them while registering.

1. Registration Closed

2. Medal Winners

3. Updated Name List of Graduands (Convocation - 2010)

4. Graduands who have Institute/Hostel dues

5. List of Registered Candiates for Attending Convocation

(Students are advised  to  verify their details in the list (SL.No.3) and inform the O/o.Dean  (Academic) if any change required email to on or before October 4, 2010)

 Director (i/c)