Continuing Education

Quality Improvement Programme (QIP)

The Quality Improvement Progamme (QIP) is a programme sponsored by the AICTE with the main objective to upgrade the expertise and capabilities of the faculty members of the degree level engineering institutions and the National Institutes of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTR) in the country.

There are three main activities under QIP serving the faculty of degree-level engineering institutions

  • Providing opportunities of the degree level engineering institutions to improve their qualifications by offering admissions to the Master and Ph.D degree programmes.
  • Organising short term courses for serving teachers
  • Curriculum Development Cell activities which help to improve class room teaching

Application Procedure

The QIP website ( ) will give you the necessary information about the programme as well as about the requirements and the procedure for applying for admission to Master/Ph.D. degree programmes. The application form can be filled in online or downloaded and mailed to the office of the Principal QIP coordinator. However the application deadlines for both M.Tech and Ph.D has now been crossed.