Details of Active MoUs





Scope of Activities


Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS), Chennai

Ø  Ph.D Program.

Ø  MS Program under TCS Jr. Research Fellowship.

Ø  Sponsored MS Program-under External Registration.

Ø  Project interns.

Ø  Establishment of CoE.


Nagoya Institute of Technology


Ø  Exchange of students.

Ø  Exchange of Professors, Research scholars and staffs.

Ø  Exchange of scientific materials, publications and information.

Ø  Joint Research activities.



The University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan

Ø  Mutual exchange of faculty, researchers, and students.

Ø  Joint implementation of educational programs.

Ø  Implementation of collaborative research projects of mutual benefit.

Ø  Academic exchange and cooperation including mutual invitations of experts to special lectures, organizing collaborative conferences, and making requests for cooperation at international academic conferences.

Ø  Exchange of academic materials and other information relevant to the cooperation items hereunder for the purpose of presenting and publishing each other’s research achievements.


French Institute for Advanced Mechanics(IFMA)

Ø  The exchange of students.

Ø  The secondment of professors, researchers and teachers.

Ø  The exchange of information in educational and research fields of interest to both institutions.

Ø  Joint research and meetings on education and research.


High Energy Batteries(India)Limited

Ø  Facilities for industrial visits, in-plant training/students projects for students, R&D Lab sponsored projects to NITT on mutually agreeable terms.

Ø  Faculty training at HEB on mutually agreeable terms.

Ø  Faculty exchange programs in Engineering, manufacturing, Management and Chemical engineering etc., specifically identified.

Ø  To provide opportunities for research interactions both for sponsored projects and to enrich the knowledge base.

Ø  Jointly conducting need-based short –term courses, seminars and symposia.

Ø  Utilizing the infrastructure facilities in the areas of engineering, technology and safety for mutual benefits by both the parties.

Ø  To do work and research in Materials Science and Engineering and also have collaborative with centres of Excellence such as CECASE, CEESAT etc. in areas related to Electrochemical system in particular and other general areas of mutual interest.

Ø  Developing computer based and web based training methodologies.

Ø  Identifying suitable projects, sub projects on the main sponsored projects by other organization and providing support for mutual benefit.

Ø  Joint publications including research articles, books, monographs and review articles



4-Alianza Universidades, Spain with the consortium of NITs

Ø  Student exchange.

Ø  Faculty exchange.

Ø  Joint research projects.

Ø  Online student research.

Ø  Graduate and postgraduate research co-supervision.

Ø  Dual degrees.

Ø  Sharing of knowledge, regular dialogue, and reciprocal visit programs; sharing of information on best practices in higher education.

Ø  Identifying funding, internships, or any other kind of cooperation opportunities.

Ø  Joint cultural programs, conferences, workshops and seminars development; training programs.

Ø  Any other collaboration possibility.


Binghamton University, New York, USA

Ø  The identification of topics for joint research followed by the development of research activities.

Ø  Mutual invitations for faculty members to teach courses, present lectures, or participate in conferences, scientific sessions, symposia, and seminars.

Ø  Exchange of information of interest to either university including notification of research activities, publications, and conferences.

Ø  Opportunities for graduate students to receive training or conduct research.

Ø  Student academic exchange and /or study abroad programs.


Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited(BHEL), Tiruchirappalli

Ø  Facilities for industrial visits, in-plant training/students projects for students on mutually agreeable terms.

Ø  Faculty training at BHEL on mutually agreeable terms.

Ø  Faculty exchange programmes in Engineering, Manufacturing, Management and Computer application areas.

Ø  To provide opportunities for research interactions.

Ø  Jointly conducting need-based short term courses, seminars, and symposia.

Ø  Utilizing the infrastructure facilities in the area of Engineering, technology and safety for mutual benefit.

Ø  Developing computer based and web based training methodologies.

Ø  Identifying suitable projects and providing support for mutual benefit.

Ø  Joint publications including books, monographs and review articles.


CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi(CECRI)

Ø  Faculty/scientist exchange programs between the two institute.

Ø  To provide opportunities for research interactions and sharing of resources of research Laboratories.

Ø  Utilizing the infrastructure facilities in the areas of interest for mutual benefits.

Ø  Starting of an M.Tech. course in corrosion and Surface Engineering.

Ø  Jointly conducting need based short term course, seminars, colloquia and symposia related to corrosion and surface engineering.

Ø  Identifying suitable projects and providing support for mutual benefit (for the first phase as per the annexure-I).

Ø  Joint publications including books, monographs, research and review articles.

Ø  Organizing joint national and international conferences and workshops in the areas related to corrosion and surface engineering.

Ø  Jointly inviting experts from abroad.

Ø  Sharing of expertise of invited/visiting faculty/ scientist of both CSIR-CECRI and NITT.

Ø  The supporting facilities such as library and other information sources of NITT and CSIR-CECRI will be available for the members related to the activities of this MoU.

Ø  Faculty of NITT to teach the B.Tech students of CSIR-CECRI as and when required.


MITACS, Canada

Ø  Mitacs Inc, located at Suite 301, Technology Enterprise Facility, University of British Columbia, 6190 Agronomy Road, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, in this act represented by Arvind Gupta, Chief Executive Officer.

Ø  Mitacs supports national innovation by coordinating collaborative industry-university research projects with human capital development at their core. Since 1999, Mitacs has been promoting academic-industrial R&D while supporting the development of future innovation leaders. Mitacs has developed a proactive and successful approach to supporting innovation, both directly through collaborative R&D and indirectly through long-term development of skilled human capital.


Mitacs – an innovation nexus

·         Independent innovation-focused not-for-profit

·         Founded in 1999 as a Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence

·         Supported by numerous federal agencies and departments, provincial and foreign governments.

·         2,000 faculty, 3,500 graduate students at 57 Canadian research universities

·         37 additional Canadian research organizations

·         1,500 Canadian companies representing all regions and sectors

·         2,000 academic-industry projects annually

·         4,800 Accelerate internships

·         550 Globalink students from India, Brazil, China

·         200 Elevate fellows

·         $52 million industrial investment in R&D to date

·         7,200 graduate students received professional skills training

·         5,000 industrial and academic leaders attended 200 innovation networking events

·         2,000 academic research papers published



University of Reenes I, France

Master program ‘Molecular Catalysis and green chemistry” reviewed by teaching committee of MCGC at France


Seshasayi Paper Boards, India

Ø  Facilities for industrial visits, in-plant training/students projects for students, R&D Lab sponsored projects to NITT on mutually agreeable terms.

Ø  Faculty training at HEB on mutually agreeable terms.

Ø  Faculty exchange programs in Engineering, manufacturing, Management and Chemical engineering etc., specifically identified.

Ø  To provide opportunities for research interactions both for sponsored projects and to enrich the knowledge base.

Ø  Jointly conducting need-based short –term courses, seminars and symposia.

Ø  Utilizing the infrastructure facilities in the areas of engineering , technology and safety for mutual benefits by both the parties.

Ø  To do work and research in Materials Science and Engineering and also have collaborative with centres of Excellence such as CECASE, CEESAT etc. in areas related to Electrochemical system in particular and other general areas of mutual interest.

Ø  Developing computer based and web based training methodologies.

Ø  Identifying suitable projects, sub projects on the main sponsored projects by other organization and providing support for mutual benefit.

Ø  Joint publications including research articles, books, monographs and review articles




Inactive MoUs





Scope of Activities


Dong-Eui University, Korea



Ø  Faculty exchanges between NITT and DUK.

Ø  Collaborative research in the areas of mutual interest of NITT and DUK.

Ø  Sharing of resource in the research laboratories.

Ø  Submission of joint research proposals to appropriate funding agencies.

Ø  Sharing the expertise of Invited/visiting faculty of NITT and DUK.

Ø  Organise joint international conferences and workshops.


Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) Thiruvananthapuram

Ø  Boiler modelling and Superheater team temperature Control.

Ø  Coil mill modelling and Master pressure Control.             


Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL)

Ø  Faculty training at ECIL.

Ø  Faculty exchange programs.

Ø  To provide opportunities for research interaction for MS and Ph.D. students.

Ø  Jointly conduct need-based short-term courses, seminars, and symposia.

Ø  Utilizing the infrastructure facilities in the areas of engineering, Technology and safety for mutual benefits.

Ø  Developing computer based and web based methodologies.

Ø  Identifying suitable projects and providing support for mutual benefit.

Ø  Joint publications including books, monographs and review articles.

Ø  Campus recruitment of students and scholars.


Sree Chithra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology,DST,GOI(SCTIMST)

Ø  To facilitate the exchanges of scientific and technological information leading to collaboration in academic, scientific, research and technical fields.


Neyveli Lignite Corporation(NLC)

Ø  Sponsered research and development project


FLS Automation India Private Limited(FLSA),Chennai

Ø  Facilities for industrial visits, students projects for students on mutually agreeable terms.

Ø  Faculty exchange programmes in Engineering, Manufacturing, Management and Computer applications areas.

Ø  To provide opportunities for research interactions.

Ø  Jointly conducting need-based short-term courses, seminars, and symposia.

Ø  Utilizing the infrastructure facilities in the areas of engineering, Technology for mutual benefits.

Ø  Developing computer based and web based training methodologies.

Ø  Identifying suitable projects and providing support for  mutual benefit.

Ø  Joint publications including books, mo Joint publications including books, monographs, research and review articles.




National Institute of Materials Science(NIMS),Tsukuba(Japan)

Ø  Exchange of researchers to execute the research.

Ø  Exchange of information through joint seminars and joint publications on the research.

Ø  Implementation of cooperative research.

Ø  Joint research proposal.



IBM India Pivate Limited (IBM)

Ø  To provide technology solutions to its diverse business units in the areas of product development and support.

Ø  To conduct research and development in various technological and engineering areas, having excellence in highly trained personnel, research and development facilities.


Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli (BDU)

Ø  Faculty exchange between universities in specializations like Information Technology, Communication, Energy and Environment, Bioinformatics and other emerging research areas.

Ø  The research scholars of the BDU and NITT shall be permitted to take courses as may be appropriate to fulfil the requirements in the curriculum, and earn credits. The credits thus earned will be mutually transferable between BDU and NITT.

Ø  Collaborative research in the areas of mutual interest by the faculty of both BDU and NITT.

Ø  Sharing of research resources in research laboratories.

Ø  Submission of joint research proposals to appropriate funding agencies.

Ø  Sharing the expertise of invited/visiting faculty of both BDU and NITT.

Ø  Jointly inviting experts from India and Abroad.

Ø  Development of Educational Cell to promote Edusat programmes.

Ø  Joint national and international conferences workshops.