
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli

Advt. No. NITT/1/2006


National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli invites quotations for services of Security Agencies on contract basis. The agencies who fulfill the following requirements are eligible to participate in the quotations.


Eligibility Criteria :


1. The Security Agencies should have registered with Central/ State Government and should have obtained Licence from Ministry of Labour

2. Good background and reputation

3. More than 500 men on rolls who have at least 2 years experience as security guards

4. Should be able to deploy the healthy and smart guards in the  age group of 25 - 45 years

5. Trained Security guards in handling standard fire fighting equipment

6. At least five years of experience in the field

7. At least 5 running contracts in large industrial/ educational campuses of annual value not less than one crore 

8. Zonal or Regional Head Quarters at Bangalore or at Chennai or at Tiruchirappalli.

9. Well-structured training center

10. Capability to provide vehicles and wireless communication equipment


Weightage will be given to the Agency if they possess :


1. ISO 9000 Certification

2. Running contract in large Educational Institutions

3. Disaster Management Service

4. Awards obtained by the Agency

5. Long years of service in the Security field

6. Sound financial status

7. Knowledge of Tamil / English is preferred for the Guards, in the case of Agency from states other than Tamil Nadu


The Agency interested in providing the security services may submit competitive quotation in the prescribed proforma annexed herewith, along with the details of above criteria and copy of audited balance sheet for last 3 years, in a sealed cover duly superscribed on the envelope as ‘Quotation for Security Services’ so as to reach the undersigned  by post or courier on or before 17:00 hours on 20-02-2006 accompanied with a DD for Rs.100/- in favour of The Director, NIT, Tiruchirappalli payable at Tiruchirappalli as application processing fee.


NITT reserves the right to consider or reject any Agency without assigning any reason thereof.   Selected Agency will be assigned the responsibility of security coverage in one of the zones only of the Institute.


Registrar i/c



National Institute of Technology

Tiruchirappalli-620 015

Application Proforma


(to be completed by the Private Security Agency)




Name and address of the Security Agency

with telephone number, FaxNo., email id etc.





Quote the service charges for the following:


(a) Security Guard

Rs………. ..p.m.per person including weekly off

(b) Shift Incharge

Rs………. ..p.m.per person including weekly off

( c ) Unit Incharge

Rs……… …p.m.per person including weekly off


Total service charges per month for 60* Security Guards + 3 Shift incharge + 1 Unit incharge including weekly off




Administrative charges if any for the services to be rendered, if any (Pl. quote in %) for the toal monthly cost of Sl.No.2 above


……………….. %


What is the expected “Carry-Home” salary after deducting mandatory deductions (ESI, EPF, etc.)

In Rs.






Carry Home




















(a) Security Guard

(b) Shift Incharge

(c ) Unit Incharge


If you wish to  specifically indicate any information other than the quotation/rate, the same may be indicated:











* No. may increase / decrease





Date:                                                                                       Signature with Seal