
Head of the Department


Dr. S. Mary Saira Bhanu

Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Real-time System, Grid Computing, Cloud Computing

Professor (HAG)


Dr. S. Selvakumar

Networking, Security, High Speed Networks, Distributed Computing



Dr. N. Ramasubramanian

Computer Architecture, Digital Systems, Embedded Systems.


Dr. C. Mala

Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Networks, Parallel Algorithms, Computer Architecture, UNIX OS.


Dr. S. Mary Saira Bhanu

Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Real-time System, Grid Computing, Cloud Computing


Dr.(Mrs.) R. Leela Velusamy

Compiler Design, Automata and Formal Languages, Fault Tolerant Computing, Cryptography and Network security

Dr.(Ms.) Rajeswari Sridhar

Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Cloud computing

Associate Professors

Dr. Kunwar Singh

Cryptology, Algorithms, Data Structures, Graph Theory


Dr. E. Sivasankar

Data Warehousing & Data Mining, Web Technology, Database Management Systems, Big Data Analytics

Dr. M. Sridevi

Computer Vision & Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Parallel Processing, Soft Computing, Machine and Deep Learning

Dr. M. Brindha

Database Management Systems, Digital Computer Fundamentals, Image Security


Dr. B. Nithya

Wireless Sensor Networks, Computer Networks, Network Security, Machine Learning

Dr. S. Jaya Nirmala

Operating System, Computer Architecture, Cloud Computing, and Data Mining.


Dr. R. Mohan

Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, and Data Structures & Algorithms

Assistant Professors

Dr. B. Shameedha Begum

Computer System and Architecture, Embedded Systems, Micro processor Real time systems

Dr. A. Santhana Vijayan

Semantic Web, Web Mining, Maching Learning, Ontology Engineering, Web Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Dr. R. Bala Krishnan

Text Steganography, Information Security, Network Security, Network Protocols, Android Applications, Machine Learning

Dr. Sai Krishna Mothku

Wireless ad-hoc networks, Wireless sensor networks and Internet of Things

Dr. Kamalika Bhattacharjee

Cellular Automata and Randomness