Basics of VLSI (3 – 0 - 0) 3
- To provide rigorous foundation in MOS and CMOS digital circuits
- To train the students in transistor budgets, clock speeds and the growing challenges of power consumption and productivity
Introduction to CMOS circuits: MOS transistors, CMOS combinational logic gates, multiplexers, latches and
flip-flops, CMOS fabrication and layout, VLSI design flow.
MOS transistor theory: Ideal I-V and C-V characteristics, non ideal I-V effects, DC transfer characteristics, Switch level RC delay models.
CMOS technologies: Layout design rules, CMOS process enhancement, Technology related CAD issues. Circuit characterization and performance estimation: Delay estimation, Logical effort and transistor sizing,
Power dissipation, Interconnect design margin, Reliability, Scaling.
Combinational circuit design: Static CMOS, Ratioed circuits, Cascode voltage switch logic, Dynamic circuits, Pass transistor circuits.
Text Books
1. N.H.E.Weste, D. Harris, “CMOS VLSI Design (3/e)”, Pearson, 2005.
2. J.Rabey, M. Pedram,” Digital Integrated circuits (2/e)”, PHI, 2003.
Reference Book
1. Pucknell & Eshraghian, “Basic VLSI Design”, (3/e), PHI, 1996.
Students are able to
CO1: implement the logic circuits using MOS and CMOS technology. CO2: analyse various circuit configurations and their applications
CO3: analyse the merits of circuits according to the technology and applications change.
CO4: design low power CMOS VLSI circuits.
CO5: understand the rapid advances in CMOS Technology