Dr. S. Muthukumaran

Dr. Katakam Siva Prasad


Dr. S. Muthukumaran


Professor & HOD

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Date of Joining



Bio Sketch

Dr. S. Muthukumaran, currently a Professor and Head of the Department at the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, invented "MUTHER'S MAGIC BAG" (Multi Use Trash Handling Equipment for Recycling and Sustainability), an innovative waste collection system designed to remove floating trash from water bodies without the need for electricity or pumps. This eco-friendly solution passively collects waste upon contact with water and is easily replaceable, allowing for efficient waste management and recycling. Additionally, Dr. Muthukumaran invented the cost-effective FUREBOAT to safeguard lives and valuables during floods and boat capsizes.  This invention has garnered significant attention for its potential to save lives in disaster situations. Thousands of people got saved during flood times. Dr. Muthukumaran has made significant contributions to education, research, and society. With a strong academic background, including an M.E. in Welding Engineering and a Ph.D. from Birla Institute of Technology, his research interests span Welding Engineering, Boat Design, Automotive Materials, Manufacturing Technology, Non-Destructive Testing, and Materials Science. His teaching career began in 2001, and he has held esteemed positions at NIT Tiruchirappalli, VIT University, and BIT Mesra, Ranchi. He has introduced innovative courses, established advanced laboratories, and guided numerous Ph.D. and M.Tech. students. Dr. Muthukumaran has published 61 international journal papers, holds eight granted patents, and has completed several funded research projects. In his administrative roles, he has shaped NIT's IPR policies and facilitated patent applications. Dr. Muthukumaran's dedication to intellectual property rights and his leadership in various committees highlight his commitment to advancing knowledge and making a meaningful impact in his field and society.

Contributions to the Society

  1. Inventor of MUTHER’S MAGIC BAG: A revolutionary step towards a garbage-free world.
  2. Inventor of cost effective FUREBOAT to safeguard life and valuable during floods and boat capsize


Educational Qualification

M.E. (Welding Engineering) Regional Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli with 8.00 CGPA

Ph.D. (Engineering) Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi 

Gate Qualification:

Qualified in GATE-98 (Mechanical Engineering) with a 93.51 percentile score with the all-India ranking of 393

Research Interests

  • Welding Engineering
  • Boat Design and Fabrication
  • Automotive Materials
  • Manufacturing technology
  • Non-Destructive Testing
  • Materials Science

Teaching Experiences:

No Position Held Name of Institute/ University/ Organization Duration
1. Professor National Institute Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2019 to Till Date
2. Associate Professor National Institute Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2011 to 2019
3. Assistant Professor National Institute Technology, Tiruchirappalli 2008 to 2011
4. Assistant Professor VIT University 2007 to 2008
5. Selection Grade Lecturer VIT University 02/08/2007 to 11/12/2007
6. Senior Lecturer BIT Mesra, Ranchi 1/10/2005 to 30/07/2007
7. Lecturer BIT Mesra, Ranchi 5/03/2003 to 30/09/2005
8 Teaching & Research Associate Anna University 18/01/2001 to 25/02/2003


Highlights in Teaching:

  • Handling UG and PG courses since 2001.
  • Introduced an elective course titled MTPE 15 Automotive Materials in the year 2015 and offering the course every year.
  • Introduced a global elective course titled MTOE18 Intellectual Property Rights in the year 2017 and offering every year.
  • Established Non Destructive Laboratory and Advanced Welding Laboratory.


Highlights in Research:

  • Ph.D. Guidance: Guided 15 and guiding 7 Ph.D Scholars
  • M.Tech. Projects: Guided 85 and guiding 5 Students
  • M.S. (by Research): Guided 4
  • B.Tech. Project: Guided 12 Projects
  • Successfully completed 7 Externally Funded Projects (one is an international project funded by Royal Academy, London)
  • International Journal Papers Published is 61
  • Patents Granted is 8 and Patents filed is 5
  • Organized 9 Workshops and 2 International Conferences


Highlights in Administration and Outreach:

  • HoD MME (December 2022 - Till date)
  • Dean (Research and Consultancy) from September 2019 to December 2022
  • Head of IPR Cell from April 2016 to December 2019
    • Framed NIT Trichy IPR Policy and established filing procedure
    • Successfully registered Institute logo for Trademark
    • Empanelled Law firms for filing patents
    • Facilitated  filing 50 patent applications through IPR Cell
    • Conducted workshops/ seminars on IPR Awareness  NITT and other institutions
    • Handled IPR courses for UG, PG and Ph.D scholars
    • Handled a full course on IPR for the IIIT Srirangam final year students
  • Convener, Institute Innovation Council
  • Member, institute Accreditation Committee
  • Member, Institute Research Advisory Committee
  • Member, NIRF and Strategic Planning Group Core Team 
  • Secretory, Society for Failure Analysis
  • Joint Secretary, IIM Trichy Chapter

Papers published in Journals (International/National)

Author(s) Title Name of Journal Volume Page Year
S Pradeep, VKS Jain, S Muthukumaran, R Kumar Microstructure and texture evolution during multi-pass friction stir processed AA5083 Materials Letters 288 129382 2021
D Sunilkumar, S Muthukumaran, M Vasudevan, G Madhusudan Reddy Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Relationship of Friction Stir- and A-GTA-Welded 9Cr-1Mo to 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30 1221-1233 2021
KT Thilagham, D Sunilkumar, S Muthukumaran EBSD Study on Two Modes of Metal Flow Transfer in Friction Stir Weldment Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 74 331-339 2021
KT Thilagham, S Muthukumaran EBSD Results of Material Flow and Microstructural Changes Around Tool Pin for the Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded AA6082-T6 and AA7075-T651 Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 73 2415-2424 2020
D Sunilkumar, J Mathew, S Muthukumaran, M Vasudevan Friction Stir Welding of 2.25 Cr–1Mo Steel to AISI 316LN Stainless Steel Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 73 1689-1693 2020
D Sunilkumar, S Muthukumaran, M Vasudevan, MG Reddy Effect of friction stir and activated-GTA welding processes on the 9Cr–1Mo steel to 316LN stainless steel dissimilar weld joints Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 25(4) 311-319 2020
V Deepesh, VP Amal, S Muthukumaran, D Sastikumar Studies on the role of total welding rotation in friction welding of tube-to-tube plate using an external tool Journal of Manufacturing Processes 53 110-122 2020
K Tejonadha Babu, S Muthukumaran, C Sathiya Narayanan, ... Analysis And Characterization Of Forming Behavior On Dissimilar Joints Of Aa5052-O To Aa6061-T6 Using Underwater Friction Stir Welding Surface Review and Letters 27(3) 1950121 2020
RD Kumar, S Muthukumaran, T Venkateswaran, V Xavier, D Sivakumar Failure Analysis And Process Parameter Influence On Mechanical And Metallurgical Behavior Of Friction Stir Welded Aa2219-T87 Joints Surface Review and Letters 27(2) 1950107 2020
R Dinesh Kumar, MS Ilhar Ul Hassan, S Muthukumaran, T Venkateswaran, D Sivakumar Single and Multi-Response Optimization and Validation of Mechanical Properties in Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded AA2219-T87 and AA7075-T73 Alloys Using T-GRA Experimental Techniques 43(3) 245-259 2019
R Nandhini, RD Kumar, S Muthukumaran, S Kumaran Analysis of Mechanical and Crystalline Characteristics of Polyamide 66 Joints Welded by a Novel Friction Stir Welding Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44(9) 7399-7405 2019
VKS Jain, J Varghese, S Muthukumaran Effect of first and second passes on microstructure and wear properties of titanium dioxide-reinforced aluminum surface composite via friction stir processing Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44(2) 949-957 2019
Dinesh Kumar R, S.Muthukumaran, Vincent Xavier, T.Venkateswaran, D.Sivakumar Investigation of weld parameters on ductility, fracture behavior and metal flow of friction stir welded AA2219-T87 alloy Journal of Central South University 26(9) 2318-2327 2019
A Vallimanalan, SPK Babu, S Muthukumaran, M Murali, R Mahendran, ... Synthesis, characterisation and erosion behaviour of AlCoCrMoNi high entropy alloy coating Materials Research Express 6(11) 116543 2019
DK Rajendran, GB Kannan, S Muthukumaran Investigation on the Mechanical and Wear Properties of Aluminium–Magnesium Bimetallic Composite Fabricated by Friction Stir Processing Technique Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 71 (5) 1247-1255 2018
VKS Jain, PM Muhammed, S Muthukumaran, SPK Babu Microstructure, Mechanical and Sliding Wear Behavior of AA5083–B4C/SiC/TiC Surface Composites Fabricated Using Friction Stir Processing Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 71(6) 1519-1529 2018
R Nandhini, M Kesava Moorthy, S Muthukumaran Effect of Welding Parameters on Microstructure and Tensile Strength of Friction Stir Welded PA 6, 6 Joints International Polymer Processing 32 (4) 416-424 2017
M Mahadeva Swamy, S Muthukumaran, K Kiran A Study on Friction Stir Multi Spot Welding Techniques to Join Commercial Pure Aluminum and Mild Steel Sheets Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 70(5) 1221-1232 2017
R Nandhini, MK Moorthy, S Muthukumaran Effect of Welding Parameters on Microstructure and Tensile Strength of Friction Stir Welded PA 6, 6 Joints International Polymer Processing 32 (4) 416-424 2017
C. Maxwell Rejil, C. Sharan, S. Muthukumaran, M. Vasudevan Influence of flash trap profiles on joint properties of friction welded CP-Ti tube to 304L stainless steel tube plate using external tool Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 26 2067−2078 2016
S. Venukumar, S. G. Yalagi, S. Muthukumaran S. V. Kailas Static shear strength and fatigue life of refill friction stir spot welded AA 6061-T6 sheets Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 19 (3) 214-223 2014
S. Venukumar, S.Muthukumaran, SwaroopYalagi, Satish V. Kailas Failure modes and Fatigue behavior of conventional and Refilled Friction Stir Spot welds in AA 6061-T6 sheets International Journal of Fatigue 61 93-100 2014
A Pradeep, S.Muthukumaran, PR Dhanush, Sub shoulder formation during friction stir welding of steel using tungsten alloy tool Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 18 (8) 671-679 2014
V.V.Narayanareddy, M Vasudevan, S.Muthukumaran, KC Ganesh, N.Chandrasekhar, P.Vasantaraja Finite Element Modeling of TIG Welding of Aisi 304l Stainless Steel and Experimental Validation Applied Mechanics and Materials 592 368-373 2014
S. SenthilKumaran, S.Muthukumaran, C. Chandrasekhar Reddy Effect of tube preparations on joint strength in Friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool process Experimental Techniques 37 (3) 24-32 2013
S. SenthilKumaran, S.Muthukumaran, C.Chandrasekhar Reddy Suitability of friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool process for different tube diameters- a study Experimental Techniques 37 (6) 41852 2013
S.Venukumar, SwaroopYalagi, S.Muthukumaran Comparison of Microstructure and MechanicalProperties of Conventional and Refilled Friction Stir Spot Welds in AA 6061-T6 using Filler Plate Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 23 (10) 2833-2842 2013
A. Pradeep, S.Muthukumaran, P.R. Dhanush, T. Nakkeran A Study on Friction Stir Welding of Low Alloy Steel by using a Tool with Conical Pin International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 8 132-137 2013
V. Balaji, S.Muthukumaran, S. SenthilKumaran, A. Pradeep Optimization of friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool with filler plate Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 21 (7) 1199-1204 2012
S. SenthilKumaran, S. Muthukumaran S. Vinodh Optimization of friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool by hybrid approach Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509(6) 2758-2769 2011
S. SenthilKumaran, S. Muthukumaran S. Vinodh Optimization of friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool by Taquchi method and Genetic algorithm International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 57(1-4) 167-182 2011
S.Muthukumaran, S. SenthilKumaran, Saket Kumar Friction welding of Cu-tube to Al- tube plate using an external tool Transaction of Indian Institute of Metals 64(3) 255-260 2011
C. Vijaya Kumar, S.Muthukumaran, A. Pradeep, S.SenthilKumaran Optimization of friction welding of steel tube to commercial aluminum tube plate using an external tool International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 6 (2) 300-306 2011
John Prakash S, Muthukumaran S Refilling probe hole of friction spot joints by friction forming Materials and Manufacturing Process 26(12) 1539-1545 2011
S. SenthilKumaran, S. Muthukumaran, D.Venkateswarlu, G.K.Balaji S.Vinodh Eco – Friendly aspects associated with Friction Welding of Tube to tube Plate using an External Tool process International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 5 (2) 120-127 2011
S.Muthukumaran, Kumar Pallav, Vikas Kumar Pandey, S. K. Mukherjee A Study on Electromagnetic Properties during Friction Stir Weld Failure International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 36 249-253 2008
Preetish Sinha, S Muthukumaran, R.SivakumarS.K.Mukherjee Condition monitoring of first mode of metal transfer in friction stir welding by image processing techniques International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 36 484-489 2008
Preetish Sinha, S.Muthukumaran S. K. Mukherjee Analysis of first mode of metal transfer by image processing technique Journal of Material Processing Technology 197 17-21 2008
S.Muthukumaran, S. K. Mukherjee Multilayered metal flow and formation of concentric ring pattern in friction stir welding process International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 38 68-73 2008
R.P. Dobriyal , B.K. Dhindawa, S. Muthukumaran S.K. Mukherjee Microstructure and properties of friction stir butt-welded AE42 magnesium alloy Materials Science and Engineering A 477 243-249 2008
S. SenthilKumaran, S. Muthukumaran S. Vinodh Optimization of friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool Structural and Multidisciplinary optimization 42(3) 449-457 2008
S.Muthukumaran, S. K. Mukherjee Two modes of metal flow phenomenon in friction stir welding Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 11 337-340 2006

Papers published in Conferences:

Author(s) Title of the Proceedings Page numbers Conference Theme Venue Year
Senthil Kumaran.S S. Muthukumaran S. Vinodh Taguchi method and Genetic algorithm based optimization of FWTPET process parameters 113-117 International conference on Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering NIT, Suratkal 2010
Senthil Kumaran.S S. Muthukumaran An investigation of tube preparation on joint strength in friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool process 230 International Welding Symposium, IWS2k10 Mumbai 2010
Senthil Kumaran.S S. Muthukumaran Fine-grained obtained during friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool process 154-155 Multi-Functional Materials and Structures South Korea 2010
Senthil Kumaran.S S. Muthukumaran Interfacial Microstructure And Strength Of Friction Welding Of Steel Tube To Aluminium Tube Plate Using An External Tool   International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology   2011
S. Muthukumaran Friction Stir Spot Welding of Al alloys with Refilling Technique - A Study   International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology   2011
S. Venukumar, S. Muthukumaran Novel Approach to Refill Probe hole in Friction Stir Spot Welding of AA6061-T6 sheets   1st International Joint Symposium on Joining and Welding Osaka Japan 2013
Athul, S. Venukumar, S. Muthukumaran Friction welding of Cu-tube to Al-tube plate using an external tool by threaded tube interference method   1st International Joint Symposium on Joining and Welding Osaka Japan 2013
A. Pradeep, S. Muthukumaran Two modes of metal transfer phenomenon in Friction Stir welding of low alloy steel plates   1st International Joint Symposium on Joining and Welding Osaka Japan 2013
S. Venukumar, S. Muthukumaran Effect of tool geometry on the mechanical and metallurgical properties of Friction stir spot welding of AA6061-T6 sheets   Advances in Welding Science and Technology Puduc-herry 2013
S. Venukumar, S. Muthukumaran Microstructure and Mechanical properties of Walking Friction Stir Spot Welding of commercial pure Magnesium   International Conference on Engineering Materials and Processes Chennai 2013
S. Muthukumaran Friction welding of Cu-tube to Al-tube plate using an external tool by threaded tube interference method   International Joint Symposium on Joining and Welding (IJS-JW)   2013
A. Pradeep, S. Muthukumaran, P.R. Dhanush A Study on tool wears during friction stir welding of steel   National Conference on Advances in Naval Materials NIOT, Chenn-ai 2013
C. Alex Chacko , C. Maxwell Rejil , C. Sharan, S. Muthukumaran Friction Welding Of Stainless Steel Tube To Mild Steel Tube Plate Using An External Tool   International Conference on Friction based Processing (ICFP 2014) IISc, Bangal-ore 2014
M. Mahadeva Swamy, Rajeev, S. Muthukumaran Modified Friction Stir Spot Welding Of Aluminium With Steel Using SiC Reinforcement   International Conference on Friction based Processing (ICFP 2014) IISc, Bangal-ore 2014
K.Tejonadha Babu Kranthi Kumar S.Muthukumaran Comparative Study of Microstructure and Mechanical properties of AA5052 and AA6061 aluminium alloys welded by TIG and friction stir welding processes   International Conference on Friction based Processing (ICFP 2014) IISc, Bangal-ore 2014
Dinesh Kumar R, S.Muthukumaran, T.Venkateswaran, D.Sivakumar Multi-Response Optimization of Friction Stir Welded AA2219-T87 by Taguchi -Grey Relation Analysis and Metallurgical Inferences   International Conference On Recent Innovations In Production Engineering Madras Institute of Technology 2017
Vikram Kumar S Jain, S.Muthukumran Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Microstructure and Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Al/TiO2 Composite   International Conference On Recent Innovations In Production Engineering Madras Institute of Technology 2017
M.Sarfudeen, R.pradnyesh Prabhu and S.Muthukumaran Scale down approach to solve distortion problem in case of wind turbine tower fabrication   International Conference On Recent Innovations In Production Engineering Madras Institute of Technology 2017
Dinesh Kumar R, S.Muthukumaran, T.Venkateswaran, Vincent Xavier, D.Sivakumar Effect of tool shoulder profile on mechanical and metallurgical properties of dissimilar friction stir welded AA6061-AA7075   International Conference on Advanced materials and manufacturing Processes for strategic sectors ICAMPS -IIM ISR Trivandrum O- 2018
Dinesh Kumar R, Ganesa Balamurugan K, S.Muthukumaran A Study on the Effect of Process Parameters on Mechanical Property of Friction Stir Additive Manufactured Al 1000 plates   International Conference on Contemporary Design and Analysis of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Systems- NIT Trichy 2018
Nandhini R, Dinesh Kumar R, S.Muthukumaran, S.Kumaran Tribological Behaviour of Friction Stir Processed Glass Fiber Reinforced (GFR) Polyamide 66 Composite   International Conference on Contemporary Design and Analysis of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Systems NIT Trichy 2018
U Das, R Das, V Toppo, S Muthukumaran Metallurgical Characterization and Hardness Evaluation of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded Al Alloy Flat Plates   IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering   2018
U Das, R Das, V Toppo, S Muthukumaran Experimental Study on Tensile and Bending Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Butt Joints of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys 4717-4723 Materials Today: Proceedings NIT Trichy 2019
V Deepesh, AV Purushothaman, S Muthukumaran, D Sastikumar Application of advanced volumetric non-destructive evaluation methods for the analysis of friction welded tube-to-tube plates using an external tool 2218-222 Materials Today: Proceedings NIT Trichy 2020
V Deepesh, AV Purushothaman, S Muthukumaran, D Sastikumar Visual inspection and microhardness based studies of friction welding of tube to tube plate using an external tool 2286-2292 Materials Today: Proceedings NIT Trichy 2020
KT Thilagham, S Muthukumaran Process parameter optimization and characterization studies of dissimilar friction stir welded advancing side AA6082-T6 with retreating side AA2014-T87 2513-2519 Materials Today: Proceedings NIT Trichy 2020
M Sarfudeen, S Muthukumaran Effect of cold wire addition on improvement in productivity by submerged arc welding in wind turbine tower fabrication 2699-2702 Materials Today: Proceedings NIT Trichy 2020
A Vallimanalan, SPK Babu, S Muthukumaran, M Murali, V Gaurav, Corrosion behaviour of thermally sprayed Mo added AlCoCrNi high entropy alloy coating 2398-2400 Materials Today: Proceedings NIT Trichy 2020

Collaboration with Research Laboratories/Institutions

  1. Welding Research Institute (WRI), BHEL, Trichy
  2. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Bangalore.
  3. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam.
  4. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), New Delhi.
  5. Naval Research Board (NRB), New Delhi.
  6. University of Leicester, London, UK.
  7. Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.

Projects & Patents:

Sl. No Title of Project Funding Agency Duration Amount in Rs Status
From To Ongoing/ Completed
1 Friction stir welding of high strength materials using double shouldered tool. (Carried out as a PI) NRB, DRDO, New Delhi 2011 2013 19,04,000/- Completed
2 Friction welding of tube to tube sheet or plate by adopting an external tool (Carried out as a PI) UGC- DAE Consortium 2012 2014 7,00,000/- Completed
3 Friction stir welding of aluminium alloys for aerospace applications (Carried out as a PI) VSSC 2015 2018 21,93,000/- Completed
4 Application of Multi-Scale Modelling for Dissimilar Welding and Improving Graduate Employability in India through e-Learning (Carried out as a PI) Royal Academy, London 2015 2018 50,000 £ Completed
5 Dissimilar Plates Lap Joint Fabrication NRC-M 2012 2014 60,000/- Completed
6 Development Of Black Zinc-Nickel Coating As A Replacement To Cadmium Coatings Used In Aerospace And Defence Applications (Carried out as a co-PI) DST 2016 2018 17,50,000/- Completed
7 Structural Integrity evaluation studies on high speed transmission shaft for turbo engine application. (Carried out as a co-PI) GTRE 2013 2015 49,00,000/- Completed

Patents Granted:

  1. Title: “Friction welding of tube to tube sheet or plate by adopting an external tool” Inventor Name: S. Muthukumaran, Patent No. 217446
  2. Title: “An improved tool device adaptable to typical milling machine for carrying out friction stir welding procedure and a process thereof”, Inventors Name: S. Muthukumaran and S. K. Mukherjee, Patent No. 238121
  3. Title: "An improved friction forming process and a friction forming machine with a tool and fixture" is in the order for grant”, Name of the Inventor: S. Muthukumaran, Patent No. 242420
  4. Title: Forced cooling friction stir welding tool and method thereof”, Inventors Name: S. Muthukumaran, Patent No. 418337
  5. Title: An elastoplastic deformation processing, tool and method thereof”, Inventors Name: S. Muthukumaran, Patent No. 489977
  6. Title: Double shoulder friction stir processing tool for coating applications”, Inventors Name: S. Muthukumaran, Patent No. 460219
  7. Title: Friction welding of tube to tube using a guide tool tool”, Inventors Name: S. Muthukumaran, Patent No. 433806
  8. Title: Self-sealing type friction brazing/soldering of tube to tube plate using an external tool”, Inventors Name: S. Muthukumaran, Patent No. 489168

Patents Pending:

  1. Title: “Membrane for drinking water harvesting from atmospheric air”, S. Muthukumaran and G. Arthanareeswaran, Application No. 201741039055, dated 02-11-2017.
  2. Title: “A system for rescue operations” Inventor Name: S. Muthukumaran, Application number. 202141043383, Filing Date-24/10/2021
  3. Title: “Multipurpose rescue furniture and method thereof” Inventor Name: S. Muthukumaran, Application number. 202141017538, Filing Date- 15/04/2021
  4. Title: “Durable, cost-effective and efficient membrane for harvesting drinking water from atmospheric air and methods thereof” Inventor Name: S. Muthukumaran, Application number. 201741039055, Filing Date- 02/11/2017
  5. Title: “Method of joining plates in a lap configuration” Inventor Name: S. Muthukumaran, Application number. 3073/CHE/2011, Filing Date- 07/09/2011
  6. Title: “Method of joining dissimilar materials” Inventor Name: S. Muthukumaran, Application number. 2646/CHE/2010, Filing Date- 09/09/2010